Official HTC Thread Vol. Scribe, Thunderbolt 4G, Evo Shift 4G, Inspire 4G for AT&T

[h2]New York Times Silverlight app ported to Windows Phone 7[/h2]
April 3rd, 2010 | Author: Surur
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Michael S. Scherotter, Media Experience Evangelist for Microsoft is doing his bit to spread the Silverlight Windows Phone 7 word.

Noting that all .NET and Silverlight developers are also Windows Phone developers, he managed to quickly and easily port the New York Times Silverlight Kit into a Windows Phone 7 app.  He notes it was simply a question of adding “a few #if statements to the code
hmmm thinking of switching to the Tmobile HD2 from my Blackberry 8900 mainly because I've been using

a blackberry for so long and it does NOTHING that impresses there something better than the HD2 on the

horizon should I wait or should I pull the trigger?
For HTC phones, the HD2 is the best out. I don't know what TMO is coming out with next but Sprint is getting the Supersonic/Evo
First rule of technology is that there's always something better around the corner.

If you wait for the best thing coming all the time you will get NOTHING.

or in other words, get the HD2. If you get a contract then by the time it's up 4G networks should be deployed for some places.
[h4]HTC Incredible spotted in Verizon's system (again)[/h4]
By Donald Melanson posted Apr 3rd 2010 6:47PM

We'd already had some indication that the HTC Incredible could be landing on Verizon sooner rather than later, and it looks like we now have yet more photographic evidence to back that up. According to an Android Phones forum member, that shot above is of a genuine CelleBrite machine that Verizon uses to transfer information from one phone to another, and it quite clearly lists the HTC Incredible among some of the other usual suspects. What it doesn't show, obviously, is a date of any sort, but it does back up earlier reports that Verizon already has the phone stocked in their warehouse, if not their stores.

Update: Need even more proof? Here you go. Thanks, Ebby!

[h4]HTC says its growth in the US is 'faster than others'[/h4]
By Donald Melanson posted Apr 4th 2010 11:56AM
This one's fairly light on specifics, but HTC CEO Peter Chou has given an interview to The Wall Street Journal where he dropped a few interesting tidbits, the most notable being that HTC's growth in the US is apparently "faster than others." Exactly what that translates to in actual numbers is unclear, but Chou did say that HTC expects to ship more than the 5.5 million to 6 million smartphones it shipped in the US last year. That growth is apparently due in large part to support from Verizon and T-Mobile, which Chou says "started treating us as their first-tier suppliers last year" and gave the company some "strong momentum." Chou also went on to confirm that HTC will be introducing six new models for China in partnership with China Mobile this year, and that it's aiming to ship four to five million units to China annually by 2011.

[h1]See Windows Phone 7 App Demonstrations[/h1]
File under: News

By: Brandon Miniman | Date: 4-Apr-10 | 0 Comments


Over at the official Windows Phone 7 website (we've got to get used to leaving the word "Series" off!), Microsoft has put together a section showcasing all of the WP7 app demos that have occured so far. You may have seen some of of these in the past. This includes Netflix, eBay, MLS Soccer,, Shazam, FourSquare, and more. Jump on over to the app demos.
does anybody else have an "H" instead of 3G on t-mobile??

my signals been switching between the two all day.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

does anybody else have an "H" instead of 3G on t-mobile??

my signals been switching between the two all day.

H stands for HSPA+

Its faster than 3G

if you put it to scale, i think HSPA+ = 3.75G
i figured that, but i thought they did that upgrade months ago. maybe it was just certain places and now st is on board.

i called tmo about it because my net wasn't working for half the day........but when the h came was SUPER to wifi fast.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

i figured that, but i thought they did that upgrade months ago. maybe it was just certain places and now st is on board.

i called tmo about it because my net wasn't working for half the day........but when the h came was SUPER to wifi fast.

you are lucky! I heard the HD2 was getting 8-10 MBPS

thats faster than most peoples internet at home
[h1]CONTEST ALERT: Win HTC Legend Android Phone from HTCPedia Shop[/h1]
4.6By Ruben Yunatanov March 31, 2010 12:47 AM
[h3]Htcpedia news:[/h3]

CONTEST ALERT: Win HTC Legend Android Phone from HTCPedia Shop​
Hello HTCPedia Nation! 

As we mentioned earlier, HTCPedia Shop received its first batch of HTC Legend devices (for sale of course), and we managed to have a word with them and snatch one for another great contest giveaway. 

 How to enter the contest:
  1. Login or Register with HTCPedia
  2. Leave a comment on this contest page (Don't know what to comment? tell us how and why you use HTCPedia)
  3. Share one (1) of your favorite wallpapers with us from your HTC device and upload it here ... Win HTC Legend - Wallpaper Contest
We will choose 10 best wallpapers and then will let the community to choose the winner. Please be sure to leave a comment on this page and upload your favorite wallpaper from your HTC device to the provided link on step #3. 

