Did you order the new flyknit multi-color?

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americans have a huge issue with this "sue everything and anyone" culture. i guess it doesn't help that you guys are being brainwashed and having litigation shoved down your throats every other commercial. or driving down the highway and every billboard is that of a lawyer.

you didn't give me a box for shoes? hold on, calling my lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

seriously? :stoneface:

It's not just the box. Does anyone on here even understand law and how lawsuits are made? It can be a joint lawsuit by all the code fiends we have on here for example. I can't count the number of people who have issues on here who then complain about the crap CS they get. Some get codes some don't. Instead of accepting codes and this process as is, folks could get together and try to force a change to something better for us all.

There are plenty of lawsuits that have forced positive change in the world. Not everything has to be a simple come up. I apologize for not walking people through and holding hands about creating a lawsuit. Suing for just a box is dumb but if your suing over quality issues and add others to said lawsuit it changes things.
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What don't you guys get about the simple gesture of starting a lawsuit? Sometimes bringing attention to a constant issue with a major international company is enough. I'd rather take them to court and lose with the possibility of the lawsuit catching on gathering attention to make a bigger statement then bowing down and accepting 20% for all their screw ups. It's not about coming up. The money would be just icing.

really? you'd be willing to waste time because of the principal? You know what would happen? They'd tell you to return the shoes or shut the hell up.

You're losing your mind. Cant be serious. Thinking you would be ok with taking the loss in court but it brings attention to the world about Nike's customer service. :rofl:
It's not just the box. Does anyone on here even understand law and how lawsuits are made? It can be a joint lawsuit by all the code fiends we have on here for example. I can't count the number of people who have issues on here who then complain about the crap CS they get. Some get codes some don't. Instead of accepting codes and this process as is, folks could get together and try to force a change to something better for us all.

There are plenty of lawsuits that have forced positive change in the world. Not everything has to be a simple come up. I apologize for not walking people through and holding hands about creating a lawsuit. Suing for just a box is dumb but if your suing over quality issues and add others to said lawsuit it changes things.

now you're just being plain stupid. You've moved ahead of pokezach.
really? you'd be willing to waste time because of the principal? You know what would happen? They'd tell you to return the shoes or shut the hell up.

You're losing your mind. Cant be serious. Thinking you would be ok with taking the loss in court but it brings attention to the world about Nike's customer service. :rofl:

The irony of your statement is you probably benefit everyday in some way from someone's crazy at the time lawsuit over something as small as this. Wasting time to you isn't the same for me. I'm well off and happen to love sneakers. I have the time and money to "waste" as you say. I respect your opinion though.
@STRONG316 read above your post.
It's really not that serious! Nike has one of the best return policies I have ever seen, so if you are not happy with what you receive..... send it back, that simple! If you don't like the product they produce, find a new one! We have time to sit here and b---h about everything little thing they do wrong but at the end of the day they are coming through on these orders. They have produced a shoe that you designed, sent them from china to your door step in less than 8 weeks, and told you that if you not happy just to send them back for a full refund. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? 

All of this b---hing and complaining, asking for discount codes, and sending back IDs for silly ish is going to cause Nike to change these policies and force them to continue to raise the prices. If that is what you want, keep doing it!!! Suing raises the price on the end product, regardless if it makes it to newspapers or not. I have a couple of complaints with Nike but I would never SUE them for anything especially a BOX! 

* Reminds of the guy the other day that got a discount code for a frayed flywire! WTF?
 at thought of suing a billion dollar company over a pair of $245 sneakers that they will gladly take back and refund you in full.
The irony of your statement is you probably benefit everyday in some way from someone's crazy at the time lawsuit over something as small as this. Wasting time to you isn't the same for me. I'm well off and happen to love sneakers. I have the time and money to "waste" as you say. I respect your opinion though.

I'm chalking this up to you're just looney.

