Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

i dont seem to understand how to access these endless amounts of apps you speak of.....

i been to xda.....doesnt make an ounce of sense to me...

i did find the leo forum tho....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

i dont seem to understand how to access these endless amounts of apps you speak of.....

i been to xda.....doesnt make an ounce of sense to me...

i did find the leo forum tho....

Def not an "endless amount" but there are a lot, more than the marketplace.
What's confusing about it, what are you looking for?
If you're all about "apps" and you want one place to find them in an organized fashion, you've come to the wrong platform.

Windows Phone has thousands of applications because it's old and has multiple resolutions on multiple screens sizes that come in multiple resolutions. Only a small fraction of those applications will be compatible with your just released HD2. The best way to find what you want is to run an internet search for what it is you're looking to do (ie. play movies, organize music, stream music, customize your home screen, etc.). Another way to find out what can be done with and to your phone is to join the "cell phone" forums: PPCGeeks, SmartPhoneJunkie, HowardForums, XDA-Developers, etc.

Here are some sites that offer software for our devices:

Here's a post listing software: http://www.mobilitysite.c...ware-starting-point.html

Here's another:

Not all apps listed in those threads are guaranteed to work with your device though.

Here's a tweaks and programs thread for other people that own the same device:

Forums dedicated to the Leo/HD2: http://forum.xda-develope...m/forumdisplay.php?f=531

Again, all it comes down to is one question, what are you looking for? iTunes? Android Market? They aren't here, yet.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, we'll see, this is why the next version of Windows Phone seems much more simple and locked down.
I'm starting to feel like I been had on the HD2 1GHz SD processor. My phone lags a lot and doesn't feel as fast/zippy/speedy/quick whatever you want to insert compare to my 2G iPhone. I wasn't running a stock 8GB iPhone either, it was jailbroken on Tmobile and was filled with nearly 6GB of stuff. I had 3 pages of apps, running a custom Nexus One theme with an RSS weather/news feed and a Nexus one live wallpaper lockscreen. Although it had its share of slowdown between menus and such, it was faster than this phone.

I've read you guys (and on XDA) said it has to do with the bloat ware or apps I d/l and I've only d/l one so far, Skyfire, although I may delete it because I rarely use it. What can I do to speed up this badboy, I mean 1GHz I should be flying through the tabs and screens but it lags almost everywhere, even the keyboard is such a pain when its lagging or because of an incoming message or MMS it downloads. I don't want to be like everyone else and give up on it already, I really like this phone and living with the antics its causing but what can I do to fix these issues?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

I'm starting to feel like I been had on the HD2 1GHz SD processor. My phone lags a lot and doesn't feel as fast/zippy/speedy/quick whatever you want to insert compare to my 2G iPhone. I wasn't running a stock 8GB iPhone either, it was jailbroken on Tmobile and was filled with nearly 6GB of stuff. I had 3 pages of apps, running a custom Nexus One theme with an RSS weather/news feed and a Nexus one live wallpaper lockscreen. Although it had its share of slowdown between menus and such, it was faster than this phone.

I've read you guys (and on XDA) said it has to do with the bloat ware or apps I d/l and I've only d/l one so far, Skyfire, although I may delete it because I rarely use it. What can I do to speed up this badboy, I mean 1GHz I should be flying through the tabs and screens but it lags almost everywhere, even the keyboard is such a pain when its lagging or because of an incoming message or MMS it downloads. I don't want to be like everyone else and give up on it already, I really like this phone and living with the antics its causing but what can I do to fix these issues?
A few pages ago I posted some tweaks, don't know if you used them or not. If that doesn't help. I would look into some of the other forums that have been posted. That's where you could get better help.

[h1]Sprint EVO 4G Will Run Froyo Version of Android[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 31-Mar-10 | 0 Comments


If you dig deep in the Developer Guide for the EVO 4G from Sprint , you'll find a reference to Froyo, which is the next version of Android, likely to be released in Fall 2010. While the 4G device will ship with Android 2.1, this news implies that Sprint and HTC will issue a Froyo update to EVO 4G owners later this year.

Froyo is expected to help reduce fragmentation that is causing Android move towards an ugly fate once characteristic of Windows Mobile. It may mean that starting with Froyo, it won't be up to the OEMs and carriers to push software updates to devices. Instead, Google can do it, ensuring that everyone that is running an Android phone has the latest and greatest features. And we're all for that.

