Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by chino905

after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.

what are your specific issues?  I haven't gotten hd2 yet, still on the tp2, but I'm wondering if they are similar to issues I had with the tp2 when I first got it.  Seems like most of the issues were based around email running in the background and not closing apps.  It's ok now, but at first, it bugged the mess outta me.
Maybe it's just my phone. But for me, the issues are this:
- whenever i get out from the train station, it takes a while for the device to catch service. This gets annoying especially if you are constantly on the go.
- when i leave my phone idle for a hour or two and then try to use it, the internet connection does not work. Even though it still has the 3G icon and full bars, if i try to go on the browser, it will not load, as well as AIM, the weather, e-mail, etc. This causes me to have to restart this phone.
- AIM is horrible on this phone.
- Touchscreen keyboard lags at times.
- This phone has froze on me about 4 times in the past 5 days. I actually have to pop out the battery in order to restart it because the touchscreen and the buttons become unresponsive.
- I know tmobile service isn't the greatest, but for some reason I have the worst service with this phone. Even when i had the G1, the service was much better.

Dont get me wrong, the phone looks great and it has a lot of good things going, but its just the little things that annoy the crap out of me with this phone.

Yeah, lil annoyances can ruin an experience.  It sounds like it could be between a couple fixes to the settings and it just being an isolated unit problem.  I don't know, just speculating.
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by chino905

after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.

what are your specific issues?  I haven't gotten hd2 yet, still on the tp2, but I'm wondering if they are similar to issues I had with the tp2 when I first got it.  Seems like most of the issues were based around email running in the background and not closing apps.  It's ok now, but at first, it bugged the mess outta me.
Maybe it's just my phone. But for me, the issues are this:
- whenever i get out from the train station, it takes a while for the device to catch service. This gets annoying especially if you are constantly on the go.
- when i leave my phone idle for a hour or two and then try to use it, the internet connection does not work. Even though it still has the 3G icon and full bars, if i try to go on the browser, it will not load, as well as AIM, the weather, e-mail, etc. This causes me to have to restart this phone.
- AIM is horrible on this phone.
- Touchscreen keyboard lags at times.
- This phone has froze on me about 4 times in the past 5 days. I actually have to pop out the battery in order to restart it because the touchscreen and the buttons become unresponsive.
- I know tmobile service isn't the greatest, but for some reason I have the worst service with this phone. Even when i had the G1, the service was much better.

Dont get me wrong, the phone looks great and it has a lot of good things going, but its just the little things that annoy the crap out of me with this phone.
To speak further upon his issues.

1. I've had this issue a few times, I blame it on my service area, as I seem to be on the boardline of 3G/Edge coverage.
2. I've had this happen to me too, it is very annoying.
3. I don't use AIM but the FaceBook and Twitter apps are a nightmare. I will pay the Apple developers of FaceBook or Tweetie 2 to make one for WinMo

4. True, especially if you happen to have a bunch of apps running in the bg or your phone is spazzing out on the 3G/Edge coverage.
5. It's frozen on me but not to the point I had to take out my battery, I would just turn it off or after a few moments it would start working again.
6. I had great service running it on my iPhone too. I'm thinking about switching back to my 2G iPhone and waiting for the iPhone HD

I'm not ready just yet to give up on it, it's a really cool phone with crazy features and specs and I really like it, so I'm still keeping it for now. I have at least 30days so will see what happens till than.

Also another annoying thing about this phone, when I had my iPhone and I check my GMAIL it loads all the pics just like my desktop email, sometimes it will tell me that it has 22k, 10k, 15k etc. to load "click here" but basically it loads nearly 95% of my email BUT on the HD2 if I click the email to load it I get this annoying message "Internet Pictures Blocked" and a bunch of red X's on the jpegs. Than when I click it I get another message "To protect your privacy, pictures from the Internet are not automatically downloaded", than below that its a link to "Download Internet Pictures" which doesnt even d/l all the jpegs. Is there anyway to auto download the pics without clicking these link a la the iPhone?
former iphone user here. just switched to nexus one. whats a good site to get info on how to root/ change themes? preferably, how to get the theme oO ThE RoC Oo has? thanks.
^^ yes, pictures never work when i try to open it from my yahoo mail. The people at the tmo store said i had 14 days to change, but my patience ran thin. time to get somethin ellse from tmobile. probably will go with the blackberry 9700 smh.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

