With Ben on this one. No nutrition background in my resume, but have done extensive research on this and have done a few juice fasts.

There's this huge misconception surrounding nutrition and the generation frowns heavily upon so much that they have little knowledge about.

So many have said that these prolonged juice fasts are bad for you...Well, no one has died from doing these long fasts. In fact, the history is strongly in the favor of those having been through long-term juice fasts having significantly improved their overall health.

For those getting started then you should realize this is not a diet. The main goal is not to lose weight, although that is one of the many benefits achieved. It is for overall health and "rebooting" your system. Rebooting in the sense that you cleanse your body of all the junk and toxins you've consumed. Not only toxins from ingestion through eating, but smoking, fumes inhaled, etc.

The basic principle in this is that all the nutrients in all the fruits and vegetables we eat are locked into the fiber of the produce. What juicing does is strip the produce of it's fiber and unleashes all the nutrients and it goes right into your system since your body doesn't have to waste time digesting and worrying trying to seek out any nutrients. Further, there's so much information out there about how much energy your body uses just to digest the food we eat. Especially if it's food that provides minimal, if any, nutritional value. What happens when your body doesn't have to worry about digesting is where the magic in juice fasts happen. Instead, your body's natural healing mechanisms go after all the junk you've ingested and even starts to work on things like scar tissue from past injuries and free radical damage (cancer causing cells). It's reasons like that in which the true healing power of a juice fast is in it's cleansing.

What you should experience after a juice fast is cravings for natural food and ultimately, healthy food. Even after short fasts, I can say that my body initially rejected the junk food that I was accustomed to. Made me feel sick. It's because the body started craving the food that actually provided it with nutritional value. This so called reboot will bring you back to the simpler times when true nutrition was the key to overall health and well-being. You become satisfied on less because you're giving your body optimal nutrition and not feeding it with junk fillers.

Read, research and experience. Try it, at least. Then get back to us.
A lot of info in here and I'm going to go back and read through later.

Question though. When you're at work do you just make your juice before you leave and put in the fridge at work for your lunch? Just wondering how long it'll last after you make it
omgitswes omgitswes the few times I've taken one to work I put it in my blender bottle and put in the fridge. Shake it up when I get a break and it didn't taste any different.
Okay cool, thanks. I might give this a shot. Steal my girl's Nutribullet since she never uses it
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Happy breakfast.

fruits are completley fine to eat

just get rid of all other sugars from everything else.

its not hard to diet

clean diet and real food>>>>>>>juicing.

btw blueberries>
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I haven't consumed chia seeds ever, normally just flax seeds in my shakes.

Not trying to lose weight though, will look into it.
Yo @651akathePaul, thanks for post.

A lot of info in here and I'm going to go back and read through later.

Question though. When you're at work do you just make your juice before you leave and put in the fridge at work for your lunch? Just wondering how long it'll last after you make it

My wife wakes up early in the AM to prepare our juices. It would be too difficult to do my juices at work. If I forget my juice, I can downstairs and go to Robeks to get what I need.

When I began juicing last week, I was doing 4 juices a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Mid day snack and Dinner. After my 6th day, I felt like I could skip snack because I was still full from lunch. So Since Tuesday Ive been having only 3 Juices a day

and I feel good.


I kinda cheated last night. I came down with the cold (had a runny nose and was sneezing all day at work yesterday). After work I went to Jerrys Deli and got me some Chicken Broth only and drank that along with a pure orange juice.

I didnt eat anything, just drank the broth. Is that cheating?

I feel a lot better than I did yesterday, so something worked. Today Im only drinking Orange, Carrots and Lemon juice.

How do you guys deal with being sick while trying to stay healthy?
Yo @651akathePaul, thanks for post.
My wife wakes up early in the AM to prepare our juices. It would be too difficult to do my juices at work. If I forget my juice, I can downstairs and go to Robeks to get what I need.

When I began juicing last week, I was doing 4 juices a day. Breakfast, Lunch, Mid day snack and Dinner. After my 6th day, I felt like I could skip snack because I was still full from lunch. So Since Tuesday Ive been having only 3 Juices a day

and I feel good.


I kinda cheated last night. I came down with the cold (had a runny nose and was sneezing all day at work yesterday). After work I went to Jerrys Deli and got me some Chicken Broth only and drank that along with a pure orange juice.

