Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Just a quick question. My 3g iphone connects to the internet through my wireless router, but the internet doesnt not work. It says it is connected though. Thisdoes the same thing to my ps3's wifi also.
What the hell is your question? ^
I wanna restore my already unlocked phone, what are the steps in doing so? I'm doing this cause I'm selling it tomorrow and want everything off of it.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

I wanna restore my already unlocked phone, what are the steps in doing so? I'm doing this cause I'm selling it tomorrow and want everything off of it.
Recovery Mode---> Connect To iTunes--> Restore
It should work, that's what i did the past 2 times...

It wont be unlocked or jailbroken afterwards of course, you gonna sell it just blank?
Actually on second thought I think I'm just gonna update it to 2.2.1 and unlock it again for the dude.. That's easy.
So i have a New Problem.... well its new for me. 2 weeks ago my iphone started trippen. It would constantly lose serviceeverywhere. How come its doing this, how do i fix this???
Originally Posted by im that one

So i have a New Problem.... well its new for me. 2 weeks ago my iphone started trippen. It would constantly lose service everywhere. How come its doing this, how do i fix this???

What carrier do you have? Firmware version? Jailbroken? 3g or 2g?
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by im that one

So i have a New Problem.... well its new for me. 2 weeks ago my iphone started trippen. It would constantly lose service everywhere. How come its doing this, how do i fix this???

What carrier do you have? Firmware version? Jailbroken? 3g or 2g?
i have att, its a 3G 16 GB. Not jailbroken. and the version is 2.2.1
Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by im that one

So i have a New Problem.... well its new for me. 2 weeks ago my iphone started trippen. It would constantly lose service everywhere. How come its doing this, how do i fix this???

What carrier do you have? Firmware version? Jailbroken? 3g or 2g?
i have att, its a 3G 16 GB. Not jailbroken. and the version is 2.2.1
Your version is the most recent, if you have time, you may want to restore if it is that big of a problem, or hard reset by holding home and powerfor 7-10 sec. Toggling airplane mode may help, also.
Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by im that one

Originally Posted by 23MichaelJordan45

Originally Posted by im that one

So i have a New Problem.... well its new for me. 2 weeks ago my iphone started trippen. It would constantly lose service everywhere. How come its doing this, how do i fix this???

What carrier do you have? Firmware version? Jailbroken? 3g or 2g?
i have att, its a 3G 16 GB. Not jailbroken. and the version is 2.2.1
Your version is the most recent, if you have time, you may want to restore if it is that big of a problem, or hard reset by holding home and power for 7-10 sec. Toggling airplane mode may help, also.
i did the hard reset. ill try to play with the airplane mode... what does that do? if all else fails ill justrestore it, hopefully thatll work. thanks for the help.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Actually on second thought I think I'm just gonna update it to 2.2.1 and unlock it again for the dude.. That's easy.

I hope you didn't update it to 2.2.1 hoping to unlock the phone for another carrier other than AT&T...
If you did, the guy is %$!% out of luck! Can't unlock with base band 2.30 and unless you got your iPhone 3G right when it came out, you can't downgradethe base band yet either.

So if you tried to get a cracked version of Beejive and got blacklisted, there is no way to get the app at all? Even if I buy it?
I have a ipod touch.....Is there a way to customize the titles for the apps, safari, music etc..? Also how can I change the top left that says ipod? Thanks

And what do I have to install to get the folders on the springboard instead of having all of the apps on there?
Originally Posted by stylez23

any idea if previous iphone owners are getting any kind of special upgrade?

i know last time when i went from the 1st gen to the 3G, i was allowed to even though i wasn't eligible for an upgrade, and got that upgrade price of $299 for my white 16GB

I asked this before but I dont think anybody answered..

I currently have the white 3g and I wanted to get the new Iphone. Do you guys think they'll do the $299 contract price for people that are already on contract? You know, like they did before with the old iphones.

will you be able to turn in your old 8gb phone to upgrade to the one thats coming out in july?

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