Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Does anyone know how to make the phone check your email continuously instead of every 5 minutes or 10 minutes?
Originally Posted by Cuttino05

Does anyone know how to make the phone check your email continuously instead of every 5 minutes or 10 minutes?
It only works for Hotmail since it's the only client with that option. Now if u download a 3rd party app, if they have one for it, then u can do it. If not, just send/receive whenever u wanna check for new mail
[h1]HTC Sense UI Themes and Tweaks[/h1]
File under: News

By: Anton D. Nagy | Date: 27-Mar-10 | 10 Comments


Sense UI is the latest generation of HTC's custom built User Interface running on top of the Operating System and spreading deep inside it. You'll probably be spending most of your time in Sense, so customizing it to your liking is a thing you'll want to do. This guide is for Windows Phones running Sense like the HD2, Touch Pro2, Diamond2, Touch HD, and more.

By default, you can do very little to the User Interface. You can change the Home Tab wallpaper to an image of your liking but that will only be for the Home Tab and not for the rest of Sense. You can add or remove Home screen tabs, add, remove or rearrange Quick Links and that's pretty much it. We'll further show you how to customize Sense to your liking so that it suits your needs and stands out from the rest.

Basic Customizations Methods (Beginner)
1. Sense-wide Wallpaper:
In order to apply a wallpaper to all of Sense's tabs, you will need an application called HDWall, which is a high resolution wallpaper editor application for your PC. With HDWall, you can create custom installable CABs with wallpapers of your choice that once applied, will be available throughout Sense. One other advantage to this app is that it will create nice and sharp backgrounds, so you no longer need to worry about Sense's automatic blurring for the wallapapers.

2. High Quality Wallpaper Patch
Once here, it is a good idea to install the High Quality Wallpaper Patch which basically makes the taskbar and bottom soft key bar part of the wallpaper by blending it in and skinning it with the top and bottom parts of the backround. Make sure you install the file matching your Sense version (Settings Tab, About phone, Software Information, Manila version).

Tip: For consistent looks, you can choose the same wallpaper as a background for the Lock screen and Start Menu.


3. Make Components Transparent
At this point, you might be annoyed by the fact that some Sense components are still unchanged and the gray has a bad influence on overall aspect (ie: slider, calendar background, curtain, etc.) so you might want to install a Transparent Slider and make your Calendar's background go away.

The ultimate resources for further Sense customization are two XDA Developers threads for Sense 2.5 tweaks & mods Part 1 and Part 2 where you can find several CABs that will remove top curtain, make your clock opaque or transparent, make music tab controls transparent and many others.


Advanced Customization with Max Manila (Intermediate)
Max Manila is a completely customized layout for Sense, giving you the ability to customize it to your liking. Again, make sure you install the proper file according to your Sense version.

Max Manila has lots of features with which you can experiment, from full screen mode, eight custom clocks, multiple shortcuts (12, 16 and 20) to three wallpaper modes, transparent slider, landscape support and rotation animation.

All the customizations can be changed from within Max Manila itself and you can access the settings page by swiping your finger top to bottom. Here you can customize Wallpaper, Call History, Calendar, Slider, Alert, Weather, Shortcuts, Fullscreen, Clock, Rotation and many more settings.

Your Home tab can have two layouts: a Normal one and a Full screen version. The Normal layout is pretty much the same as your stock Sense, with the taskbar and soft button bars visible. Full screen mode needs no explanation, it will hide your taskbar and bottom soft button bar, maximizing the Home tab. Both of these layouts have corresponding predefined touch zones for quick access to let's say Contacts or Settings tab in Normal mode and Start Menu and Lock screen in Full screen mode.

Using Max Manila will allow you to quickly change the type of clock displayed on your Home tab by a simple tap, cycling through the eight featured clock types.

For another look of Max Manila read our post and for a complete list and description of each setting and feature, please visit its XDA Developers thread. It's huge!


Advanced Customization with Co0kie's Home Tab and Co0kie's Home Tab Editor (Advanced)
1. Co0kie's Home Tab
Co0kie's Home Tab is a Manila modification which basically adds the following goodies: Home tab with 4 views and lots of options, extended Quick Links, extended Appointments, an optional Call History button, configurable links (for Alarm, Calendar, Call History, Date, Weather, Clock) and four animation levels.

