OFFICIAL Hypebeasts Thread


I doubt this clown even knows who Aphex Twin is :smh:
I'm pralli the only dude rocking fitteds in my city, sh-t is getting so bad everybody dressing like clones with the whole snapback/crewneck/any #'s jay's. Made me feel like not being myself and committing suicide. It's that baddddddddddddddd
when will this end?!?!?!?!?
How old are you man, committing suicide.  DAMN.  I personally don't think it is ever that bad, I wear what I wear if I am the only one doing it then so be it.  You might want to hit up a therapist if being alone in your fashion style makes you think of committing suicide. 
i'm sure it ain't hard to find, you're on NT... a forum about shoes and fashion, trying to preach about masculinity...

i'm sure you're just a troll... or you'd get back to the coal mine you work in and leave this place alone...

if you're truly mr. macho you wouldn't be spending your time on a place for collecting shoes and clothes and posting about what you're wearing...

you're either a troll, or you're one of those guys like the dad in american beauty who hated gay people so much, but turned out gay... or larry craig, the senator who advocated for so many anti-gay policies, and turns out he's gay.

otherwise i just don't see the point of a serious mr. masculine guy wasting his macho time to come on a forum about shoes and clothes to tell people they're sus...
are you just trying to fill some void, does it make you feel good to try to son people on the intraweb?

your argument is wack. cuz there's a difference between thinking a style of fashion is lame (like how rednecks dress in my area), and basing your entire criticism on a foundation of homophobia like you do (you previously saying "alternative life choice sympathizer" clearly shows the entire basis for your argument here). people can choose how they dress, most gay people can't choose their sexuality. your criticism of men's style is only stated when it's "sus", which means "gay looking" (which is really just your outdated, closedminded opinion)... it's like you don't want to see anything "gay" catch on in any way in culture (and i don't even think skinny jeans is gay, rappers were wearing skinny jeans, leather, and other "sus styles", thru the 80's, all the way into the early 90's, this is all simply based on your idea of masculine dressing in hip hop culture, prolly cuz you came up in the 90's, during the OD baggy era, but your opinion and idea of it does not automatically = reality, it was only part of the 90's and part of the 2000's that the OD baggy clothes style was dominant , most other era's of style, not even just hip hop, had more slim fitting styles... the 70's and 80's had straight black men, including icons like michael jordan, wearing super short shorts, and nobody thought of it as "gay")...

seriously, ask yourself... if hip hop fashion had never taken a turn to the OD baggy looks of the mid 90's, but stayed with the slim fit styles of the 80's (leather, skinny jeans, shorter shorts, etc.), would you still be calling what's going on now "sus"?

but a better question is, if you're so super macho, why the hell do you care so much how other men are dressing, much less spending time talking about it on a place BASED on it?

truly super masculine guys don't do what you're doing, bruh.
   More pants fit discussion?

 Thats it




15 YRD Penalty .............. Unnecessary Sussness.
Serious question -

why can't something just be corny, without it being "suss" or a referendum on masculinity?

Plenty of stuff in the baggy era was corny. Tall tees were MEGA corny. Iceberg was corny - I admit I wore it, but it was corny. Fat Albert Fubu was corny. I'd argue that the racing jackets were at least kinda corny. Cross Colours was actually pretty corny. I could go on.

But, the point is that this stuff is simply looked at as poor choices in fashion, not the emasculation of society.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
This place aint givenchytalk either famtime.

Some people enjoy athletic shoes. 

If i happen to point out the herbs sprinkling fairy dust on a once respectable hobby it is what it is.

Your only response to me is a full 3 rds of 486 bars about how pants fit, followed by an assertion that my disgust with sussiness makes me sus.

OGs left this game because of the kind of stuff im commenting on and that you are defending. 
Serious question -

why can't something just be corny, without it being "suss" or a referendum on masculinity?

Plenty of stuff in the baggy era was corny. Tall tees were MEGA corny. Iceberg was corny - I admit I wore it, but it was corny. Fat Albert Fubu was corny. I'd argue that the racing jackets were at least kinda corny. Cross Colours was actually pretty corny. I could go on.

But, the point is that this stuff is simply looked at as poor choices in fashion, not the emasculation of society.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
because people dont just wear fubu or corny gear now......they pose in HIGH END limited gear, concern themselves with the number of said item produced and start looking for outfit E props online. Posing, fashion obsession and attention whoring are for the most part qualities associated with females and homosexuals.

-Those corny groups of people making matching shirts for Grape 5's  ARE CORNY.