I didnt eat anything, just drank the broth. Is that cheating?

I feel a lot better than I did yesterday, so something worked. Today Im only drinking Orange, Carrots and Lemon juice.

How do you guys deal with being sick while trying to stay healthy?

Depends who you ask, but if you have to ask if it's cheating then you already know the answer.

As I've stated before, I juice every morning and I've been vegan (also don't eat wheat or soy or refined sugars) for many years and since I've been vegan, I promise you I literally haven't been sick since. Not a single day, not a single moment. I'm full of energy ALL of the time. No caffeine no medicine no bull ****.

Not sure if this is OP or not (my apologies I forgot!!) but if this is, you getting sick is just your body detoxing (or you were out in the cold without the proper clothing on for too long).

The chicken broth won't/didn't help at all. If anything your body is going to reject that as well. You should have just kept hammering down the kale shakes and you most likely would have been feeling great the very next morning. You feeling better the next day was honestly just the effects of your daily shakes and not the chicken broth and maybe even just your mind convincing yourself you'd feel better with chicken broth, you'd be surprised how big a role the mind plays in health.

Hard to keep up with this thread since I rarely go on this website, but this thread is making me want to give the effort to keep coming back if people want to listen. I know it's hard to hear everything you've ever been taught about food has most likely been a lie, but the truth shall set you free. It is absolute, my friends. Keep up the good work everyone!

Oh and while I do make my kale shakes mostly all greens, eating nothing but fruits is not harmful to you. I know plenty of fruitatarians (yes, it's a real thing) in their 60's and 70's healthy as can be with no signs of slowing down. Doesn't mean everyone will react exactly the same tho, so take it with a grain of sale and LISTEN to your Own body... (Unless it's craving for meat and dairy ;-) ).
Anyone have juicing recipes? Looked through the thread real quick, didn't see anything in those regards.

Honestly just start with a base of kale and add any fruits and veggies you'd like. Really all preference, get creative!

I pretty much keep it fairly the same everyday: (ALL OF THIS IS ORGANIC BTW) Kale, cucumber, celery, 1 scoop of hemp protein, an avocado, coconut oil and 100% organic home made orange juice instead of water. I also put a handful of some frozen fruits. Which frozen fruits is the only thing that really rotates. Occasionally some ginger and since it's the season my lemons are ripening so I'll start squeezing one of those in as well.
such an incredible thread. thanks op, your awesome. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

good luck on your journey, i'm motivated to join in on this process. :wink: :smokin :smokin

i have yet to eat a salad, my entire life.. from a child til now 28 yrs of living. no salad. :frown:

i am prepared to make the change. :smokin

ive heard over and over again the benefits of coconut oil, chia seeds is new to me. but i will be giving that a shot soon.

i did this once before, in fact i took a weight loss pill for 30 days, dont judge me. it did the trick, lost 28 lbs in a month. :/

it was insane, but unhealthy.. ultimately gained the weight back.

this time i plan to do it right. juicing seems like the right way to go. ( gotta get them veggies in me some how lol ) :smokin :smokin

i look forward to your weekly updates. keep up the good work. :smokin :smokin

also thanks for everyone else for chiming in. i appreciate each post, just reading through this thread made me feel healthier lol :lol: :smokin :smokin

props guys, :nthat: :nthat:

- much luv, stay freshhh !! :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
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Great thread. I have tried juicing for a week and it was pretty difficult mainly because it was hard to say no to steak, chicken, and a beer haha. But I do have to say that I did feel great while doing it. I felt more energized, slept better and most of all I didnt feel sluggish/sleepy after eating aka the itis haha. The main reason why I considered juicing was because of the high amount of processed foods that I was consuming and wanted to cleanse myself; I workout regularly so weight loss was not a concern.
I've done a few 7-10 day fasts and I've never felt better, but I get sick of the daily routine. Then when I try and incorporate just one here and there I overbuy produce and throw it out. I basically had 3 go to juices that I would make.

