What's the deal with the coconut oil? What health benefits does that provide?
[h1]Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil[/h1]
July 8, 2013 | by Kris Gunnars | 614,265 views | 296 Comments

Coconut oil is one of the few foods that can be classified as a “superfood.”

Its unique combination of fatty acids can have profound positive effects on health.

This includes fat loss, better brain function and various other amazing benefits.

Here are the top 10 health benefits of coconut oil that have been experimentally confirmed in human studies.
[h2]1. Coconut Oil Contains a Unique Combination of Fatty Acids With Powerful Medicinal Properties[/h2]
Coconut oil has been demonized in the past because it contains saturated fat. In fact, coconut oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat  known to man, with almost 90% of the fatty acids in it being saturated (1).

However, new data is showing that saturated fats are harmless. Many massive studies that include hundreds of thousands of people prove that the whole “artery-clogging” idea was a myth  (2).

Additionally, coconut oil doesn’t contain your average run-of-the-mill saturated fats like you would find in cheese or steak.

No, they contain so-called Medium Chain Triglycerides  (MCTs) – which are fatty acids of a medium length.

Most of the fatty acids in the diet are so-called long-chain fatty acids, but the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are metabolized differently.

They go straight to the liver from the digestive tract, where they are used as a quick source energy or turned into so-called ketone bodies, which can have therapeutic effects on brain disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimer’s.
Bottom Line:  Coconut oil contains a lot of medium chain triglycerides, which are metabolized differently and can have therapeutic effects on several brain disorders.
[h2]2. Populations That Eat a LOT of Coconut Are Among The Healthiest People on The Planet[/h2]

Coconut is kind of an “exotic” food in the Western world, primarily consumed by health conscious people.

However, in some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived  on for many generations.

The best example of such a population is theTokelauans, which live in the South Pacific.

They eat over 60% of their calories from coconuts and are the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world.

These people are in excellent  health, with no evidence  of heart disease (3).

Another example of a population that eats a lot of coconut and remains in excellent health is the Kitavans (4).
Bottom Line:  Plenty of populations around the world have thrived for multiple generations eating massive amounts of coconut.
[h2]3. Coconut Oil Can Increase Your Energy Expenditure, Helping You Burn More Fat[/h2]

Obesity  is currently one of the biggest health problems in the world.

While some people think obesity is only a matter of calories, others (myself included) believe that  the sources  of those calories are critical too.

It is a fact that different foods affect our bodies and hormones in different ways. In this regard, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase energy expenditure compared to the same amount of calories from longer chain fats (56).

One study found that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day increased 24 hour energy expenditure by 5%, totalling about 120 calories per day  (7).
Bottom Line:  The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil have been shown to increase 24 hour energy expenditure by as much as 5%, potentially leading to significant weight loss over the long term.
[h2]4. The Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil Can Kill Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi, Helping to Stave Off Infections[/h2]

Almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil is the 12-carbon Lauric Acid.

When coconut oil is enzymatically digested, it also forms a monoglyceride called monolaurin.

Both lauric acid and monolaurin can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses and fungi (8).

For example, these substances have been shown to kill the bacteria Staphylococcus Aureus (a very dangerous  pathogen) and the yeast Candida Albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans (910).
Bottom Line:  The fatty acids and breakdown products in coconut oil can kill harmful pathogens, potentially helping to prevent infections.
[h2]5. Coconut Oil Can Kill Your Hunger, Making You Eat Less Without Even Trying[/h2]

One interesting feature of coconut oil is that it can reduce your hunger.

This may be related to the way the fatty acids in it are metabolized, because ketone bodies can have an appetite reducing effect (11).

In one study, varying amounts of medium and long chain triglycerides were fed to 6 healthy men.

The men eating the most MCTs ate 256 fewer calories  per day, on average (12).

Another study in 14 healthy men discovered that those who ate the most MCTs at breakfast ate significantly fewer calories at lunch  (13).

These studies were small and only done for a short period of time. If this effect were to persist over the long term, it could have a dramatic influence on body weight over a period of several years.
Bottom Line:  The fatty acids in coconut oil can significantly reduce appetite, which may positively affect body weight over the long term.
[h2]6. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Are Turned into Ketones, Which Can Reduce Seizures[/h2]

A so-called ketogenic (very low carb, very high fat) diet is currrently being studied to treat various disorders.

The best known therapeutic application of this diet is treating drug-resistant epilepsy in children (14).

This diet involves eating very little carbohydrates and large amounts of fat, leading to greatly increased concentrations ofketone bodies  in the blood.

For some reason, this diet can dramatically reduce  the rate of seizures in epileptic children, even those who haven’t had success with multiple different types of drugs.