Thanks for the tip, Eric.

[h1]iPhone 3GS vs Android: 5 Things Android Does Better[/h1]
File under: News

By: Joe Levi | Date: 31-Mar-10 | 5 Comments


ZDNet recently ran an article citing five things the iPhone 3GS does “better
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Sounds to me like this HD2 isn't quite cutting it
It has it's problems like any other new phone on the market, I got it on release date, first batch I assume so I know what I was getting into. The main reason why I'm still keep it is 4.3' screen, WP7 this fall and dual boots (Android).
Coming from a Blackberry, I have no complaints about the HD2. WinMo takes A LOT of getting used to since it takes like 5 steps to do one task. But other than that I like it. So far everything has been snappy and responsive.
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Coming from a Blackberry, I have no complaints about the HD2. WinMo takes A LOT of getting used to since it takes like 5 steps to do one task. But other than that I like it. So far everything has been snappy and responsive.
im just curious as to why you switched from blackberry to HD2, because im thinking of making the switch from the HD2 to a blackberry.
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Coming from a Blackberry, I have no complaints about the HD2. WinMo takes A LOT of getting used to since it takes like 5 steps to do one task. But other than that I like it. So far everything has been snappy and responsive.
im just curious as to why you switched from blackberry to HD2, because im thinking of making the switch from the HD2 to a blackberry.

BB's are cool.....don't get me wrong.  They're efficient and simple to use, which makes them great.  Like if my job depended on me texting and emailing all day, a Blackberry would be my only choice, hands down.  But my job doesn't require that and after using the OG Curve > 8900 > Bold > 9700, I got pretty bored with pretty much the same OS on every device.  Basically the OS and options are mad boring and limited.  That's somewhat expected seeing their main consumer is still in the business world, but it gets boring to the average user, IMO.  Even the Storm, which was supposed to be targeted towards the average consumer market, is mad boring.  I still love BB's  though and will keep the 9700 as a backup in case I need to be efficient for some reason. 

HD2 is nice though.  I like how it has both the options of business/work related programs and apps along with youtube, twitter, etc.  Half the time when I'd try to open a document on my Berry, I couldn't.  With the HD2 that isn't an issue.    
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Someone should hack their HD2
If that was towards me, in due time.  I gotta get more comfortable with all the terminology and ins and outs of WinMo first though.  I'll be damned if I have a $400 brick sitting on my table. 
  Truth be told, I'm shook to even attempt something like that after having it for only 2 days. 
Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Someone should hack their HD2
If that was towards me, in due time.  I gotta get more comfortable with all the terminology and ins and outs of WinMo first though.  I'll be damned if I have a $400 brick sitting on my table. 
  Truth be told, I'm shook to even attempt something like that after having it for only 2 days. 
Nah it wasn't towards you but to anyone who has an HD2. It is scary at first but once you do and get the hang of it. Read up and watch some vids on youtube, that's what I did. But to make it easier and safer, you can flash a ROM via sd card. But the HardSPL which can only be done through the phone.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by superblyTRIFE

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Someone should hack their HD2
If that was towards me, in due time.  I gotta get more comfortable with all the terminology and ins and outs of WinMo first though.  I'll be damned if I have a $400 brick sitting on my table. 
  Truth be told, I'm shook to even attempt something like that after having it for only 2 days. 
Nah it wasn't towards you but to anyone who has an HD2. It is scary at first but once you do and get the hang of it. Read up and watch some vids on youtube, that's what I did. But to make it easier and safer, you can flash a ROM via sd card. But the HardSPL which can only be done through the phone.

I'm still using stock rom on my tp2 cause I'm so shook
WinMo takes A LOT of getting used to since it takes like 5 steps to do one task.

Like what? What are you looking to do more quickly?

Have you considered using something other than Sense UI? Have you tried SPB's Mobile Shell? You can download a trial. I know it's late now, but they offer it for 50% off during Christmas. At least they did that this past year.
with more and more information about the Evo 4g the more and more i want this phone im so glad i skipped out on the hero
Really MS? This has me moving closer to android. I'm just waiting on the Diamond 3 and to see what developers can do with the WP7 OS.

