Official iPhone: RIP Steve Jobs.. Jailbreak Avail for 5.0(Page 1)

Originally Posted by slaterSB

trying something new, i dunno how i feel about it yet
how did you get your dock like that???
Originally Posted by dalilboy

Originally Posted by slaterSB

trying something new, i dunno how i feel about it yet
how did you get your dock like that???


plzz tell I want to know also !!!!!!!!!!!!

this is what I'm rockin on my iphone its aight

its called dockflow it was just added to cydia. you have to have 5 icon dock installed, and apps must be in that order. its decent
Originally Posted by slaterSB

its called dockflow it was just added to cydia. you have to have 5 icon dock installed, and apps must be in that order. its decent

is your phone unlocked?
just got an iphone yesterday. I love this thing. don't wanna jailbreak it though.

can I use themes on an unjalibroken iphone? oh and any good sites for backgrounds?

I got a griffin wave case but am thinking about returning it for a switcheasy rebel case. dunno yet.

downloaded pacman, facebook and I heart radio. what are other good free apps?
Anybody drop their iphone in water (for me the toilet
) whileunder warrenty? PM me or reply still works but it wont read the sim card
..I want to know if I just say I dont know what happened to it and it just stopped reading the SIM if somehow they can replace it...??
i downloaded a full theme off of cydia. The Angular theme, i like the icons and every thing like that but how do i change the wallpaper to a picture stored onmy phone? everytime i set the wallpaper to the picture i want, it doesnt change. any help idea or tips on what to do?
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

i downloaded a full theme off of cydia. The Angular theme, i like the icons and every thing like that but how do i change the wallpaper to a picture stored on my phone? everytime i set the wallpaper to the picture i want, it doesnt change. any help idea or tips on what to do?

Download LockBackground from Cydia and make sure it is above the theme you are using in Winterboard.
so where in cydia do you get your icons like that
Just go to Search and type in Winterboard or go to the Theme section of Cydia and all the themes are there.
My current theme:


Someone might have a solution to my problem...I'm on T-Mobile, and my EDGE on is working fine, but when I got to Settings> General > network, my APNis not showing up....any help?
Originally Posted by JDocs

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

i downloaded a full theme off of cydia. The Angular theme, i like the icons and every thing like that but how do i change the wallpaper to a picture stored on my phone? everytime i set the wallpaper to the picture i want, it doesnt change. any help idea or tips on what to do?

Download LockBackground from Cydia and make sure it is above the theme you are using in Winterboard.
appreciate it fam
so i used audiko to make custom ringtones and when i try to sync more than one ringtone to my iphone all the ring tones just show up the same...anyone elsehave that problem or know how to fix it?
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Anybody drop their iphone in water (for me the toilet
) while under warrenty? PM me or reply still works but it wont read the sim card
..I want to know if I just say I dont know what happened to it and it just stopped reading the SIM if somehow they can replace it...??

did you try to air dry the sim import? because there still might be water damage done. try to use someone else's sim card and see if it works.. if so, thenthat means your sim is probably damaged if not then there is water damage to the sim import...

try to air it out for a couple of days.. if all else fails.. looks like you'll be having to get a new iphone..
[h2]NEWS DROP[/h2]
[/h2] [h2]New Apple iPhone Commercial: Urban Spoon[/h2]

Posted on Wednesday, Nov 5, 2008 by Rene Ritchie
1 Comment » File Under:App Store Apps, News; Tags: app store, commercial, urban spoon


Apple is still heavily promoting the App Store in their latest iPhone ad - and given the staggering number of Apps and even more staggering number of downloads, with good reason.

The latest focuses on restaurant random-finder Urban Spoon, and perhaps to appease the UK overseers, the ad now cops to having the "sequence shortened". Dieter finds this "disappointingly normal":
…what was so awesome about the initial commercials is they showed some speed, instruction, and fun just by showing you the interface.

So scratch the speed, but you can still shake some fun.


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[h2]Apple Becoming a Gaming Power House?[/h2]

Posted on Wednesday, Nov 5, 2008 by Jeremy Sikora
2 Comments » File Under:Games, News; Tags: Apple, Business Week, Games, iPhone, nintendo, sony

Back in September, TiPb posted a few articles in regards to Apple becoming a major player in the hand held gaming wars. We faced off the iPhone against Sony's PSP and Nintendo's DS.

The main question to be answered is should Sony and Nintendo be worried? I'd say yes, indeed they should be worried. Business Week seems to feel the same way as well. Some of their points are right on key with what we had to say back in September (see the articles linked above). While that is no doubt a coincidence, here is what they had to say:
Now look at Apple's advantages over competitors. Apple already has more titles for its games than both of the other two combined. And aside from the free ones, games on the App Store sell at prices ranging up to $9.99 and sometimes a little more. Compare that with the $20 to $40 for Nintendo DS games and the $10 to $40 for games on the PSP.