The Home tab can show three, four or five Quick Links, but this is a tricky one: your Home tab will actually get three subsequent pages, which can all hold up to 25 links each, with a combined total of 75 shortcuts. Do you have that many? On the top right part of your screen, right on the curtain, you will have a graphical display (two gray lines and a white one) of what sub-tab of the three you are currently in.


Tha Calendar can show Appointments for the upcoming whole month, with a total of five Appointment slots available for displaying at the same time. Depending on the size of your main Quick Links (three, four or five) you can uncover the rest of the Appointments by swiping the Quick Links down, which will hide them so you are only presented with the Calendar events. In the same manner, swiping the Calendar up will show less Appointments and another swipe up will bring you the quick links. Swipe left or right in your Quick Links (according to the sub-tab you're in - check visuals on top right) and your other set of links will be displayed.

Adding or Removing Quick Links is easy and it's almost the same as default but those running older Sense versions now have the ability of Tapping, Holding and Dragging to quickly rearrange icons.

2. Co0kie's Home Tab Editor
Co0kie's Home Tab Editor is a life saver! Initially, all of Co0kie's Home Tab settings needed to be changed via Registry Edits. This was a killer! With Co0kie's Home Tab Editor, you can customize all the settings in a centralized screen where you can apply several simultaneously, saving you lots of trouble and time.

Settings are displayed in groups: in Quick links layout you can choose between four display types for 3x3, 4x4, 5x4 and 5x5 icons. Then in the Animation level section you can choose between None, Simple, Optimized and Original. Call history and Calendar can be both set up Always hide, Always show or Auto hide (I use the last one, which will make them only appear when needed).

Your Program selector screen can be a List, a four column or a five column grid while one group below you can set the number of future days for which the Appointments are displayed on your Home tab. The total number of Quick Link sub-tabs which can be displayed is three but if you don't need that many you can customize the number to two or one and you also set which page of Quick Links to be opened first by default, first, second or third.


Is the Miscellaneous settings group you can experiment with small changes for hiding texts on shortcuts, hiding the shortcut text background, hide empty shortcuts, etc., they're pretty straightforward and self explanatory.

The last group, called Applications, is where you can customize what application runs when you tap on the Alarm, Calendar, Call History, Clock, Date and Weather.

Don't forget to Apply changes before you Exit. Co0kie's Home Tab Editor also allows you to Restore defaults or Export your settings for quick Import. This way you can have several layouts set up and quickly switch between them.


Above you have a short take on a few Sense UI customizations you can apply to your device, a good starting point in your journey and remember, we all use our devices differently, run different programs and have different tastes but with these tools you can really make the device your own!

[h1]Marketplace Pick: Mobile Translator[/h1]
File under: News

By: Daniel Webster | Date: 26-Mar-10 | 2 Comments


Mobile Translator is a free application on Windows Mobile Marketplace that is capable of translating many different languages. The program utilizes the Bing translator service to provide a bi-direction translation of languages such as: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Haitian Creole, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Thai. Some languages require a matching Unicode font be installed to properly render that character set.
Originally Posted by Cuttino05

Does anyone know how to make the phone check your email continuously instead of every 5 minutes or 10 minutes?

E-Mail tab > Menu > Account Settings > Outlook > next > next > Advanced Settings > Peak Time - As Items Arrive > Non-peak time - up to you > Done > Done

ActiveSync should then pop up and start syncing.

If you don't have your e-mail set up through Outlook/ActiveSync:

Looking for Pandora? or

Try the PandoraVGA with regs .cab.  If you can't tell what the problem is (one of two actually), let me point out that the VGA in the name is because it's a version of Pandora made to work on devices using that screen resolution.  So, you won't be able to change stations while driving, but you should have no problem changing stations using your finger nail or stylus.  Strike that, just realized you guys have a capacitive screen now.  Give it a shot, not sure how it'll work.

By the way, the other problem is the quality of the music.  It's low.  I've got Biggie's Juicy playing right now and it sounds like an old ringtone.  I think it's much better on the iPhone, but I'm trying out Slacker Radio right now and that seems like an acceptable alternative.