3-4 Apples
6-8 Carrotts
2 apples
Handful or 2 of Spinach
6-8 Kale Stalks
1/2 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
1 Lemon
1 good Beet/Can juice the leaves-----------Beets probably caught me by surprise more than through me good and def. could tell I had some red beets. Great drink though.
3 Carrots
2 Oranges
i bought that same juicer black friday.

i havent been actually doing a juice fast.

for breakfast ill eat oatmeal with peanut butter and this juice is like (8-900ml)

lunch ill eat a soup with a juice smaller one like (400-500 ml)

for dinner ill eat like half a roasted chicken breast with a juice (depending how i feel ill make a smaller or larger juice)

i only drink about 2-5 different juices
i try not to use fruit as much because all that sugar isnt good for you
if you're juicing 3-4 fruits and 1 vegetable you're doing it wrong

Top 3 Juices

Number 1

About 6-7 full Kale leafs
Hand full of Fresh Spinach
2-3 Celery Stalks
1/2-1 cucumber (depending how big it is)
3-4 Carrots
2 Green Apples
(sometimes i add broccoli if i drink this at lunch or dinner)

Number 2
2 small Sweet Potato
4 Carrots
3 Small Red Apple or 2 Bigger ones

Number 3- (sometimes i heat this up)
2-3 Celery Stalks
Handful of Cilantro
1 Cucumber
1 Tomato
1 Jalepeno/ Green Pepper w.e you can handle

any body have any good juice recipes?

i wanna try to some different juices

my problem is i wont eat vegetables at all so i turn to juices to get the nutrients in my body.
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Weighed myself yesterday and so far Ive lost a total of 11 pounds in 9 days. Feel great to be healthy and full of energy. Clothes fitting good, mirror images are getting better and smell of food is not getting to me anymore. FEELS GREAT.

Depends who you ask, but if you have to ask if it's cheating then you already know the answer.

As I've stated before, I juice every morning and I've been vegan (also don't eat wheat or soy or refined sugars) for many years and since I've been vegan, I promise you I literally haven't been sick since. Not a single day, not a single moment. I'm full of energy ALL of the time. No caffeine no medicine no bull ****.

Not sure if this is OP or not (my apologies I forgot!!) but if this is, you getting sick is just your body detoxing (or you were out in the cold without the proper clothing on for too long).

The chicken broth won't/didn't help at all. If anything your body is going to reject that as well. You should have just kept hammering down the kale shakes and you most likely would have been feeling great the very next morning. You feeling better the next day was honestly just the effects of your daily shakes and not the chicken broth and maybe even just your mind convincing yourself you'd feel better with chicken broth, you'd be surprised how big a role the mind plays in health.

Hard to keep up with this thread since I rarely go on this website, but this thread is making me want to give the effort to keep coming back if people want to listen. I know it's hard to hear everything you've ever been taught about food has most likely been a lie, but the truth shall set you free. It is absolute, my friends. Keep up the good work everyone!

Oh and while I do make my kale shakes mostly all greens, eating nothing but fruits is not harmful to you. I know plenty of fruitatarians (yes, it's a real thing) in their 60's and 70's healthy as can be with no signs of slowing down. Doesn't mean everyone will react exactly the same tho, so take it with a grain of sale and LISTEN to your Own body... (Unless it's craving for meat and dairy ;-) ).

Yes this is the OP, yeah man you are so right. I dont think the chicken broth did anything for me. I kept burping it up and just felt like blah (but also thought it was the cold). I woke up and drank nothing but Oranges and carrot juice and felt freaking awesome. Never gotten over a cold so damn quick. Next time I will for sure skip the broth. But I did feel so dam weak, would you have suggested I tried to work out? Didnt feel like doing anything.

Keep posting your advice and comments, I read them and use all your advice. Thanks.

Did it for 7 days. That was brutal
It was, but I guarantee if you would of gone longer, you would said something like, "This isnt so bad after all". At least thats what Im saying now.

such an incredible thread. thanks op, your awesome. :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

good luck on your journey, i'm motivated to join in on this process. :wink: :smokin :smokin

i have yet to eat a salad, my entire life.. from a child til now 28 yrs of living. no salad. :frown:

i am prepared to make the change. :smokin

ive heard over and over again the benefits of coconut oil, chia seeds is new to me. but i will be giving that a shot soon.

i did this once before, in fact i took a weight loss pill for 30 days, dont judge me. it did the trick, lost 28 lbs in a month. :/

it was insane, but unhealthy.. ultimately gained the weight back.