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Series Won't Support Replaceable Batteries[/h1]
File under: News

By: Adam Z Lein | Date: 1-Apr-10 | 7 Comments


As you already know, Microsoft has taken a few cues from the Apple iPhone playback when it comes to the new Windows Phone 7 Series devices. Removable memory cards are no longer supported, for one. In an effort to take more responsibility for Windows Phones as an experience, Microsoft is insisting on playing a very strong role in hardware development. The latest news is that user-replacable batteries will no longer be allowed on Windows Phone 7 Series devices. The move is intended to promote clean and attractive hardware designs which are sure to impress. Nobody wants to see an ugly battery cover latch on a phone running something as beautiful as the Windows Phone 7 Series OS.

HTC licensing HTC Sense to Motorola

Posted by Nick Gray on April 1, 2010 at 6:04 am in HTC

Since the launch of the HTC Hero and HTC Sense, it’s been no secret that HTC is a few steps ahead of the competition when it comes to Android development.  Motorola tried to launch their own custom UI and social media integration with MOTOBLUR, but reaction from the masses has been disappointing.  Motorola hoped to give people the social integration they thought they wanted but forgot that a smartphone’s UI needs to be gorgeous as well as functional.  On the other hand, HTC’s Sense UI has been a phenomenal success.  Developers have been porting Sense to every Android phone they can get their hands on (that includes the Motorola DROID) so it’s no surprise that HTC seems to be willing to share the love.  We have heard from a highly trusted source that HTC and Motorola are entering into a limited licensing agreement which would allow Motorola to port HTC Sense UI to Motorola’s Android phones. 
They (Motorola) realized it would be in their best interest to adopt their (HTC) build rather than compete head to head.  As part of the deal, HTC has agreed to integrate some of the MOTOBLUR widgets into Sense UI with added customization.  Further, the remote wipe and backup features will be included in future builds of Sense.


If you’re a HTC fan and feel a little betrayed by all this, there’s some good news in all this.  HTC loyalists will be happy to hear that Motorola will not be getting the full Sense experience.  Motorola will simply be licensing the Rosie engine which will allow them to create more functional widgets on the home screen and add a lot more UI magic to MOTOBLUR equipped handsets.  We are not sure what the details of the agreement are, but I wouldn’t put it past HTC to eventually put the Rosie home replacement app on the market and make is available to all Android phones sometime in the future.  As much as HTC is about innovation, they are always worried about their bottom line.

Never liked MOTOBLUR at all.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Really MS? This has me moving closer to android. I'm just waiting on the Diamond 3 and to see what developers can do with the WP7 OS.

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Series Won't Support Replaceable Batteries[/h1]
File under: News

By: Adam Z Lein | Date: 1-Apr-10 | 7 Comments


As you already know, Microsoft has taken a few cues from the Apple iPhone playback when it comes to the new Windows Phone 7 Series devices. Removable memory cards are no longer supported, for one. In an effort to take more responsibility for Windows Phones as an experience, Microsoft is insisting on playing a very strong role in hardware development. The latest news is that user-replacable batteries will no longer be allowed on Windows Phone 7 Series devices. The move is intended to promote clean and attractive hardware designs which are sure to impress. Nobody wants to see an ugly battery cover latch on a phone running something as beautiful as the Windows Phone 7 Series OS.

1 step forward 2 steps back
Originally Posted by airforce416

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Really MS? This has me moving closer to android. I'm just waiting on the Diamond 3 and to see what developers can do with the WP7 OS.

[h1]Windows Phone 7 Series Won't Support Replaceable Batteries[/h1]
File under: News

By: Adam Z Lein | Date: 1-Apr-10 | 7 Comments


As you already know, Microsoft has taken a few cues from the Apple iPhone playback when it comes to the new Windows Phone 7 Series devices. Removable memory cards are no longer supported, for one. In an effort to take more responsibility for Windows Phones as an experience, Microsoft is insisting on playing a very strong role in hardware development. The latest news is that user-replacable batteries will no longer be allowed on Windows Phone 7 Series devices. The move is intended to promote clean and attractive hardware designs which are sure to impress. Nobody wants to see an ugly battery cover latch on a phone running something as beautiful as the Windows Phone 7 Series OS.

1 step forward 2 steps back

Seriously all these things that they criticized the iPhone for, they now have.......smh
so they're taking out removable media, multitasking, and user replaceable batteries?

they might as well pull out of the phone market...
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