Originally Posted by chino905

after owning the HD2 for a few days, i will be returning this back to the tmobile store for something else. just too many minor issues about the phone.

what are your specific issues?  I haven't gotten hd2 yet, still on the tp2, but I'm wondering if they are similar to issues I had with the tp2 when I first got it.  Seems like most of the issues were based around email running in the background and not closing apps.  It's ok now, but at first, it bugged the mess outta me.
Maybe it's just my phone. But for me, the issues are this:
- whenever i get out from the train station, it takes a while for the device to catch service. This gets annoying especially if you are constantly on the go.
- when i leave my phone idle for a hour or two and then try to use it, the internet connection does not work. Even though it still has the 3G icon and full bars, if i try to go on the browser, it will not load, as well as AIM, the weather, e-mail, etc. This causes me to have to restart this phone.
- AIM is horrible on this phone.
- Touchscreen keyboard lags at times.
- This phone has froze on me about 4 times in the past 5 days. I actually have to pop out the battery in order to restart it because the touchscreen and the buttons become unresponsive.
- I know tmobile service isn't the greatest, but for some reason I have the worst service with this phone. Even when i had the G1, the service was much better.

Dont get me wrong, the phone looks great and it has a lot of good things going, but its just the little things that annoy the crap out of me with this phone.
To speak further upon his issues.

1. I've had this issue a few times, I blame it on my service area, as I seem to be on the boardline of 3G/Edge coverage.
2. I've had this happen to me too, it is very annoying.
3. I don't use AIM but the FaceBook and Twitter apps are a nightmare. I will pay the Apple developers of FaceBook or Tweetie 2 to make one for WinMo

4. True, especially if you happen to have a bunch of apps running in the bg or your phone is spazzing out on the 3G/Edge coverage.
5. It's frozen on me but not to the point I had to take out my battery, I would just turn it off or after a few moments it would start working again.
6. I had great service running it on my iPhone too. I'm thinking about switching back to my 2G iPhone and waiting for the iPhone HD

I'm not ready just yet to give up on it, it's a really cool phone with crazy features and specs and I really like it, so I'm still keeping it for now. I have at least 30days so will see what happens till than.

Also another annoying thing about this phone, when I had my iPhone and I check my GMAIL it loads all the pics just like my desktop email, sometimes it will tell me that it has 22k, 10k, 15k etc. to load "click here" but basically it loads nearly 95% of my email BUT on the HD2 if I click the email to load it I get this annoying message "Internet Pictures Blocked" and a bunch of red X's on the jpegs. Than when I click it I get another message "To protect your privacy, pictures from the Internet are not automatically downloaded", than below that its a link to "Download Internet Pictures" which doesnt even d/l all the jpegs. Is there anyway to auto download the pics without clicking these link a la the iPhone?

You can download a FB app and there are twitter apps on the first page along with aim apps.
On my phone for pictures, I have to click something saying along the lines of download pictures and the next time I download emails they would get downloaded but I would always hit send/receive to get them right away and had no problems that I could think of, I have Gmail. For connections, that could be your provider but I'm not sure. I mean I.E. blows and I'm not sure how service is around train stations in your area.
You can try other email clients.
Also try deleting some of the bloatware on the phones, it's been proven to help performance.
Also hit up XDA-developers.
Originally Posted by y0uNgNdAnG3RoUs723

former iphone user here. just switched to nexus one. whats a good site to get info on how to root/ change themes? preferably, how to get the theme oO ThE RoC Oo has? thanks.

Hit up Xda-Developers

[h1]How to Root Your Nexus One[/h1]
File under: News

By: Joe Levi | Date: 29-Mar-10 | 2 Comments


After having spent a week using a stock, unmodified Nexus One I have to admit it is the closest thing to a perfect phone that I've ever used. It's fast, it's got more storage space than I could fill up (even trying to). It allowed me to do everything that I needed to, but there were a few things that I wanted to do that required unlocking and rooting the phone.

Here's how I did it, but be forewarned, following these steps will erase all data from your phone and will void your warranty, and, if you do them wrong or with compromised files may cause irreparable damage to your phone. You have been warned.

1. Unlock the Bootloader

Download and install the Android SDK.

Download and extract fastboot into the Tools folder of the Android SDK that you download in the previous step.

Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted fastboot in the previous step.