-The anorexic dudes in supreme and yeezys hitting a signature poses and then instagramming a 4 piece shot of their belt buckle are SUS.

This is so easy i fail to see where the confusion lies
:rofl: sprinkling fairy dust


2tone is the realest idc idc idc
because people dont just wear fubu or corny gear now......they pose in HIGH END limited gear, concern themselves with the number of said item produced and start looking for outfit E props online. Posing, fashion obsession and attention whoring are for the most part qualities associated with females and homosexuals.

-Those corny groups of people making matching shirts for Grape 5's  ARE CORNY.
-The anorexic dudes in supreme and yeezys hitting a signature poses and then instagramming a 4 piece shot of their belt buckle are SUS.

This is so easy i fail to see where the confusion lies

But, social media didn't exist back then. And, people did their generation's equivalent all the time.

...What about heads rolling to the deuce just to flam their best Lo? ...What about hustlers throwing Dapper Dan parties? ...Nicki Barnes would have been taking selfies in designer wears if Instagram was in his zeitgeist.

What about the original BK Lo-Lifes? Were they sus? They were a whole crew whose most identifiable trait from the outside was their flamboyant outfits and excessive devotion to a higher end fashion brand. Now, of course, them dudes would pistol whip you in front of your moms. But, if you just take something at face value, you see groups of dudes going down to Times Square taking public photo shoots to show off their expensive designer clothing.

So, it's not that simple...

I agree that dudes making matching tee for wild CW Jordans are corny. I agree that spoiled teens rocking "street goth" is corny. You could even tell me that the contemporary Lo goose on the deuce and North Face Trans shoots are corny - I get invited to those joints, though I usually don't go. and I could STILL see why somebody might think that is corny. Hell, I think Dunk Exchange and every single sneaker convention event in the world is the epitome of corny. Mayor is corny. The dudes who run most of the sneaker blogs are corny.

Just leave it at that. No need to further marginalize gay people in your quest to point out that a lot of kids - and adults - wear dumb stuff.
:lol: if you're an "OG" you wouldn't leave the game cuz of what other people are wearing...

people coupling jordans with high end fashion shouldn't be able to kill your love for jordan shoes, or you never really loved it to begin with...

true OG's prolly left the game cuz they got bored with it and grew out of it, or cuz they got mad at the crappy retros of classics, and it becoming a fad (but that is a poor excuse, that shouldn't taint your love of your OG collection, reality is it was prolly just an excuse to sell off your collection and get some money out of it b4 they rot away completely).
Posing, fashion obsession and attention whoring are for the most part qualities associated with females and homosexuals.

so if a straight male takes a pic of his outfit or shoes (which ya gotta pose somehow for, or try to look like you're not posing, which is still a pose), cuz he's into fashion and shoes, and posts it on a forum and social media, to share what he's into and chop it up with other people into shoes and fashion, he's "sus"?

ok, we got it, so all those people in WDYWT are closeted homosexuals in your opinion. or like BIP said, all the dudes flossing in polo back in the day were just closeted homosexuals?


that's so far fetched i can't help but laugh... but the disgusting part is your constantly talking about homosexuality as if it's a bad thing.

Just leave it at that. No need to further marginalize gay people in your quest to point out that a lot of kids - and adults - wear dumb stuff.

but that's just it, this is all down to his hatred of gay people. he doesn't care if they can't help it or not (much like the KKK doesn't care whether a black man can help his skin color or not), he's not a "sympathizer", and believes it's "an alternative life choice"...

and he doesn't wanna see anything gay have any influence on mainstream culture (when the irony is, throughout the 70s and 80s straight black men wore things far more "sus" than what kids are wearing now, and it was just the fashion of the time, nobody looked at it as gay at all)...

i'm done with the neanderthal sus policeman here... dude needs to crawl back in his cave and get out while he can, cuz the world and it's progression as a tolerable, open minded people, is gonna seriously hurt his feelings... otherwise he's gonna forever be that old guy on his front porch yelling at teenagers that "back in my day we wore 3X-Large clothes, 3 times too big for us, but we were real men, and you're all sus!!!"... :rofl:
:lol: if you're an "OG" you wouldn't leave the game cuz of what other people are wearing...

people coupling jordans with high end fashion shouldn't be able to kill your love for jordan shoes, or you never really loved it to begin with...

true OG's prolly left the game cuz they got bored with it and grew out of it, or cuz they got mad at the crappy retros of classics, and it becoming a fad (but that is a poor excuse, that shouldn't taint your love of your OG collection, reality is it was prolly just an excuse to sell off your collection and get some money out of it b4 they rot away completely).

