Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

[h1]Android 2.2 (Froyo) Shows up on HTC Hero[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 23-May-10 | 0 Comments


Probably by next week the development community will have ported Froyo to every Android device every released (well, not really). There is news out of XDA that for those that are brave, you can try Froyo unofficially on your Sprint HTC Hero with most phone functions operational. If you give it a try, let us know how it works!
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I wonder if XDA will have Froyo up and running before Sprint does for the Evo 4G

Probably so. I do know that time is going as slow as possible for the 4th to get here lol.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I wonder if XDA will have Froyo up and running before Sprint does for the Evo 4G

They will, they always do
They put in serious work over there, truly appreciated
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

CWrite78 wrote:

Stay Lurkin wrote:

Can some shed some light on "rooting"

it's basically jailbreaking.

you can load custom roms, install apps that need the phone to be rooted (wifi hot spot for one)

and ninjahood is right, megapixels don't matter if the sensor is crap.
So will this be available for the EVO right out the box?


rooting? probably not. but give it a week or two and they'll root it.
Sold my Telus Moto Milestone/Droid last week and got my N1 in on Friday. After messing with froyo (more specifically flash 10.1) all day yesterday, flash is still not ready for mobile devices. Froyo is dope though. I love everything about it. Trying to convince my girl to leave bb to get an Evo 4g so I can mess with it.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by STOPIT5

Originally Posted by CWrite78

yeah i know that, just wanted to make sure about the weight. thanks! how are you liking it so far? still not sure if im going to pre-order since im trying to finish building my PC first and this will take away from the stuff i still need to purchase
.. but then again, i can always put it on the account
Whats the current specs on that pc and what you looking to buy ?

Intel i5-750
asus maximus formula 3
corsair 4GB MS3
corsair h50 CPU cooler (push/pull config with 2 gentle typhoon fans)
asus radeon HD 5870
1TB Caviar Black (thinking about going with an SSD for the boot drive and WD for storage)
Corsair HX650 650w PSU
scythe kazemaster ace fan controller
windows 7 home premium OEM
(i think that's it lol)

all in a coolermaster HAF 932.

all i really need is the GPU, which is 430 -.-

but yeah, i think i'll just put the phone on the account and pay it later. i can't stall this PC anymore

I just did the 2nd half of my PC not too long ago.

Right now I have

Intel i7-920
asus P6T
corsair 6GB DDR3 1600
prolimatech megahalems rev b + 2 gentle typhoon fans1850rpm fans.
Nvidia 8400 Gs (Temporary for now, going to get Nvidia GTX 480 soon)
2x 300gb Velociraptors (Kinda mad the 6gb/s 600gb velociraptors came out soon after)
Kingwin Lazer Lz-1000 - 1000w PSU
Windows 7 home Enterprise - Got it for free through hook up

I'm looking to get a hardware raid that supports 6GB/s sata drives and compatible with snow leopard so I can have the luxury of windows and mac through hardware raid instead of that software crap.

But I built this in 2 steps, first part last year around this time through tax returns, this year I saved up.

The Case I got is a Lian Li  PC-V1000z
yeah i was going to go for an i7 build, but was told it was an overkill.. plus i had a budget.

what im thinking of next is going with a SSD for bootdrive, velociraptor for games/apps and 1TB caviar black for media/storage.

should last me a year before it all becomes old. maybe i'll do an i7 next time

have you OC'd? reading up on it, trying to learn as much as i can before i give it a try. think you can push an i5 to 3.6mhz
[h1]Video: Android 2.2 (Froyo) Web Browser Speed Test and Comparison[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 23-May-10 | 9 Comments


According to Google, the web browser in Froyo beats every other mobile browser available right now. That's a lofty claim, and in this video, we put Froyo up against Safari on the iPhone and Opera Mobile 10 on the HD2. The results? You'll have to view the video to find out!

We also talk about Flash 10.1 Beta and show some sites utilizing the new ability. Don't forget that if you're running Froyo and want to run Flash, you must download Flash 10.1 beta from the Market.

is the Evo 4g really worth getting....does it have potential to be better than a iphone?

i got the sprint instinct when it came out as a sub for the iphone....and man was i dissapointed....cant wait to trade it in
Originally Posted by Beast4ya


is the Evo 4g really worth getting....does it have potential to be better than a iphone?

i got the sprint instinct when it came out as a sub for the iphone....and man was i dissapointed....cant wait to trade it in


the ONLY thing the iphone has over android is the app market.

