OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread

My girl and her sister work in the fashion industry out here in La and I've been to plenty of industry parties to witness first hand model types leave with dudes wearing dresses, dressed like cowboys, in full leather list goes on. Hood chicks are probably the only ones who'll think it's weird.

corny conservative country white girls won't get it either... they fall for lames wearing real tree camo hats and dip in their lip as a fashion statement... :lol:

city chicks are prone to be more into the dudes dressing more "fashion forward"...

haven't seen this cowboy look you speak of yet tho... :lol:
corny conservative country white girls won't get it either... they fall for lames wearing real tree camo hats and dip in their lip as a fashion statement... :lol:

city chicks are prone to be more into the dudes dressing more "fashion forward"...

haven't seen this cowboy look you speak of yet tho... :lol:
Haha idk how to explain it just recently went to one of these and saw a dude dressed what looked like to me a hipster cowboy. Half of the time I go for the free booze and just to people watch.

These things are genuinely weird. Last time I saw the whitest dude alive rocking a flat top and an African all leather varsity jacket with the black power fist on the back.
haven't seen this cowboy look you speak of yet tho... :lol:

all RRL everything type fit. type dudes. I've really seen dudes on there in "construction wear", dudes will rock a construction hat and a orange vest with raw denims. if your not in New York or LA you really miss out on a lot of fashion waves. what celebs wear is just a small part of it. celebs are easily the worst dressed people of all tho, it's just the fact that they can afford expensive clothing and have exposure
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Last time I saw the whitest dude alive rocking a flat top and an African all leather varsity jacket with the black power fist on the back.


yeah, that's some trying to be ironic hipster type stuff right there...

i don't know what's funnier, that, or Ye using the confederate flag as a logo for him now... :lol:

there's some rednecks who wouldn't know what to think if they saw a black dude rebel flagged out... :lol:

dat rebel flag swag son! :rofl:
My girl and her sister work in the fashion industry out here in La and I've been to plenty of industry parties to witness first hand model types leave with dudes wearing dresses, dressed like cowboys, in full leather list goes on. Hood chicks are probably the only ones who'll think it's weird.
not gonna lie 9 times out of 10 i'd dress like a cowboy to pull a model chick. semi srs

need to go to LA and witness this tho
i hear you, and i feel like it's dope how the internet has sorta brought the world together, keying people into what's poppin' in their area of the world, besides just videos and magazines... it's bound to have more of an influence now, but of course with that will come "wack" trends catching on too (it's all subjective what's "wack" tho)...

and i def see what you're sayin' about newjacks reviving styles from back in the day, but ya gotta also sorta see it as a compliment, a tribute, cuz some of that era's styles were timeless, and got new kids still feeling it, just putting their own twist on it. cuz they're not gonna do it exactly how y'all did it. i can def see where it's insulting too tho...

the only thing i kinda like about some of the new styles, are the futuristic parts of it. basketball shorts over tights is old, b-ball players been doing it for years (i see cats at my gym wearing that to pay ball or work out, and it has nothing to do with a trend or hype beast style, they're oblivious to that world), and grunge rockers in the early 90's made it a style long b4 some of these kids were even born. but i kinda dig SOME of the street goth stuff, the simpler elements of it, like some of the rick owens stuff, cuz it's looks like some of the clothes worn in samurai films, or star wars, and blade runner, and futuristic movies like that.

as i've said b4, if y'all are tripping on what's going on now (some of y'all could barely handle the transition from OD baggy to slimmed down jeans), y'all gonna be mega tripping over the next few years, cuz as we all become old, people gonna be wearing some WILD stuff between now and the next 50 years...

I hear you. And, if you were to tell me that I'm just overprotective of that kind of stuff, I'd say that maybe I am. I'd just rather err on that side than on the, here, take this slice of my culture and run amok with it - turn it into whatever perversion you wish. That's what happened with hip hop. That's what happened with sneakers. That's what happened with graff. So, if I feel there's still some grit and substance left in some of the aspects of the broader culture, I'm not going to cede them without a fight, ya know.