Wait, I've got one more problem, but there are relatively easy fixes for it.  You can't power the phone off and keep streaming music/radio playing.  At least not on a stock Sprint TP2 running the recently release 6.5 ROM.  There are a few programs you can use to turn the screen off w/o putting the phone in standby. I use psShutXP.
[h1]HTC CEO confirms Windows Phone 7 device for late 2010[/h1]
26 March, 2010 | Comments (31) | Post your comment

Tags: HTC, Windows Mobile, Touch UI

HTC CEO Peter Chou confirmed that HTC intend to release a Windows Phone 7 series device by the end of this year. This statement ends the speculations that HTC may drop the new OS until Microsoft permit custom UIs.

As you already know, Microsoft have very strict rules for what goes and what doesn't on their new Windows Phone 7 OS and for one, home-brewed user interfaces are forbidden. No manufacturer will have the right to customize the Windows Phone 7 in any way so Microsoft can deliver uniform user experience throughout various devices.


There is no need to worry though, since the HTC CEO Peter Chou confirmed during the CTIA conference that they are excited about making a Windows Phone 7 device and can see it hitting the shelves before the end of the year.

The device, which Mr. Chou is talking about, might turn to be HTC Obsession, which leaked two months ago.

Peter Chou also commented on the company's position about the Google Nexus One. Despite the modest sales figures (only 135 000 Google devices were sold in the first 74 days after its release), they consider the phone to be a success given the lack of appropriate marketing and retail network. Even more, the Google Nexus One "showed the world that HTC is the top Android brand".

[h4]HTC HD2 gets early Windows Phone 7 OS port, could be released before official devices[/h4]
By Thomas Ricker posted Mar 28th 2010 10:57AM

Breaking News

Don't look surprised. With the Windows Phone 7 Series dev tools now out in the open the pent up demand for that elusive HD2 upgrade was bound to be a priority for some well-meaning developers, somewhere... namely, Russia. Now we've got what looks to be the first screenies of the WP7S OS running on an HD2. Better yet, htcpedia claims that almost everything is working including WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth. However, the graphics driver is still showing problems and there is noticeable device lag. Nevertheless, the team is planning a beta release soon. Imagine it, an HD2 WP7S ROM available before Microsoft and its partners can even launch an official device, with its 5 buttons or not -- now that would be something. One more grab after the break, the rest at the source below.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
[h1]Mystery HTC Windows Phone at the FCC[/h1]

Posted on Friday, Mar 26, 2010by George Ponder

Filed Under: News, Rumors;Tags:PB92100, htc, fcc

While HTC is enjoying the successful release of the HD2 over at T-Mobile, they are also sliding another Windows Phone past the FCC. The phone is identified as "PB92100" and is described as a Windows Phone throughout the FCC documentation.

As is customary, HTC has requested the FCC hold the specifications and images of the "PB92100" confidential. So we are left to speculate what this phone could be. We know from the FCC documents that "PB92100" has GSM/EDGE 850/1900 bands, Wifi, and Bluetooth (narrows it down a lot, doesn't it).

There is some speculation that this could be a Windows Phone 7 Series device but HTC has been relatively quiet on the whole WP7S topic. It's also awfully early for a WP7S device to land at the FCC.

Could it be the HTC HD Mini? The HD2 headed to another wireless carrier? Or maybe the "fact or fiction" Trophy? Only time will tell and we'll keep you posted if more is discovered on the HTC "PB92100".

[h1]Area code tweak: improve number lookup on HTC devices[/h1]

Posted on Thursday, Mar 25, 2010by Malatesta

Filed Under: News, How To, Software;Tags:phone number, lookup, hack, city, area code

Back in the day, we had an app on Windows Mobile called CityID (Flashback: 2006!). It recently reared its dormant head on the Verizon Imagio (see full review). The app was basically an area code database that compared that was compared to an incoming phone call, resulting in a City, State caller ID.

Very useful stuff.

Turns out that many HTC devices, likewise, have a database that stores states, but not necessarily anything else. Saumaun, who is quite well known in various Windows Mobile communities, managed to whip up a detailed registry change to give us back that function. He basically included all the major metropolitan areas and referenced them via area codes, giving a pretty decent shot at city accuracy.

The best part of his "hack" is that there is no running programs or increased resources--it simply uses the device's registry to enhance caller ID. ROM chefs are encouraged to incorporate it into their builds and end-users can just download and install the simple and tiny .cab file, found in this thread.

[h2]T-Mobile HTC HD2 first day sales exceed 21 000?[/h2]
March 28th, 2010 |
Author: Surur

We have seen plenty of reports of T-Mobile HTC HD2 shortages, and TMoNews seems to have managed to peg exactly how brisk sales of the smartphone has been.