this time i plan to do it right. juicing seems like the right way to go. ( gotta get them veggies in me some how lol ) :smokin :smokin

i look forward to your weekly updates. keep up the good work. :smokin :smokin

also thanks for everyone else for chiming in. i appreciate each post, just reading through this thread made me feel healthier lol :lol: :smokin :smokin

props guys, :nthat: :nthat:

- much luv, stay freshhh !! :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
Thanks brotha, and when you do decide to do this, we'll be here to help you out and answer any questions. Remember, lemon is the key to most juices. It helps take that unwanted flavor away. Oh and Salads are overrated, you dont need salads to be healthy bro. Good luck to you.

Great thread. I have tried juicing for a week and it was pretty difficult mainly because it was hard to say no to steak, chicken, and a beer haha. But I do have to say that I did feel great while doing it. I felt more energized, slept better and most of all I didnt feel sluggish/sleepy after eating aka the itis haha. The main reason why I considered juicing was because of the high amount of processed foods that I was consuming and wanted to cleanse myself; I workout regularly so weight loss was not a concern.
Man you aint lying. Steak is hard to say no to. But what I did the day before juicing (And alot of people might shake their heads to this) was that I took the family for a nice steak dinner at Flemmings. We murdered out meals that night. After dinner, we went to costco to buy a bunch of veggies and fruits. Then headed to Macys to buy the juicer. The next day we began juicing and havent looked back. I say we went out with a bang. LOL. And you are so right, Im no longer lazy, sleepy after meals and full of energy. I only slept good the first 3 nights, after that, I can hardly sleep. Funny thing is that I dont feel sleepy throughout the day. I know this is not healthy so maybe @Ben Roethlisberger can recommend me something on how to fall asleep.

I've done a few 7-10 day fasts and I've never felt better, but I get sick of the daily routine. Then when I try and incorporate just one here and there I overbuy produce and throw it out. I basically had 3 go to juices that I would make.

3-4 Apples
6-8 Carrotts
2 apples
Handful or 2 of Spinach
6-8 Kale Stalks
1/2 Cucumber
4 Celery Stalks
1 Lemon
1 good Beet/Can juice the leaves-----------Beets probably caught me by surprise more than through me good and def. could tell I had some red beets. Great drink though.
3 Carrots
2 Oranges

Great recipes. I use them all. Im going to start introducing some berries to my drinks. I want more of a juice and not a smoothie though. Do I have to buy a lot?
Here is to those that want to know the difference between blending or juicing.

What’s The Difference In Juicing And Blending

What’s the difference between juicing with a juicer and making fruit and veggie-based drinks with a blender.

Both are amazing additions to any diet.

Juice allows us to work with the freshest fruits, vegetables and herbs to create drinks that are deliciously vibrant, deliver an amazing nutritional punch and are incredibly easy to digest.
Smoothies have their place in a daily menu as well. They can offer fiber, good fats and opportunities for adding more protein into your diet all while tasting deliciously decadent.

So what’s the difference?

When people ask me what the difference is I love to use the example using carrots. I can juice 2 pounds of carrots and drink them but there is no way I can blend 2 pounds and drink them.


When you juice you push clean produce through the chute of a juicer. This process removes the insoluble fiber (but the soluble fiber remains in the juice). Important micro nutrients typically more difficult to absorb become accessible to the human body. These nutrients include digestive enzymes and certain. Also, by creating an all liquid product, the body and consume more of these phytonutrients at once.

It amazes new Rebooters sometimes how small the juice yield is from vegetables like kale, and makes it clear that it’s a lot easier to drink a head of kale than to eat it!


When you make smoothies, you load up a blender with clean, fresh or frozen fruits, and green leafy veggies and liquid like coconut water, juice or almond milk. You can also add ingredients like almonds, hemp or soy milk, cacao nibs or chia seed for fun.

When you drink smoothies, your body benefits from the phytonutrients found in the skin and flesh of fruits and veggies. You also benefit from the large amounts of fiber found in whole fruits and vegetables. Fiber is important for regulating blood sugar, keeping bowels regular, aiding in hunger control, and it may help prevent certain types of cancers.