And, I've said this before many times, but I feel like people gang up on you, and noobs hop on the rip Proto bandwagon because they think it's a quick ticket to being at the "cool table" in the NT cafeteria. But, whatever people think about your opinions or your personal sense of style, you give legitimate thought to it; it's clearly something you are passionate about. So, while a lot of people would be quick to jump on you for saying you embrace SOME of this stuff, 1)at least you admit it, and 2)you actually follow this stuff and care.

Calling a lot of the people posted in this thread a hypebeast would actually be giving them too much credit. Remember, originally beasts actually had things that were legitimately sought after and were actually early adopters of trends. Most of the people posted in this thread are completely derivative - aspiring hypebeasts!

These things are genuinely weird. Last time I saw the whitest dude alive rocking a flat top and an African all leather varsity jacket with the black power fist on the back.

Does he have X-Clan on wax?
Y'all so lucky living on the "Beast Coast", sometimes it's sad a kid like me living on this side of the world. Honestly I don't fit in, nobody gets my "catch phrases" I stil go to work like, "wtf you talking about" bumping Max B out the parking lot, I live in a sad realm where only radio controls how people feel. ughhhhhhhh that's probably why I try to contribute so much to show how my people are doing bc we are so bad. I feel so bad to be filipino, I'm pralli the only dude rocking fitteds in my city, sh-t is getting so bad everybody dressing like clones with the whole snapback/crewneck/any #'s jay's. Made me feel like not being myself and committing suicide. It's that baddddddddddddddd |I when will this end?!?!?!?!?

what the hell

sarcasm right? the posts in here r as bad as the photos...they're just kids

edit: nvm i'll just go with it
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Y'all so lucky living on the "Beast Coast", sometimes it's sad a kid like me living on this side of the world. Honestly I don't fit in, nobody gets my "catch phrases" I stil go to work like, "wtf you talking about" bumping Max B out the parking lot, I live in a sad realm where only radio controls how people feel. ughhhhhhhh that's probably why I try to contribute so much to show how my people are doing bc we are so bad. I feel so bad to be filipino, I'm pralli the only dude rocking fitteds in my city, sh-t is getting so bad everybody dressing like clones with the whole snapback/crewneck/any #'s jay's. Made me feel like not being myself and committing suicide. It's that baddddddddddddddd
when will this end?!?!?!?!?
This made me depressed. 
corny conservative country white girls won't get it either... they fall for lames wearing real tree camo hats and dip in their lip as a fashion statement...

city chicks are prone to be more into the dudes dressing more "fashion forward"...

haven't seen this cowboy look you speak of yet tho...
OK   you protect feminine fashion and white knight against discrimination against gays, then you have no problem labelling someone not into diva fashion " corny, country and into LAMES"

Guess what fam? You actually feel you are above people because of fashion.  Thinking and executing your style is not something the kids in this future of yours should really be focussing on.

They need substance.

I wish regular people shared my diva love of fashion to the point I feel lonely and I wish to move.

 Meow meow meow.

Yall are basing what you believe to be your personalities on purchases. No the purchases are not reflecting your personality, yall are straight up buying it.

White people do things that make me cringe everyday, im not going to be sad or suicidal because people like cowboy boots instead of J's.

Rednecks would know exactly what to do to kanye if they caught him wearing that crap too, lets not pretend he is being brave by walking around hollywood like that.

I absolutely love how people wearing masculine country gear are called LAMES but the dudes waxin denim and buying yeezys cry rainbow tears when the feminism behind their Sussness gets questioned. 
corny conservative country white girls won't get it either... they fall for lames wearing real tree camo hats and dip in their lip as a fashion statement...

city chicks are prone to be more into the dudes dressing more "fashion forward"...

haven't seen this cowboy look you speak of yet tho...
OK   you protect feminine fashion and white knight against discrimination against gays, then you have no problem labelling someone not into diva fashion " corny, country and into LAMES"

Guess what fam? You actually feel you are above people because of fashion.  Thinking and executing your style is not something the kids in this future of yours should really be focussing on.

They need substance.

I wish regular people shared my diva love of fashion to the point I feel lonely and I wish to move.

