**Official Kendrick Lamar Thread 4th Studio Album ''DAMN.''Out Now**

Just cuz someone doesnt like music that makes you constantly rewind and decipher lyrics mean they like 'dumbed down' music.

This type of **** just aint my flavor know im talmbout.

I mean its coo and all, but i cant ride around to nothin like this, cant put it on and have ppl go crazy when da beat drops.

This type of music is the kinda stuff you listen to alone. Unless you want a awkward ride wit your ppl and nobodys sayin a word or even crunk.

I appreciate music. Good music. And ppl that can actually construct verses into somethin beautiful and this album is one if those, but im bot buyin into the hype.

I listen to rap, rock, edm, just about everything except country and elevator music.

But yall cant be on yalls keyboard drollin over a dude and tell me you can listen to a full track without wantin to press that skip button.

This album might be throwed at the moment and go down as a classic, but in 4 months yall will have diff opinions.

Come at me ese.
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I understand why people get Vinyl, but I just don't get why folks out here still coppin cd's.

I've been buying CDs since 94-95. Got hundreds of them and collections of my favorite artists. I don't have any problem supporting music. I can't buy digital music, feels like I'm paying for nothing. Getting a CD feels right, reading the booklet feels right. I buy CDs and LPs but I will not buy digitally.

Don't want to hear Kanye's thoughts. Put out a piece of **** blank CD and then released some of the worst singles and vocals I have ever heard. He's doing more harm to rap than good. If he loves this album so much, stop making this ******** **** music.
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Ok so to not sound condescending to you sensitive cats...

A lot of y'all dudes on here is older than me. Did you not live through the late 90's/early 00's neo soul era? Did you not listen to D'angelo, Ms. Badu, Maxwell, Jill Scott, Musiq and etc.? If you did/do listen to and enjoy those artists and their albums then how can you not enjoy this?

Y'all confusing me. I don't like being confused.

ya not feeling nothing at all from it fam?

Nah man...:smh:

I had a feeling it would be like this too based on the delay.

I'm about to fall back from this thread though...:lol:

GKMC was my **** though. Sole I see you reppin for LA...:pimp:
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Lol at the people keep coming in here to post that they dont like it multiple times

Go home your drunk

I never got this :lol:. Why post in an album thread multiple times if you're not feeling it?

They just look for reactions.

Dude literary said he didn't like it like 5 posts apart on the other page, :lol:

We don't care if you don't like it, go listen to something else.

The best is dudes will be like MAN I LISTENED TO THIS 8X ITS SO BORING.

Idk about you guys, but if I don't like a movie, I'm usually not watching it multiple times.
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Album is flames. :nthat:

How is anyone saying this ain't Kendrick's best album? :lol:

He leveled up.

He just matured as an artist. He went from SSJ to SSJ2 here. To completely go away from the sound that's in right now and deliver lyrically like he did, just incredible.
But how can an album that's been out 48 hours be considered a classic though? At least give it a year before you can call anything a classic.
But how can an album that's been out 48 hours be considered a classic though? At least give it a year before you can call anything a classic.

Why? A few spins of GKMC and you knew it was something seriously special.

You spending a lot of effort on something that toy think is trash. Why?
Why? A few spins of GKMC and you knew it was something seriously special.

You spending a lot of effort on something that toy think is trash. Why?

I just don't know how one can dub something a classic Ina 47 hour span. Even if I loved this album. I wouldn't call it a classic yet fam. Do you understand the meaning of the word classic?
But how can an album that's been out 48 hours be considered a classic though? At least give it a year before you can call anything a classic.

Why? A few spins of GKMC and you knew it was something seriously special.

You spending a lot of effort on something that toy think is trash. Why?

You can't call anything a classic in a short time span. Classics are defined by time, I like the album and all but don't reach
People said the same thing about GKMC when it dropped. Although, I know you don't like it, it's not far fetched to say TPAB is/will be a classic.
Not feeling this album at all...and don't come at me with the "ohhh it's lyrical here and there", the album overall is underwhelming, he tried to recreate "i" like 10 times on the album, not feeling it at all...

I always thought people put Kendrick on a high pedestal as it was, I wanna see who comes to his defense

I know it's my opinion, but this isn't an album I'm recommending to people to listen to.
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