Fully agrees with what we said, doesn't it? How about this one?
And with Apple selling via iTunes, there are no costs associated with the distribution of physical media. All games are downloaded directly to the device. And in the event the game is buggy, the developer can easily issue an easy-to-download fix. The developer gets 70% of the sale and Apple keeps 30%, with no one else to get in the middle. Nintendo and Sony partners have to worry about shelf space at stores, shipping, returns, defective merchandise, and even the occasional shoplifter.

Also a good point that we stressed a few months back. With the holiday season fast approaching, it should be mighty interesting to see just how the hand held gaming wars works out.

For more gaming coverage from TiPb be sure to check out these articles.

(Via Business Week)

[h2]Apple's New Macbooks Declaring War On Jailbreakers?[/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 by Jeremy Sikora
6 Comments » File Under:News, Rumors; Tags: Apple, iPhone, jailbreaking, macbook


What a bizarre turn of events we have here… It seems that everyone who has a new Macbook, Macbook Pr, or Macbook Air and wants to jailbreak there iPhone is in for a surprise. You will be unable to do so. New Macbook owners will notice an iPhone or iPod Touch will not be detected when it is booted into DFU mode, which we all know is key for jailbreaking.

At first I thought that Apple had to make some sort of hardware change within their new Macbooks. Then Dieter politely gave me the version of iTunes running on his new Macbook, 8.0.1 (12). Now the version that everyone else has on their older Macs is version 8.0.1 (11). Very interesting. If it's a simple software change that would only slow down the Dev Team for a few days until a new work-around is found.

Now keep in mind this is not the first attempt by Apple to slow down jailbreaking. A few months back they attempted a counter strike when firmware 2.1 dropped, only to have the Dev Team find a solutions merely days later.

On a side note, I've seen a lot of people having issues with jailbreaking lately, please keep in mind if you do not have a new Macbook, you still can jailbreak. There was a rumor going around on the forums with members concerned they can not jailbreak. This is simply not true.

(Thanks to Landon for the tip!)

[Note: Anyone not using a new Macbook, but looking for help Jailbreaking, check out Jeremy's awesome guides for Mac, Windows, and iPhone 2G, and if you need extra help, drop by our Jailbreak Forum! - Rene]

[h2]App Preview: MobileFiles Grants Access to your MobileMe files on your iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 by Chad Garrett
4 Comments » File Under:App Store Apps, Apps; Tags: 3rd part apps, app store, mobileme

While we wait for an "official" iDisk app from Apple, the folks over at Quickoffice have released a free app for the iPhone called MobileFiles. This app is different from our recent post about This app is used strictly to access your MobileFiles on the go. There is lots to talk about this app, but what I like the most is that when you access a file from your MobileMe account, it saves it locally for you to access later; without being online. You can even go in and manage what files you want to keep locally or not. Here is a high-level list of things you can do with Mobilefiles:
  • Add multiple MobileMe accounts
  • Add multiple MobileMe public folders
  • View almost any type of supported file
  • Built-in file manager
  • FREE!!!
Quickoffice is also working on an office client for the iPhone as well. Others that have jumped in the document editing area are Documents to Go and Microsoft. Who will be victorious? I can't wait to find out. Do yourself and favor, and if you have a MobileMe account, don't wait, download this awesome app now!

Gallery after the jump…

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Review: Marware Sport Grip for iPhone 3G

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 by Casey Chan
1 Comment » File Under:Accessories, Cases, Featured, Reviews; Tags: case review, marware, marware sport grip, review, sport grip

The iPhone 3G has plenty of case options that range from hard polycarbonate cases to soft rubber options, from colorful designs to more understated lines. The Marware Sport Grip for iPhone 3G ($19.95) is a soft rubber case that incorporates subtle design and offers superb protection. How does it perform?

Read on for the rest of the review!

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[h2]UPDATED: Opera Mini on the iPhone Rumor Smasher: Not Denied, Not Even Submitted?![/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 by Rene Ritchie
12 Comments » File Under:App Store Apps, Development, News; Tags:daring fireball, gruber, opera, operamini, rumor-smasher



The New York Times gets clarification from Opera (via Daring Fireball):
"We stopped the work because of the prohibitive license," to Mr. von Tetzchner wrote in an e-mail.

Turns out it was an internal project.


So we, along with half the interwebs, picked up a paraphrased comment by Opera's president that pretty much indicated Apple had rejected popular mobile browser Opera Mini from the App Store.

Well, John Gruber over at Daring Fireball did some digging and found out that it just ain't so:
My understanding, based on information from informed sources who do not wish to be identified because they were not authorized by their employers is that Opera has developed an iPhone version of Opera Mini, they haven't even submitted it to Apple, let alone had it be rejected.