 Meow meow meow.

Yall are basing what you believe to be your personalities on purchases. No the purchases are not reflecting your personality, yall are straight up buying it.

White people do things that make me cringe everyday, im not going to be sad or suicidal because people like cowboy boots instead of J's.

Rednecks would know exactly what to do to kanye if they caught him wearing that crap too, lets not pretend he is being brave by walking around hollywood like that.

I absolutely love how people wearing masculine country gear are called LAMES but the dudes waxin denim and buying yeezys cry rainbow tears when the feminism behind their Sussness gets questioned. 



not ready for this... who do these kids step out of the house lookin like this? oh man.. and that anti up group is corny af. cant stand that ****! the creator is on nt btw

so many holes in your little theories... not even worth writing a big thing to expose 'em tho, just ain't feelin' up to it today.

it's just hilarious that you literally go around NT stalking out any and every instance of sussiness you can find, and you care this much about how other men dress... it's mad sus... :rofl:
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Turns out it aint hard to find.
Can I clown hypebeasts in the appropriate thread or is every act of cornyness defensible in the name of fashion?

I call lame stuff an the disciples of yeezus start trying to balenciaga stomp me for being a homophobe.

Sorry I just can't grasp the deepness that is a confederate bomber an some mocassins on a black dude who has proven to be anything but deep.
Knight on
i'm sure it ain't hard to find, you're on NT... a forum about shoes and fashion, trying to preach about masculinity... :lol:

i'm sure you're just a troll... or you'd get back to the coal mine you work in and leave this place alone...

if you're truly mr. macho you wouldn't be spending your time on a place for collecting shoes and clothes and posting about what you're wearing...

you're either a troll, or you're one of those guys like the dad in american beauty who hated gay people so much, but turned out gay... or larry craig, the senator who advocated for so many anti-gay policies, and turns out he's gay.

otherwise i just don't see the point of a serious mr. masculine guy wasting his macho time to come on a forum about shoes and clothes to tell people they're sus... :lol: are you just trying to fill some void, does it make you feel good to try to son people on the intraweb? :lol:

your argument is wack. cuz there's a difference between thinking a style of fashion is lame (like how rednecks dress in my area), and basing your entire criticism on a foundation of homophobia like you do (you previously saying "alternative life choice sympathizer" clearly shows the entire basis for your argument here). people can choose how they dress, most gay people can't choose their sexuality. your criticism of men's style is only stated when it's "sus", which means "gay looking" (which is really just your outdated, closedminded opinion)... it's like you don't want to see anything "gay" catch on in any way in culture (and i don't even think skinny jeans is gay, rappers were wearing skinny jeans, leather, and other "sus styles", thru the 80's, all the way into the early 90's, this is all simply based on your idea of masculine dressing in hip hop culture, prolly cuz you came up in the 90's, during the OD baggy era, but your opinion and idea of it does not automatically = reality, it was only part of the 90's and part of the 2000's that the OD baggy clothes style was dominant , most other era's of style, not even just hip hop, had more slim fitting styles... the 70's and 80's had straight black men, including icons like michael jordan, wearing super short shorts, and nobody thought of it as "gay")...

seriously, ask yourself... if hip hop fashion had never taken a turn to the OD baggy looks of the mid 90's, but stayed with the slim fit styles of the 80's (leather, skinny jeans, shorter shorts, etc.), would you still be calling what's going on now "sus"?

but a better question is, if you're so super macho, why the hell do you care so much how other men are dressing, much less spending time talking about it on a place BASED on it?

truly super masculine guys don't do what you're doing, bruh. :lol:
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and there's no deepness to Ye rocking the confederate flag... i mean, there kinda is, but it's more just him trolling... he's embracing a hateful symbol and playing off the irony of it, mocking it (in line with him naming a track "black skinhead")... simple as that.

i personally think it's ugly, the way he's doing it, simply cuz the proportions of the logos are way too big. i like smaller, more compact logos, if i'm gonna rock something with logos like that...

but i see what he's up to... and it's funny to me cuz i got black friends who wear confederate flags and redneck shirts as a joke...
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