Nutritional Tip
Remember: some juices and smoothies are meant to serve as full meals, while others are supplements. It’s important to look at your entire diet each day to ensure you are meeting your body’s nutritional needs while keeping your caloric intake in check.

Both smoothies and fresh juice can be a healthy and delicious way to boost the amount of micro nutrients.
I'm so used to just calling smoothies a juice that I forget the difference. To correct myself, I make SMOOTHIES every day.

Again, no problem OP. I'm not saying anything that everyone doesn't already know internally. What are your plans after the juice fast? Veganism?
I'm so used to just calling smoothies a juice that I forget the difference. To correct myself, I make SMOOTHIES every day.

Again, no problem OP. I'm not saying anything that everyone doesn't already know internally. What are your plans after the juice fast? Veganism?
:lol: (in a good way). I looked up vegan meals and I dont think I would be able to do it. Along with the veggies and fruit cravings, Im also craving grilled chicken, turkey meat and fish. Which is good because Im not craving red meat anymore. And one of the main reasons I probably wont go vegan is because of my kids. They like chicken and meat and wont be able to take that away from them.

-So my plans are to start cooking healthy for my family. Veggies will now be my top priorities and must have 2 or more servings per plate. Before, we hardly ate any veggies and did not care for them.
-More exercising and out door activities
-NO MORE JUNK (actually Ben, what is your one cheat item? )
-And juice 2 times a day with a cleanse once every 3 months.

What do you think Ben? What do you think I should do or add to the list?
:lol: (in a good way). I looked up vegan meals and I dont think I would be able to do it. Along with the veggies and fruit cravings, Im also craving grilled chicken, turkey meat and fish. Which is good because Im not craving red meat anymore. And one of the main reasons I probably wont go vegan is because of my kids. They like chicken and meat and wont be able to take that away from them.

-So my plans are to start cooking healthy for my family. Veggies will now be my top priorities and must have 2 or more servings per plate. Before, we hardly ate any veggies and did not care for them.
-More exercising and out door activities
-NO MORE JUNK (actually Ben, what is your one cheat item? )
-And juice 2 times a day with a cleanse once every 3 months.

What do you think Ben? What do you think I should do or add to the list?

If anything your kids should be the biggest reason why you do go vegan. Only reason they like/want meat in the first place is because they were introduced to them. "Put a rabbit and an apple in the crib with your child and see which one he eats". I too used to think, "well I'm not eating red meat anymore, chicken and fish are clearly the healthy alternative". Unfortunately that couldn't be further from the truth. I wish it wasn't, but it is. If you're interested I can explain why. Or you can click the link above and check out dr robert morsend, go on netflix and watch forks over knives and food matters, or YouTube "best speech ever vegan". I'd even go as far as making your kids watch it. I guarantee you they aren't as attached to meat as you are and once they see what the animals to through they'd probably cry and beg you to stop buying it haha. Up to you. It truly is the red pill vs the blue pill. Choice is yours.

As for me, I don't cheat. I'm 1000% all in. I make a kale shake in the morning, take my vitamins, workout, have a post workout Raw Meal protein shake with maca, cacao, coconut oil, peanut butter, a banana and almond milk. I have a few snacks throughout the day if I get a little hungry, usually almonds, cashews, dried fruits, sweet potato chips, carrots with hummus and then I have just one real meal at night. Not necessarily intermediate fasting, but close. Maybe more of a vegan caveman diet, I guess? I just tell people that I eat the way humans were designed to eat.

"Despite the apparent success of the dietary approach, some critics say eating this way is extreme.

Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.: Now, with the western diet, this guarantees there's going to be what, a half a million people in this country this year who will have to have the front half of their body divided, their heart exposed, then veins will be taken from their leg and sewn on their heart. Some people would call that extreme."

Couple book recommendations; The Raw Cure and The China Study. Life changing books for me.

Sorry if I came off as holier than though, not my intent at all. Just speaking the truth. Everyone who knows me knows there is nothing on this planet that taste better to me than a 4x4 from in n out burger. But, the temporary sensation of taste is not worth it anymore. Not trying to be old and sick. When you're 65 and all the waste finally catches up to you and your miserable as **** on 2 handfuls of meds everyday I doubt you'll look back and say "yup, all those double cheeseburgers were worth it".
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