Let's make this fun and share your favorite wallpaper with the rest of the HTCPedia nation. The best one wallpaper will WIN FREE HTC Legend device.

Please note: In order to enter the contest you must leave a comment and upload your wallpaper as outlined above.

Contest will end on Friday, April 16th, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. 

Sponsored by: HTCPedia Shop
If Sprint can get me a bill under $100 plus monthly with the Evo then AT&T will just have to deal with me taking my number and my service elsewhere.
Originally Posted by thadangerousmind

If Sprint can get me a bill under $100 plus monthly with the Evo then AT&T will just have to deal with me taking my number and my service elsewhere.

sprint has $100 unlimited everything...
So I was going to wait on an iphone for verizon but it could be another year, so I'll just get the HTC Incredible whenever it becomes available cause I'm in desperate need for a new phone.
i've had a bb for 4.5 years ... i was w/ tmo then vzw ... but i think i may give up the bb for that evo and switch to sprint. ...
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

[h4]HTC Incredible spotted in Verizon's system (again)[/h4]
By Donald Melanson posted Apr 3rd 2010 6:47PM

We'd already had some indication that the HTC Incredible could be landing on Verizon sooner rather than later, and it looks like we now have yet more photographic evidence to back that up. According to an Android Phones forum member, that shot above is of a genuine CelleBrite machine that Verizon uses to transfer information from one phone to another, and it quite clearly lists the HTC Incredible among some of the other usual suspects. What it doesn't show, obviously, is a date of any sort, but it does back up earlier reports that Verizon already has the phone stocked in their warehouse, if not their stores.

Update: Need even more proof? Here you go. Thanks, Ebby!

good to see these websites figured out that Cellebrite gets phone info before FCC
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

does anybody else have an "H" instead of 3G on t-mobile??

my signals been switching between the two all day.

You live in Philly?

My-T. in sant louis,mo.....I called t mobile and they didn't know anything about it either. she had to look it up to find out what the h meant,lol.

what made me call was because my net had been messing up all day.....but when I finally found out what the h meant, it all made sense.....the net acted like this when they switched to 3g last year.

it is really fast though....
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002 in sant louis,mo.....I called t mobile and they didn't know anything about it either. she had to look it up to find out what the h meant,lol.

what made me call was because my net had been messing up all day.....but when I finally found out what the h meant, it all made sense.....the net acted like this when they switched to 3g last year.

it is really fast though....
I was under the assumption that H(SPDA) = 3G in the US.  I had the same thing happen on my TP2 but then I went to Start > Adv. Config > Disable HSPDA Icon and now all I see is 3G with no change in performance.
nope......apparently its something else. because I had the 3g sign for the first week of having this phone with the same speeds I was getting with my g1. but now that it switches from 3g to h....its notisably faster than before.
I finally got my HD2 on Sunday, great phone, great screen, but I only brought it to throw WP7 on it.  I intend on being the phone on NT with WP7.
[h1]HTC Patent Hopes to Put An End to Blurry Videos [/h1]
File under: News

By: Chuong Nguyen | Date: 5-Apr-10 | 3 Comments


HTC's recent patent filing calls for an end to motion sickness and blurry videos. The design makes use of the device's accelerometer and once your smartphone senses the shaking, the video will be adjusted accordingly. Hopefully, this technology will make way into mobile smartphone video cameras soon, as we're beginning to see the onslaught of HD video recording and there's nothing worse than high-definition blur, even if it's on the coveted HTC EVO 4G.

For those wanting to know the specifics, here is the patent filing, in the words of HTC engineers:

A mobile electronic device, comprising:a screen;a video display module, coupled to the screen for playing a video in the screen; anda sensor, coupled to the video display module for detecting an acceleration variance of the mobile electronic device, whereinthe video display module adjusts a display area of the video displayed on the screen according to the acceleration variance.

(via: Gizmodo)
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

nope......apparently its something else. because I had the 3g sign for the first week of having this phone with the same speeds I was getting with my g1. but now that it switches from 3g to h....its notisably faster than before.

Its wild that you said this, because my boy's Nexus One popped up with the H.

He was clocking 1 MBps downloads.

Originally Posted by MyTsharp

pacmagic2002 said:
nope......apparently its something else. because I had the 3g sign for the first week of having this phone with the same speeds I was getting with my g1. but now that it switches from 3g to h....its notisably faster than before.

Its wild that you said this, because my boy's Nexus One popped up with the H.

He was clocking 1 MBps downloads.


lol dude, thats pretty slow for 3G!

i get like 1.5 at lowest and on average 2.2-2.8, the highest i have seen was 3.2 on my N1, i am on AT&T though
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