BUT, android lets you install apps outside of the android market without having to root.

it truly is the better platform (outside of webOS) IMO.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Beast4ya


is the Evo 4g really worth getting....does it have potential to be better than a iphone?

i got the sprint instinct when it came out as a sub for the iphone....and man was i dissapointed....cant wait to trade it in


the ONLY thing the iphone has over android is the app market.

BUT, android lets you install apps outside of the android market without having to root.

it truly is the better platform (outside of webOS) IMO.
so you agree that this phone will be around for a while and wont die a month after release
ie Sprint Instinct
it'll be nothing like the instinct.

android is a great platform.

instinct was running w/e feature phone OS samsung made up. it wasn't a true smartphone.

so yes, it'll be good for awhile. especially if HTC keeps up with android releases
Originally Posted by NKEAIR

ninjahood said:
Originally Posted by MisterP0315

I'm on that $30/month SERO plan and Sprint is. not. budging. with offering a plan different from what we would see on

They are wack for that %%*%. I am not dropping 40 MORE a month because of one nice phone...which will SOMEHOW be obsolete within a year.
fams your argument is flawed and i'll tell you why.

so people who got free bootleg cable for decades in NYC aren't posed to pay more for cable now just because we got digital cable with 1080P now? y

that sero plan is looking like a jail cell...sounds like they never gonna give ya good phones till ya come off that your phones are gonna look like da stone age da longer you

keep waiting.

yeah, sprint has no reason to cater to you SERO users really

i remember SPRINT stated that they are losing money with SERO plans, so if you guys were to go off it and lets say to go to another carrier, it would seem like they wont mind

I know they wouldn't. No worries. I have a plan to get on a similar plan for 40 a month. Employee codes FTW
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by Beast4ya


is the Evo 4g really worth getting....does it have potential to be better than a iphone?

i got the sprint instinct when it came out as a sub for the iphone....and man was i dissapointed....cant wait to trade it in


the ONLY thing the iphone has over android is the app market.

BUT, android lets you install apps outside of the android market without having to root.

it truly is the better platform (outside of webOS) IMO.
Just check out the Incredible vs Iphone 3GS part 1&2 on youtube. The reviewer does a VERY good job of breaking the two phones down. And from what you can actually see, the incredible is flat out better. Hands down. It basically beats the Iphone in every category. I think the only thing that the Iphone is better at is predictive text. And it is only a little bit better.  Since the EVO is going to be better or as good as the incredible I would say yes,.... the EVO is worth it

any android phone coming out for AT&T? my contract is up in nov but i can upgrade in july is really catching my attention ....
Originally Posted by i3allistic

any android phone coming out for AT&T? my contract is up in nov but i can upgrade in july is really catching my attention ....
The HTC Desire looks dope.  It's basically the Nexus One, but instead of the trackball, there's a sensor pad.  I wish that phone was going to T-Mobile
Originally Posted by i3allistic

any android phone coming out for AT&T? my contract is up in nov but i can upgrade in july is really catching my attention ....

Yes this summer from what I hear. Don't get the Dell Aero. I'm not sure what HTC phones AT&T will be getting but there is a slider phone that I believe they will get and another HTC phone.
quick question. if i root will i have to wipe it to factory?

i've had it with my g1 so i'm just gonna root it to 2.1 and see if it gets better while i'm waitin for tmo to come out with something else.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by ninjahood

yo im on da worldstar home screen and all da flash ads at da top are playin, all 4 videos can be seen FROM DA TITLE SCREEN. and play right there..pssh..nothing is seeing

my nexus one right now...nada

i gotta film this and post it here this is epic

son made hype

Naw forreal tho I think ima pass on the Evo and stick with Tmobile and get the Nexus One when they become subsidized at the Tmobile store in a few weeks.
is this confirmed?
that would  be amazing. i haven't heard anything but Ive been on vacation for a week and I usually find info online before work anyway
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