Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

wait... i was wondering, have they said anything about a video camera on the iphone for the 3.0 update????????????????????????????????????
icykicks79 wrote:
wait... i was wondering, have they said anything about a video camera on the iphone for the 3.0 update????????????????????????????????????
yes there will be a video camera.. there is one now... on jail broken phones...

3G Fuzzyband Downgrader. Downgrade any baseband with a simple click of a button!
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[table][tr][td]May 10, 2009 - 12:32 AM - by StealthBravo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
This wonderful GUI Baseband downgrader was created by w1kedZ (coding) & DHowett (GUI). It is based on the exploit in the 5.08 bootloader found by geohotz. So yes you must have the 5.08 bootloader for this to work. The beautiful part about this tool is that it will check your bootloader for you.

The way the tool works:

1. It verifies your bootloader version and displays it before attempting to downgrade (won't attempt if bootloader isn't 5.08) so it is much safer than other methods.

2. It detects current baseband version, and the patches accordingly...this means it will downgrade any baseband from 2.30 to 4.26.08 (beta 5)

It is available now on the BigBoss Repo. Look for 3G Fuzzyband Downgrader.

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Cydia 3.0 is finally here! New QuickPwn with Cydia Released (For All Devices)
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[table][tr][td]May 09, 2009 - 3:12 PM - by StealthBravo[/td] [/tr][tr][td]

Cydia for 3.0 is finally here! Currently the only way to get Cydia 3.0 on your device is to jailbreak with a newly modified QuickPwn.
This new custom QuickPwn is compliments of HoZy, lilstevie, saurik, and iphoneappsru. This QuickPwn includes all bundles needed to jailbreak your iPhone 3G, iPhone, and iPod 1G.


QuickPwn Beta5 with Cydia
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Cydia being prepared for 3.0, Nothing about Winterboard!
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[table][tr][td]May 09, 2009 - 2:49 PM - by sayam[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 500x440.[/td] [/tr][/table]

In the old 1.x days, Installer was the most popular among iPhone usersuntil 2.x came out and they lost the competition to Cydia (forever!) due to the delays. The matter got worse when word got around that Installer was just an advertising machine for RipDev but that's another story...

It seems that Saurik is not going to take the chance of loosing to some new app. As per his new Twitter status update, he's almost done with porting Cydia to the new OS 3.0 and is already done with making the QuickPwn Bundle as well, which is not going to be released to the masses soon enough. The only part to be completed is the backward compatibility, which should be done soon as well! Another cool thing is that, in comparison to the Icy update for 3.x, Cydia won't replace/ delete any files like the libgcc thus making it a more secure option.

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iPhone Temperature Warning Screen Discovered!
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[table][tr][td]May 09, 2009 - 7:06 AM - by sayam[/td] [/tr][tr][td] We've seen various weird iPhone screenshots before, including that of the Prototype OS, but this one is nice and new... and hot.

A guy named Jeff posted a screenshot of the iPhone indicating the iPhone got overheated. There's no doubt if it's fake or real as the same can be found even in the Apple Knowledge base, but most of us have never actually seen it.

[table][tr][td]Don't sit next to a pool in Scottsdale Arizona when it's 104 degrees or your iphone will melt away! So how to fix it fast? I put the[/td] [/tr][/table]
... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] 32 Replies | 3,090 Views[/td] [/tr][/table]
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Unofficial iPhone 3.0 Beta 5 Jailbreak Released (iPhone 3g Only)
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[table][tr][td]May 08, 2009 - 2:00 PM - by StealthBravo[/td] [/tr][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
[/td] [td]This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 468x407.[/td] [/tr][/table]

Ok everyone here is the next installment in the patched QuickPwn Saga. Bundle cracked by HoZy and lilstevie. The current version is iPhone 3g only! The jailbreak is Windows only (packaged in windows QuickPWN).


QuickPwn bundled and ready to go

Launch QuickPwn and jailbreak!


Like the previous 3.0 beta jailbreaks this one installs Icy (Cydia isn't ready yet). Also like previous 3.0 beta jailbreaks you need to have your iPhones UDID in a dev account.

Attention iPhone 3G upgraders:

If you upgrade to 3.0, it will change your baseband and yellowsnow unlock will be non-functional. Furthermore, as of now you will not be able to downgrade your baseband... [Read More] [/td] [/tr][tr][td] [/td] [/tr][/table]
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Originally Posted by 23bryan

Need some help...
When I tap my phone icon, it goes to the dialer and from there it doesnt let me do anything. I try to tap contacts or recents and it just stays on the dialer.
Then after about 5 seconds it goes back to the home screen. Should I restore it?
Re-jailbreak. Plug it in to your computer and just redo the jailbreak process. It has happened to me and my friend before.
I finally did the jailbreak last night....I'm still trying to figure things out. What I REALLY want is a weather widget on the first page of myspringboard. Are they difficult to install?
Everyime you jailbreak your iPhone it is like re-starting everything, RIGHT???? I mean you lose your notes and all the stuff you had on their as far asdownloaded from Cydia, right?
yeah...i jailbroke awhile ago...never was able to install the latest update because i didn't know if there was a jailbroken version for it and i didn'twant to lose my contacts, apps, etc.