Power down the phone, plug in to the computer, reboot into bootloader mode by pressing the power button and the scroll ball.

Windows should attempt to load a driver for the device (which is different from the driver used to connect to the os booted device). You will not be able to proceed if the driver fails to load until you resolve the driver issue.

Type “fastboot-windows oem unlock

Just fired up the HD2 for the first time a few hours ago.  This thing is piff. 

No problems so far, but I'm sure they're coming. 

*knocks on wood*

I've never used WinMo before and reading people's experiences with it had me shook after ordering the HD2.  But I gotta say I actually like the interface and the intricacies of it so far--it definitely makes for a more in depth experience.  Like you can't just pick up the phone and know how to do everything (even the should-be-simple things
), and I kinda like that for some odd reason. 
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

Move your .mp3 file using File Explorer or your preferred file manager: where you have it (say your Storage Card) > highlight the .mp3 & select cut or Select All if you have more than one sound > My Device > Application Data > Sounds
Holden, I don't have a 'Sounds' folders, just 'HTC', do I have to make one?
the HS2 is straight. tall keep directing me to xda...i like to think I'm not a dummy, but I've been there 4 or 5 times and didn't find it helpful at all. there isn't a specific phone for wmo 6.5 nor the
one complaint tho, is this auto complete keyboard...youll have @+%# spelled right, like ya'll, and itll change the word to tall when you hit the spacebar...@+%# is wild annoying...
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

one complaint tho, is this auto complete keyboard...youll have @+%# spelled right, like ya'll, and itll change the word to tall when you hit the spacebar...@+%# is wild annoying...

im sure u can turn it off
nah. you.can turn it off but theresban icon under the a key which toggles it on and off. physical keyboards>digi keyboards.

i like the phone, im just not amazed.

i def went to xda...i was confused
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

nah. you.can turn it off but theresban icon under the a key which toggles it on and off. physical keyboards>digi keyboards.

i like the phone, im just not amazed.

i def went to xda...i was confused
What do you need help with?
[h1]Google Nexus One for Verizon Wireless to Come With a Surprise?[/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 30-Mar-10 | 0 Comments


According to jkOnTheRun, the Google Nexus One for Verizon Wireless will retail for $199 on contract, which is a full $20 more than the T-Mobile version. The handset is expected to launch in April according to sources from jkOnTheRun, which puts the handset in the Spring timeframe that Google had promised. Another interesting tidbit is that "What is new is that I have multiple sources telling me that when it is launched, consumers are going to be surprised." According to James Kendrick of jkOnTheRun, "I am being led to believe the Verizon version of the Nexus One may contain something that the versions on other U.S. carriers lack. That has not appeared anywhere so I hope these sources are correct. They are in positions to know so we’ll just have to wait a little longer." We're really curious as to what Google and Verizon Wireless would include to surprise users and warrant the $20 premium. Perhaps it could be something small, like pre-bundling the device with a Verizon Wireless Visual Voicemail app. We can't imagine HTC Sense to be bundled on this Google experience device, however.

(via: jkOnTheRun)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

my question is this,

are there apps i can download and use without hacking my HD2?

from what i've gathered, all these customized OS's and such are required for any sort of "cool" %%!*....

i'm not trynna cook my phone for some cool apps...
As far as I know, you don't have to use a custom ROM to use any app.  Everything can be installed on its own.  You just have to find what you want to do.
Custom ROMs merely make apps and customization a part of the OS rather than something you manually have to add.  They allow you to use the latest and greatest versions of Windows Phone and HTC's Sense/Manila UI without having to wait for Microsoft to release it to you (they rarely do) or make it compatible for your device's resolution.  Someone also mentioned that custom ROMs remove bloatware so they do that too.

What "cool +##@" are you looking to do that you can't do out the box?

Have you looked at the "post your home screen" type threads?  "Post your favorite programs/cabs"?  That's where I look to see what I want to do with my phone.
Can I get a review on the HD2 from people who are not new to WinMo, experienced with flashing, use their phone as much more than a phone, etc..?

Forgot my B-day is coming up so I might ask for this and give my TP2 to my sis.
Originally Posted by LightsOUT56

does anybody know how to calibrate the touch screen on the T-Mobile HD2? 

Should be: Settings Tab > Menu (lower right, it isn't one of the options on the screen) > All Settings > System > Screen > Align Screen
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