Official Houston Rockets Off-Season Welcome Marcus, Motiejunas, and Flynn

The Rockets are rebuilding anyways, so he won't be the coach that coaches the team to the championship. He just needs to let Morey do his job and it'll be okay... I wanted Casey or Elie. 
The Rockets are rebuilding anyways, so he won't be the coach that coaches the team to the championship. He just needs to let Morey do his job and it'll be okay... I wanted Casey or Elie. 
So we got Marcus Morris, Flynn, Motiejunas and we're able to get out of Brad Miller's contract.

-Morey has to be making a move soon.
-And is anyone else unsure of how smooth Marcus can make the transition to the 3? I know he can hit the mid range shot but I've rarely seen him off the bounce.
-I don't know anything about Motiejunas.
-And every Minny fan on here seems to hate Flynn but granted I've never really seen him play.
So we got Marcus Morris, Flynn, Motiejunas and we're able to get out of Brad Miller's contract.

-Morey has to be making a move soon.
-And is anyone else unsure of how smooth Marcus can make the transition to the 3? I know he can hit the mid range shot but I've rarely seen him off the bounce.
-I don't know anything about Motiejunas.
-And every Minny fan on here seems to hate Flynn but granted I've never really seen him play.
I don't hate Flynn I thought his rookie year he was decent last year he just never knew how to come back from injury and come off the bench. Interesting with Lowry and Flynn there if Flynn is 100% he can be a decent player.
I don't hate Flynn I thought his rookie year he was decent last year he just never knew how to come back from injury and come off the bench. Interesting with Lowry and Flynn there if Flynn is 100% he can be a decent player.
JPZ does

But it looks like we're already shopping him
STEIN_LINE_HQ Marc Stein sources: Houston making newly acquired PG Jonny Flynn available to interested teams. Wolves shopped Flynn liberally before draft
JPZ does

But it looks like we're already shopping him
STEIN_LINE_HQ Marc Stein sources: Houston making newly acquired PG Jonny Flynn available to interested teams. Wolves shopped Flynn liberally before draft
Is that trade confirmed? It was good to get rid of Miller's contract now that the Rockets no longer need him. Flynn pretty much replaces Brooks if he doesn't get traded. But still got Dragic too.

Unsure about the draft pick, but can't expect too much in this draft.
Is that trade confirmed? It was good to get rid of Miller's contract now that the Rockets no longer need him. Flynn pretty much replaces Brooks if he doesn't get traded. But still got Dragic too.

Unsure about the draft pick, but can't expect too much in this draft.
had no idea this thread existed. now i feel home

morey has been collecting trade assets for quite sometime now, and i thought something big was gonna happen. now im waiting and wondering what the $%^& is going on
had no idea this thread existed. now i feel home

morey has been collecting trade assets for quite sometime now, and i thought something big was gonna happen. now im waiting and wondering what the $%^& is going on
Kinda happy with todays draft. Not sure how Morris is gonna fit into the 3 spot though.
Kinda happy with todays draft. Not sure how Morris is gonna fit into the 3 spot though.
Go away Aggie, i kid 

Nicedude the trades looks to be official, at least that's what I read on Houston Chronicle's website.

And Morey has yet to turn those assets into a big deal, what he's looking for is a superstar but how many are really out there? Dwight and CP3 would be my
first choices but I doubt they want to play here or that their current teams want to trade them.
Go away Aggie, i kid 

Nicedude the trades looks to be official, at least that's what I read on Houston Chronicle's website.

And Morey has yet to turn those assets into a big deal, what he's looking for is a superstar but how many are really out there? Dwight and CP3 would be my
first choices but I doubt they want to play here or that their current teams want to trade them.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Go away Aggie, i kid 

Nicedude the trades looks to be official, at least that's what I read on Houston Chronicle's website.

And Morey has yet to turn those assets into a big deal, what he's looking for is a superstar but how many are really out there? Dwight and CP3 would be my
first choices but I doubt they want to play here or that their current teams want to trade them.
cmon now! can't we unite as rockets fans? if it means anything, i as an aggie student, was actively rooting for the rockets to draft jordan hamilton.
Originally Posted by blackxme

Go away Aggie, i kid 

Nicedude the trades looks to be official, at least that's what I read on Houston Chronicle's website.

And Morey has yet to turn those assets into a big deal, what he's looking for is a superstar but how many are really out there? Dwight and CP3 would be my
first choices but I doubt they want to play here or that their current teams want to trade them.
cmon now! can't we unite as rockets fans? if it means anything, i as an aggie student, was actively rooting for the rockets to draft jordan hamilton.
Any Rocket fan on NT is cool in my book no matter the school they attend/attended.

And I sure as hell didn't want Jordan, dude just doesn't seem to get it sometimes.
Any Rocket fan on NT is cool in my book no matter the school they attend/attended.

And I sure as hell didn't want Jordan, dude just doesn't seem to get it sometimes.
Stock piling 2009 draftees, because after next season, no longer guaranteed money, and the Rockets can decline the team option on all of them and wipe their contracts off the books.
Stock piling 2009 draftees, because after next season, no longer guaranteed money, and the Rockets can decline the team option on all of them and wipe their contracts off the books.
I also see what Morey is doing Franchise. Those contracts will be like14 million off the books and we can go get a big free agent. Morey you son of a !#$#%.
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