i really want to d/l that update before d/l the 3.0 update. how could i do that without losing the names in my phone, aps, etc?
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH


should i cop this now or the new 1 gonna be any different???

somebody please answer the ?
wait, its only like a month or 2 till the new one comes out

and its always different, apple isnt going to release an iphone that is teh same as the previous version
Any update on release date of 3.0

I want to exchange my phone for a new one at the apple store once 3.0 comes out.. i hate this scracth on my phone.. im just gonna say that the speakers are%+#+%@ up..
Originally Posted by chr1scross

Any update on release date of 3.0

I want to exchange my phone for a new one at the apple store once 3.0 comes out.. i hate this scracth on my phone.. im just gonna say that the speakers are %+#+%@ up..

3.0 will be released when the new iphone drops.. just like 2.0 on 7/11/08.. never will forget that day..
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I finally did the jailbreak last night....I'm still trying to figure things out. What I REALLY want is a weather widget on the first page of my springboard. Are they difficult to install?

not at all...just takes a little bit of SSH
i used the one from the first page of this thread, and modified the icon to stretch across the screen. The white text wasn't easily visible on mybackground.
there are alternatives however
[h1]Possible New iPhone Specs Leak: FasterProcessor, Memory Bump, and FM Radio[/h1]
By Dan Nosowitz, 12:50 AM on Tue May 12 2009, 6,554 views (Edit post, Set to draft, Slurp)from GIZMODO

Copy this whole post to another site

Slurp cancel


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According to a forum poster on aChinese gadget site, the new iPhone is set to include some upgrades we'd expect, but also some we definitely wouldn't, most notably an FM radio.

This purported screenshot, showing "model MB717LL 9," definitely shows 32GB of storage, which seems pretty reasonable. The poster adds that thenew iPhone's processor will get bumped to 600MHz (from 400MHz) and will double the current amount of RAM to 256MB. Aside from that, the rumors point to acamera upgrade to 3.2MP with autofocus, and, interestingly, a digital compass and an FM radio, but with no major design changes: That means the same casing,screen, and battery.

Some of this stuff is probably true, like the proc, memory, storage, and camera bumps, and we've heard that rumor about the compass before, as well as a possible FM transmitter. But honestly, we wouldn't hold outany hope for an FM radio, given Apple's track record. [MacRumors]
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I finally did the jailbreak last night....I'm still trying to figure things out. What I REALLY want is a weather widget on the first page of my springboard. Are they difficult to install?

not at all...just takes a little bit of SSH
i used the one from the first page of this thread, and modified the icon to stretch across the screen. The white text wasn't easily visible on my background.
there are alternatives however
I'll have to give it a try later on...thanks for the info! Currenlty I have the weather synched w. TWC and it shows at the top of my screenon the springboard....

another question(s)...ok, so I'm relatively new to AT&T (just signed up in November...I was w. Sprint before), when this new iPhone drops, I canjust exchange my old one w. no hassle? Reason why I'm asking is that it didn't work that way w. Sprint
. Also, i'm assuming I have to deleteeverything I did off of my jailbreak, right? To do that, all I would need to do is go thru iTunes and do a restore if I'm not mistaken....bottom line, isit easy to get your phone back to factory settings before going to AT&T and upgrading to the new iPhone?
damn...i wanna know if this new iphone is droppin!!!

and how i can be available for an upgrade....

i think im bout to cop 1 today....
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH

damn...i wanna know if this new iphone is droppin!!!

and how i can be available for an upgrade....

i think im bout to cop 1 today....
Just wait for the new one homie. Dont be like me, I copped like 2 months ago and a week later I come on here and find out about the new phonedroppin in the summer. Man I was pissed. But now I jailbroke my iphone, and its a BEAST
Originally Posted by INFAMOUS

^ Have you even read any articles posted in this thread?

If Engadget and Mac Rumors don't know anything then nobody does. The latest report from a Chinese Forum did say 'No major changes in battery, screenand external casing.' but as Mac Rumors pointed out 'As far as we can tell, the original poster has no track record for accurate information'.
Probably a dumb question but... when I go to iclarified and begin going through the steps to jailbreak it says make sure you have iTunes 8.0.2

I have 8.0.1 right now, but if I upgrade its gonna be 8.1.1 which one will work?
I cant watch video from WSHH or Youtube anymore through safari (Jailbroken BTW). Anybody know what it could be, a program I need to install or a conflict?
how much do you guys think I will get if i sell my 8GB 2G iphone on ebay? It has water damage according to the apple store.

It is semi-functional - everything works when its charging, but a little after you take it off the charger, it will start to bug out.

The sleep button won't respond when I hit it, it will lock on its own, the power off screenwill appear on its own, etc.
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