Older heads left this hobby for all kinds of reasons. And, some didn't. I was digging in basements at mom and pop stores and buying "dead stock" before we were all freaking out about Y2K. I'm here.

I'm not going to lie. Most kids in this hobby tick me off something fierce. I don't stop loving shoes, I just take note that somebody being into shoes is no longer a meaningful proxy for whether that person and I might have a lot in common, culturally. If we were in 2002 and you told me you have 100+ pairs of sneakers at home, I could have guessed we might be into a lot of the same stuff. Now, that's just not a poignant nugget anymore. I don't presume to have anything in common with somebody just because we both root for the Knicks or something - and that's where sneakers are nowadays. Doesn't diminish my love - just waters down the community aspect of it big time.

What makes Dunk Exchange, Sneaker Con, etc. corny?

Just curious on your reason behind that statement....

Part of it hinges on what I said above.

Is watching Star Trek corny? Some might say so, but most probably wouldn't. Now, is going to s Star Trek convention corny? More people would say yes to that one.

In theory, there's nothing wrong with these events. And, I don't have anything against geeking out. Hell, I'm a baseball fan (and part time professional) who has been to SABR events and stuff. The question is whether those events are actually progressing the field, or are just marketing opportunities designed to pad the rolls without really advancing the culture or promoting its essence. So, my perception that these kinds of events are generally more suited to make the culture bigger than they are to make it "better." It's also a way for spoiled kids who are essentially noobs themselves to stroke their own ego and get cheap "fame."

I just think that the culture has grown so quickly and so indiscriminately, that the voices of those who helped form it are essentially left out. And, these events are often a prime venue to cater to the lowest common denominator. I've talked about this in lots of different places on NT before, but barriers to access are good for the community - you get a better community when people have to work to be a part of it, have to swim a bit on their own, when the whole world isn't opened to you simply because you have a credit card, and when you feel like you have to spend time learning before you put yourself out there. Sneaker conventions and stuff are like cheat codes to the process - you can get to the top level without ever learning anything about the game or becoming any good at it.
God Proto J I feel like you are of the only NTers who just posts blocks my man :lol: no hate tho but yeah I just want to see people try to hard to dress like they have style why can't I just enjoy this thread without arguments?
Serious question -

why can't something just be corny, without it being "suss" or a referendum on masculinity?

Plenty of stuff in the baggy era was corny. Tall tees were MEGA corny. Iceberg was corny - I admit I wore it, but it was corny. Fat Albert Fubu was corny. I'd argue that the racing jackets were at least kinda corny. Cross Colours was actually pretty corny. I could go on.

But, the point is that this stuff is simply looked at as poor choices in fashion, not the emasculation of society.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

Nooooooooo! Not the Iceberg! Lol

I pride myself in the fact I never wore any of that other **** (rapper lines included) cause ALL that **** was corny!

Let's get back to the laughs fellas.
God Proto J I feel like you are of the only NTers who just posts blocks my man :lol: no hate tho but yeah I just want to see people try to hard to dress like they have style why can't I just enjoy this thread without arguments?

It's mostly me and BIP. And obviously neither of us care about reading a couple paragraphs or more if we're engaged in a convo.

I usually don't have much to say in this thread, it is what it is. Just the sus police and his bigotry brought it out of me. :lol:
Serious question -

why can't something just be corny, without it being "suss" or a referendum on masculinity?

Plenty of stuff in the baggy era was corny. Tall tees were MEGA corny. Iceberg was corny - I admit I wore it, but it was corny. Fat Albert Fubu was corny. I'd argue that the racing jackets were at least kinda corny. Cross Colours was actually pretty corny. I could go on.

But, the point is that this stuff is simply looked at as poor choices in fashion, not the emasculation of society.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Instead of being a white Footlocker T, it's now a $100 Fear of God heather grey T.

My beef is...the same people in here that clowned us for wearing Tall-T's are the same ones preaching that their tall, because of "quality" is better and fashionable.

And, shoe "events" are corny. Just my opinion.
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Bip I take sus photos on a case by case basis.
Some have recurring themes but posing and wearing fly stuff doesnt make a picture instantly sus. I completely get that.
Takin a pic in fly gear with some homies isnt thirsting for attention.
Seeking out the perfect location for a fly selfie of your outfit and then gettin your edit on is pretty thirsty yo.
Yes people did not have social media back then but there was also much stronger families and male guidance.
Almost anywhere outside the most metropolitan of centers looking too cute is still dangerous.

The concept of something being sus is still needed because protos ideal world of universal love and understanding is a lot further away than he realizes away from the Louis store
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