Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Cydia is hidden as well.
Is there some possible "link" or type of command I can click that would open cydia or even the settings, that's similar to when you open YouTubefrom safari?
if not, I'll fix it next time I'm on a computer.
ok, I had everything that was apart of the jailbreak in a category(cydia, dtunes, winterboard, etc.) and I put the category on stacks and hid it from thespringboard. I accidentally erased that category from stacks, that's why none of them are there.
Street View? Chea! I was thinking it was a Android exclusive. Now I wonder, like the G1 if you move the angle of the phone will it change on the screen?That's a pretty dope feature on the G1 that I want the iPhone to have.

Also does anybody know if Visual Voicemail works on Tmobile?
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Street View? Chea! I was thinking it was a Android exclusive. Now I wonder, like the G1 if you move the angle of the phone will it change on the screen? That's a pretty dope feature on the G1 that I want the iPhone to have.

Also does anybody know if Visual Voicemail works on Tmobile?

it does'nt
Originally Posted by bjm5295

If I back up my phone right before I try to unlock it, and I screw up or get it bricked some how, I can just restore it and sync my backed up data to the phone and be fine, right?

I've been wondering this as well...i don't want to be sitting around with a 200$ paper weight...any incite on this would be outstanding...
hey what website can i check out all the themes? i dont wanna go thru each one on cydia
Damn, can we get an Official Legit Thread for authentic 3G owners? Enough with all this unlocking/jailbreaking
I love this phone and would consider buying one but then there was Blackberry Touch I think is what they are calling it.
What are "authentic" owners going to talk about? What case fits best? What App Store app is worth paying for the most?

Originally Posted by taz92

I love this phone and would consider buying one but then there was Blackberry Touch I think is what they are calling it.

The best thing about the iPhone is all of the functionality. I think if you are looking for a phone with a few cool features the BB touch or even the G1 isyour best bet. I use my iPhone for everything, I don't even want to call it a phone anymore with all the other things I use it for. Im actually on it rightnow.
Originally Posted by Djoker33

Originally Posted by ii2cky

hey what website can i check out all the themes? i dont wanna go thru each one on cydia

This doesnt really help, but I think there IS a website out there somewhere that has this.. so atleast you know it DOES exist lol. try google I guess

edit: my set up:
Theme is A5stract NTW I believe..
1st page..........................................................................................Stack +Categories.................................................................................2nd page

Left and right Docks (left is recent Apps and right is a category I call Laptop)

Using a Metal Gear Solid sound set for Lock/Unlock/Email/Text
Ringtone is Bloc Party - Banquet
^^ word i bought the 3g on friday and have really been impressed, my only complaint so far is the battery life.
why cant i use my own wallpaper for the A5stract NTW theme?

Download LockBackground from Cydia.

JDocs, What is the left and right dock thing and where can i find it?

Its called Dock (very creative I know
), from Cydia. There is also a menu bar that comes from the bottom.
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