[h2]Sonos for your iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Tuesday, Nov 4, 2008 by Chad Garrett
1Comment » File Under:News; Tags: entertainment, Music, remote, sonos, Wireless

Before you get excited, I realize that not all of you know what Sonos is. Sonos is a way to control all of the music in your home (including Internet radio such as Pandora and Last FM), room by room.

Needless to say, the announcement from Sonos that you can now control all of this via your iPhone is really exciting! I personally don't use Sonos, but I have a friend that does, and he filled me on on the scoop…

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[h2]Lightsaber Unleashed 2.1: Custom Characters and Sabers for the iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Monday, Nov 3, 2008 by Rene Ritchie
3 Comments » FileUnder:App StoreApps, News; Tags: app store, lightsaberunleashed

So, many of us felt a a great disturbance in the force when the selection of characters included with the original Lightsaber Unleashed (formerly known as PhoneSaber) were tied to the simultaneously released Force Unleashed video game rather than to the original Star Wars movies we all (should!) know and love.

No Luke. No Yoda. No Obi-wan.

Well, Lightsaber Unleashed has just hit 2.1 and with it comes the ability to rectify this disturbance, provided you're willing to do it yourself. Not only can you make your own Lightsabers, mixing handles and colors for the perfect shade, but you can take a photo or choose from a photo album picture to make your own entire character - complete with fields for names and bios!

Major improvement to an already geek-favorite app!

Gallery after the jump!

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[h2]ZOMG! Ziphone Dude Crashing iPhones With Malicious Audio Code?[/h2]

Posted on Monday, Nov 3, 2008 by Rene Ritchie
8 Comments » FileUnder:News; Tags: security, vulnerability,ziphone

sadpirate.png (via TUAW) is claiming Ziphone jailbreak author Piergiorgio Zambrini has found a way to crash the iPhone (and other computer systems, according to Zambrini's own website) using specially crafted video files:
The bug Zambrini found is in the audio portion of Apple's video format. Knowing the bug exists, someone could write a program that incorporates the bug into a video file and trigger a crash whenever an iPhone attempts to run that file. The bug, which is located in a shared code library that is used across most Apple operating systems and some Linux ones as well, doesn't appear to cause any permanent damage, but immediately sends the device into a panic that leads to a lengthy reboot.

Since it crashed the device and not just the app, one security expert quoted feels it's a kernal vulnerability that's been discovered. Zambrini, who paradoxically claims to have both applied for a job with Apple's security team, and that working for Apple is not his goal, is apparently exploring the vulnerability as a way to inject malicious code.


Howsabout next time we be a little more responsible and keep the information confidential, alerting only the OS makers involved, giving them a reasonable amount of time to patch the problem before we put real world end-users at risk by alerting bad guys to potential exploits, b'okay?


[h2]How To: Setup AT&T Free Wi-Fi on Your iPhone[/h2]

Posted on Monday, Nov 3, 2008 by Chad Garrett
12 Comments » File Under:Tips and How-To; Tags: AT&T, free wifi, how-to, setup

So, I am sitting at my local Starbucks and decided to give the new AT&T free Wi-Fi a spin on my iPhone 3G. The process was painless. After turning on Wi-Fi, you are presented with a screen to enter you phone number. Afterwards, it tells you that you are receiving a link via text (for free) with a link to access AT&T's free Wi-Fi.

I have to admit, at first I was thinking that this seems a little complicated and a lot of steps to just connect via Wi-Fi… but wait, it is all-goooooood.

So, I get my text message and it tells me that I now have access and that it is renewable every 24 hours. Cool. Now, why is this exciting and post-worthy? Well, If you have tried to connect to an AT&T Wi-Fi access point before, say, via Starbucks, you connect, but as soon as your iPhone goes into sleep mode, you loose the Wi-Fi connection and you have to reconfigure it all over again!

With this process, this does not happen! I can only assume it adds your MAC address to AT&T's service. So everytime your iPhone goes into sleep mode, you don't have to worry about turning it back on! It automatically connects (well, for 24 hours anyway). How great is that! I say kudos to AT&T in taking the extra time to ensure that the free Wi-Fi experience on your iPhone is flawless. Good job.

Check out the gallery below!

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm on a 16G iphone with At&t on 2.1 version....Which steps should i useto jailbreak my phone???[/color]
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm on a 16G iphone with At&t on 2.1 version....Which steps should i use to jailbreak my phone???[/color]
everything you need to know is on the 1st page
so I reset my settings and had categories sorted out for all my apps before this. Now I got all my apps scattered all over my springboard after the settingreset. The thing is those same apps can also be found in the folders I made from categories. So in a way I have two icons of a whole bunch of apps. Anyway tofix this?
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