OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

man i hate that brandon kid with a passion. yes i am salty that his parents spoil him to death, but this kid... man he is UGLY. i seen pics of him on my tumblr feed and at one point he had some weird *** chin strap facial hair going on.

i remember seeing him in the old HB thread about 3 or 4 years ago... he looked like a ****** employee for BBC. Now he looks like he slurps hard on anything yeezy touches.
yo BIP no lie I love Ross though. Hold Me Back at the gym plus some Jack3d does wonders for your energy haha!
Im 100% convinced that some of these looks are halloween costumes or party costumes. No way some people wear some of these looks daily

On the other hand some of these fits are clean like this one.....


minus the hat id wear this
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i try to be about letting others do them but the thing that b.sales doesnt understand is that he doesnt wear clothes, those clothes wear him...
Heres the list of the Fashion Gawds:
Lord Disick
Brandon Sales
& D-Why
Btw if you have to google D-Why
Then idk what to tell you Bruh bruhs.
Kind of crazy that the biggest hypebeast of all, Brandon Sales, is British. It doesn't feel proper. 

Also, Fran is a beast, but I don't really know if he's done much with his life. Brandon's making a name for himself in the fashion industry over there and he's cool with Kanye's people, and he's a brand rep for Beats by Dre.
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Apowers AND Sportyfreak were not hypbeasts. Dudes had a sense of humor, dry and sarcatic. Unlike some dumb***** DJ well known on this and celebrity forum, who tries to play it off by giving some long winded explanation.

Apowers AND Sportyfreak were not hypbeasts. Dudes had a sense of humor, dry and sarcatic. Unlike some dumb***** DJ well known on this and celebrity forum, who tries to play it off by giving some long winded explanation.

A Powers was definitely "playing a character."

Dude always reminded me of Copywrite too - shouts to rapping about Jesus now, I guess.

Sportsfreak just struck me as more of just a "rich kid" who liked sneakers.

The idea of being a hypebeast goes way beyond sneakers. It's constant brand slutting. Constant style changing. A lack of self-awareness. It's taking the idea of following trends, which tons of people do in a reasonable way, several standard deviations beyond the realm of normalcy.
A Powers was definitely "playing a character."

Dude always reminded me of Copywrite too - shouts to rapping about Jesus now, I guess.

Sportsfreak just struck me as more of just a "rich kid" who liked sneakers.

The idea of being a hypebeast goes way beyond sneakers. It's constant brand slutting. Constant style changing. A lack of self-awareness. It's taking the idea of following trends, which tons of people do in a reasonable way, several standard deviations beyond the realm of normalcy.

this right here..
Apowers AND Sportyfreak were not hypbeasts. Dudes had a sense of humor, dry and sarcatic. Unlike some dumb***** DJ well known on this and celebrity forum, who tries to play it off by giving some long winded explanation.

Wow, that was awesome!!!
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