Because the MCTs in coconut oil get shipped to the liver and turned into ketone bodies, they are often used in epileptic patients to induce ketosis while allowing for a bit more carbs in the diet (1516).
Bottom Line:  The MCTs in coconut oil can increase blood concentration of ketone bodies, which can help reduce seizures in epileptic children.
[h2]7. Coconut Oil Can Improve Blood Cholesterol Levels and May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease[/h2]

Coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats, which actually do not harm the blood lipid profile like previously thought.

Saturated fats raise HDL (the good) cholesterol and change the LDL cholesterol to a benign subtype  (1718).

In one study in 40 women, coconut oil reduced Total and LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL compared to soybean oil (19).

There are also rat studies showing that coconut oil reduces triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol, increases HDL and improves blood coagulation factors and antioxidant status (2021).

This improvement in cardiovascular risk factors should theoretically lead to a reduced risk of heart disease over the long term.
Bottom Line:  Studies in both humans and rats show that coconut oil improves important risk factors like Total, LDL and HDL cholesterol, which may translate to a reduced risk of heart disease.
[h2]8. Coconut Oil Can Protect Hair Against Damage, Moisturize Skin and Function as Sunscreen[/h2]

Coconut oil can serve various purposes that have nothing to do with eating it.

Many people are using it for cosmetic purposes and to improve the health and appearance of their skin and hair.

Studies on individuals with dry skin show that coconut oil can improve the moisture and lipid content of the skin (22).

Coconut oil can also be very protective against hair damage and one study shows effectiveness as sunscreen, blocking about 20% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays (2324)

Another application is using it like mouthwash in a process called oil pulling, which can kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath (252627).
Bottom Line:  Coconut oil can be applied topically as well, studies showing it to be effective as a skin moisturizer and protecting against hair damage. It can also be used as a mild form of sunscreen and as mouthwash.
[h2]9. The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Can Boost Brain Function in Alzheimer’s Patients[/h2]

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia worldwide and occurs primarily in elderly individuals.

In Alzheimer’s  patients, there appears to be a reduced ability to use glucose for energy in certain parts of the brain.

Ketone bodies can supply energy for the brain and researchers have speculated that ketones can provide an alternative energy source for these malfunctioning cells and reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s (28).

In one 2006 study, consumption of medium chain triglycerides lead to an immediate improvement  in brain function in patients with milder forms of Alzheimer’s (29).

Other studies support these findings and medium chain triglycerides are being intensively studied as potential therapeutic agents in Alzheimer’s disease (3031).
Bottom Line:  Studies show that the fatty acids in coconut oil can increase blood levels of ketone bodies, supplying energy for the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and relieving symptoms.
[h2]10. Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Fat, Especially The Dangerous Fat in Your Abdominal Cavity[/h2]

Given that coconut oil can reduce appetite and increase fat burning, it makes sense that it can also help youlose weight.

Coconut oil appears to be especially effective in reducing abdominal fat, which lodges in the abdominal cavity and around organs.

This is the most dangerous fat of all and is highly associated with many Western diseases.

Waist circumference is easily measured and is a great marker for the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity.

A study in 40 women with abdominal obesity, supplementing with 30 mL (1 ounce) ofcoconut oil  per day lead to a significant reduction in both BMI and waist circumference in a period of 12 weeks (19).

Another study in 20 obese males noted a reduction in waist circumference of 2.86 cm (1.1 inches) after 4 weeks of 30 mL (1 ounce) of coconut oil per day (32).

This number may not seem too impressive on the surface, but be aware that these people aren’t adding exercise or restricting calories. They’re losing significant amounts of abdominal fat simply by adding coconut oil  to their diet.
Thanks. How serious the fat burning? I'm around 140 lbs so I don't need to drop any lower :lol: I was gonna buy some chia seeds yesterday at whole foods but wanted to read up more on them. They had mad coconuts for sale too :pimp: love that store
Before I started the program I'm on a week ago I'd typically weigh in around 199-200 lbs in the morning.  Yesterday and today I was at 195-196... 

All I know is I've been drinking these smoothies for breakfast and dinner... Just 16 oz each (can drink more if I'm still hungry if I want) eating a big lunch of approved foods which has been a garlic/lemon fettucini (Brown rice pasta) with chicken and cubed Portobello mushrooms and I haven't been hungry beyond those meals...