Like a dude in prison representing himself in court.
It's really not that serious! Nike has one of the best return policies I have ever seen, so if you are not happy with what you receive..... send it back, that simple! If you don't like the product they produce, find a new one! We have time to sit here and b---h about everything little thing they do wrong but at the end of the day they are coming through on these orders. They have produced a shoe that you designed, sent them from china to your door step in less than 8 weeks, and told you that if you not happy just to send them back for a full refund. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT? 

All of this b---hing and complaining, asking for discount codes, and sending back IDs for silly ish is going to cause Nike to change these policies and force them to continue to raise the prices. If that is what you want, keep doing it!!! Suing raises the price on the end product, regardless if it makes it to newspapers or not. I have a couple of complaints with Nike but I would never SUE them for anything especially a BOX! :smh:

* Reminds of the guy the other day that got a discount code for a frayed flywire! WTF?

So you totally missed the part or chose to ignore when I said suing over just a box is dumb to make a point? WOW! So to you as long as the return policy is good you'll accept anything Nike gives you and any complaints about quality legitimate or other wise should not be voiced because of said policy.

FYI I've never once called Nike about anything quality related. I personally have no issues. I'm speaking out for the constant complainers. I've never asked for code or even called once about the MCs I have coming. The assuming going on in this thread is beyond funny. People who have actually called Nike looking for codes and updates are getting on me for suggesting a way to avoid said mess. This is too funny.
thattexaskid19 thattexaskid19 can you give more details on your glitch pair?

did you just receive the shoes today that you ordered at the end of june? :stoneface:

or when did you order this glitch pair?

read back my posts, idc how long it took as long as my pair got made. thats it. they could say it could take 2 months for all i care as long as i knew the pair i ordered and paid for was coming

they could have said 2 months and people would still cop, then complain about getting no confirmation a week after, then cry about getting no update 2 weeks later. Its inevitable.

Most dudes shouldn't cop $200 shoes. You don't have patience letting someone hold your money, don't purchase. Dudes buying shoes and because no update came 2-3 weeks PRIOR to the estimated delivery, they want to cancel because they need drinking money? WTF?

Humans always amaze me.

Still continue to talk about me lmaoooooo
I'm chalking this up to you're just looney.

Like a dude in prison representing himself in court.

You have no intelligent comeback. So you make a lame joke instead. Me saying I respect your opinion threw you off didn't it. You were so ready for the back and forth but me saying that disarmed you. Ha ha ha
You have no intelligent comeback. So you make a lame joke instead. Me saying I respect your opinion threw you off didn't it. You were so ready for the back and forth but me saying that disarmed you. Ha ha ha

No intelligent comeback? YOURE TALKING ABOUT SUING BECAUSE NO BOX WAS GIVEN!!! And you don't care if you would lose, but just want to bring this to the attention of consumers and hope this cracks the whip with nike. Does Nike say anywhere on their website ORIGINAL SHOE BOX WILL BE INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER? If not, you'd be done.

What intelligent comeback was needed?!?!?!

Can't argue with crazy.
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No intelligent comeback? YOURE TALKING ABOUT SUING BECAUSE NO BOX WAS GIVEN!!! And you don't care if you would lose, but just want to bring this to the attention of consumers and hope this cracks the whip with nike.

What intelligent comeback was needed?!?!?!

Can't argue with crazy.

YOUR A LIER. I WROTE SUING OVER JUST A BOX IS DUMB. Can you read. Seriously can you read sir? Your actually getting in your feelings because I suggested spending MY OWN time and money on a lawsuit. Really? Why is my time and money is so important to everyone else. If the idea is dumb then tell me why and let's agree to disagree but the lame jokes and "broke" statement from the other dude shows you can't intelligently explain why you disagree.
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moving on from this stupidity before a mod locks this ridiculous thread up........

That's what I thought. It's a known fact when someone gets shut up on NT they suddenly want to get back on topic. Ha ha ha

I agree though. When are the pairs from this large wave of MCs suppose to start arriving this week or next? Waiting on 9/16s to arrive.
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