They report on a rumour placing first day sales at 21 700 for retail and employee sales only, excluding online sales and phone orders.

Wirefly corroborated this, saying:
Wirefly blew through its initial inventory (that they’d planned to last one week) before 3 PM and had to make an emergency order to keep up with the demand.

While this number is of course nowhere close to sales of devices like the iPhone or Droid, its pretty good for a device which has received very little promotion, and is likely to handedly beat the similarly specified Google Nexus One, which is still struggling to exceed 150 000 sales over the last 10 weeks.
i checked out the HD2 a couple days ago. they didn't have it in stock but one of the workers showed me his HD2. it was wider than what i was expecting, don't think it's the phone for me since i could barely get my hand around it. looked great though.
Does anyone else's HD2 freeze up? It has happened to me a couple of times the last 3 days. The screen gets frozen, and none of the keys are responsive.
Originally Posted by chino905

Does anyone else's HD2 freeze up? It has happened to me a couple of times the last 3 days. The screen gets frozen, and none of the keys are responsive.
Yup, same here. I can deal with it, I got a day one device.

Question, how do I take a screenshot of my homescreen? How to I make my a .mp3 a ringtone and what's the best Twitter client? HTCpeep is TRASH.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by chino905

Does anyone else's HD2 freeze up? It has happened to me a couple of times the last 3 days. The screen gets frozen, and none of the keys are responsive.
Yup, same here. I can deal with it, I got a day one device.

Question, how do I take a screenshot of my homescreen? How to I make my a .mp3 a ringtone and what's the best Twitter client? HTCpeep is TRASH.
I posted some apps on the 1st page
Move your .mp3 file using File Explorer or your preferred file manager: where you have it (say your Storage Card) > highlight the .mp3 & select cut or Select All if you have more than one sound > My Device > Application Data > Sounds
I've read about how people are able to call T-Mobile and change their data service from WM to Android, without any problems whenever they switch devices, but would it be possible to do the same between Blackberry internet and WM while retaining my $20 data charge? Or would they require me to change to $30.
blackberry net is usually more expensive... they should let u change it no problem... if not say ur leaving them for sprint and 4g...
my question is this,

are there apps i can download and use without hacking my HD2?

from what i've gathered, all these customized OS's and such are required for any sort of "cool" %%!*....

i'm not trynna cook my phone for some cool apps...
after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.
Originally Posted by chino905

after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.

what are your specific issues?  I haven't gotten hd2 yet, still on the tp2, but I'm wondering if they are similar to issues I had with the tp2 when I first got it.  Seems like most of the issues were based around email running in the background and not closing apps.  It's ok now, but at first, it bugged the mess outta me.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

my question is this,

are there apps i can download and use without hacking my HD2?

from what i've gathered, all these customized OS's and such are required for any sort of "cool" %%!*....

i'm not trynna cook my phone for some cool apps...
U might wanna be specific as far as what type of apps you're lookin for. there are plenty of apps that don't required a flashed phone. Yall dudes really need to check out XDA, all these questions yall ask here can be answered there time a kijillion
Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by chino905

after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.

what are your specific issues?  I haven't gotten hd2 yet, still on the tp2, but I'm wondering if they are similar to issues I had with the tp2 when I first got it.  Seems like most of the issues were based around email running in the background and not closing apps.  It's ok now, but at first, it bugged the mess outta me.
Maybe it's just my phone. But for me, the issues are this:
- whenever i get out from the train station, it takes a while for the device to catch service. This gets annoying especially if you are constantly on the go.
- when i leave my phone idle for a hour or two and then try to use it, the internet connection does not work. Even though it still has the 3G icon and full bars, if i try to go on the browser, it will not load, as well as AIM, the weather, e-mail, etc. This causes me to have to restart this phone.
- AIM is horrible on this phone.
- Touchscreen keyboard lags at times.
- This phone has froze on me about 4 times in the past 5 days. I actually have to pop out the battery in order to restart it because the touchscreen and the buttons become unresponsive.
- I know tmobile service isn't the greatest, but for some reason I have the worst service with this phone. Even when i had the G1, the service was much better.

Dont get me wrong, the phone looks great and it has a lot of good things going, but its just the little things that annoy the crap out of me with this phone.
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