Maybe theres something to be said about the Coconut oil tempering the appetite... about 1/2 to 3/4 tablespoon is in the smoothies.
I think Naked juices settled a Class Action not too long ago for mislabeling their juice as "all natural" and "non-GMO" etc... I haven't bought a naked in a long time.
I juiced this morning with my bullet blender. Don't have the space for a legit juicer at the moment but that thing moves well. Added a scoop of Amazing Grass' wheatgrass (non-gmo, organic, etc.), an orange and a granny smith apple. Would've been miserable drinking the wheatgrass without the fruit but it was decent. Would normally use grapes or berries there too, but didn't have any.
What does the WheatGrass do?
I mean this the best way but I think it's foolish to buy any of these bottled beverages. I've got cousins spending bank on these drinks to lose weight and it's like dude, some spinach, fruit, etc is a lot cheaper than the product on a monthly basis plus infinitely healthier.

Dc from their site quick run down:

• Increases & sustains energy naturally
• Detoxifies and cleanses your body
• High alkalinity helps balance acidic pH levels
• Strengthens immune system
• Complete food with enzymes & all essential amino acids
• Natural source of antioxidants to help repair damaged cells
• Field grown outdoors through winter
• Vegan, Gluten Free and Raw

Per 8 gram serving, Amazing Grass Wheat Grass offers:
• A naturally balanced source of Phytonutrients & Carotenoids
• 2x more dietary fiber than an 8 gram serving of oat bran
• 2x more iron than a 30 gram serving of fresh spinach
• Excellent source of folic acid, beta carotene & vitamin C

I get a nice clean balanced amount of energy from taking. Nothing crazy but I'm on a level field the whole day unlike coffee where you crash a little (but you prob don't get that much of a jolt from the grass like u might with caffeine).

I take it for the chlorophyll to be honest. I don't eat enough greens and this helps get me over. Beta carotene is a plus too :pimp:
Coconut water on its own is disgusting. I have not gotten used to the taste yet but it does help. Im goona do what @Frajj does and mix it in with the juices.

Chia Seeds are suppose to fill you up more than just straight juice. And its some kind of protein (please correct me if Im wrong).

@Frajj, thanks for the links and helpful information.
No problem.... Too bad my mom's not an NTer, she could school everyone on this stuff. 

[h2]7 Good Reasons To Start Eating Chia Seeds[/h2]

  1. Help weight loss.  Chia seeds are popular for weight loss. They reduce food cravings  by preventing some of the food that you eat from getting absorbed into your system. This blockage of calorie absorption makes them a great diet helper.
  2. Feel fuller faster:  They can also help your diet by making you feel full. This is because they absorb 10 times their weight in water, forming a bulky gel.
  3. Hydration for athletes:  They are also great for athletes because the "chia gel" can hydrate the body.
  4. Reduce your blood pressure:  There's evidence to suggest they can reduce blood pressure.
  5. Omega-3:  They are the richest plant source of Omega-3 (the vital fats that protect againstinflammation—such as arthritis—and heart disease). In fact, they contain more Omega-3 than salmon!
  6. Benefits for diabetes:  Because chia seeds slow down how fast our bodies convert carbohydrates into simple sugars, studies indicate they can control blood sugar. This leads scientists to believe chia seeds may have great benefits for diabetics.
  7. They are easier to digest than flax seeds, and don't need to be ground up.
LIS before though, these little MFers get stuck in your teeth so if you bring your shake/juice to work or drink after you brush you might wanna have a toothbrush on deck or at least rinse really well.
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Told one of my friends that's trying to cut to get on some coconut oil and chia seed. He's ready to ditch work and go to Whole Foods :lol:
I eat chia seeds everyday

I either put it in my oatmeal or I sprinkle it on my Ezekiel toast
Anyone have juicing recipes? Looked through the thread real quick, didn't see anything in those regards.
I don't like protein powder so post workout I do this:

Wallaby organic Greek yogurt
1 scoop amazing grass wheatgrass
Grapes or berries
1 apple
Peanut butter
Crushed flax seed
A little hemp milk

Gets me around 30-34 grams of protein and I feel chill for the day. If I don't include peanut butter, I usually have a sandwich before or after that smoothie.
If I tried this I would have explosive diarrhea. I'd love to cut Whey Protein out of my diet though and make my own shakes though. Been using the Hamilton Beach single serve joint. Works pretty well. Gonna have to look into that Nutra Bullet. Does it work well with solid foods?
Hardest I've gone are oranges and apples and no complaints. Handles spinach n such.
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Today i used..

4-6 leafs of kale
4 carrots
1 pear
1 apple
4 strawberries
handful of blueberries

it was booomb
Watch out for all that natural sugar.

I heard the best juices are the green juices. Try kale, spinach, green apples, cucumber, celery and some lemon oh and sprinkle some chia seeds in there too.
Gonna end up trying this. I get those Migraines the lady in the vid was talking about on my long days. Oz just had a feature about the natural sugars @ djaward. He gave a low sugar recipe and that sounds familiar to it. Recap Link
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