[::OFFICIAL LAKERS 2010-11' SEASON THREAD Vol. It Was Fun While It Lasted::]

CP1708 wrote:
knightngale wrote:
I'm a big kobe stan but I don't like how he exerts so much more energy on those fade aways than on defense. If he is not 100% yet don't force it on offense. Yeah you can take it easy on defense but why struggle so much on offense if you are not there yet? 

I hear ya man, he's been hot and cold lately. 

Weird thing to me was he came out early, like first 8-9 possessions, and gets 3 assists.  We rollin at the time. 

End of the game?  3 assists. 

THAT is not right.  THAT is something I wish he would work on.  Now granted he made some passes late that didn't get converted, but still, getting 3 in 6 minutes, and not getting any for the other 30, that isn't up to snuff. 

But in all honesty, damn near everybody gets that "tired" look on defense, and then on offense they get the ball and get that magical 8th wind. 
  It is what it is.  15 years, we all seen how it goes.  I'm wonderin if maybe he ran outta gas there at the end, goes for 14 straight, still has 2 and a half minutes left in the game, doesn't take another shot.  I wonder if he just wasn't all there at the end so he tried to get back into passin the ball mode.  Artest took an awful lot of late shots there. 

It's alright though, the Jazz borrowed heart from somebody like our new friend saidWe been on NT damn near the same amount of time...you sound SIMPLE! You have nothing better to do than post n argue all day on NT so you are not new but I am because you sit online n post more?
Cuz nobody ever plays the Lakers with heart, or whatever other crap he was talkin.  I think he still mad about that Barkley-Kobe thread where he didn't look too good in it. NT is not my life or some popularity contetst like it is for you and the rest of the youngsters so I do not give a damn about how I looked...you are silly. But since Denzel took care of him, we won't need to go thru that anymore. 
  Lots of teams have heart there guy, but not all of them can execute the way they should when the pressure gets to be too much. Then that's called lack of heart silly person and no they dont!
  We are talking about the NBA where most of these guys do not take it as serious as #8 and if you do not know this then that's ya problem. A few individual players have heart but not most teams. Lakers n Celts are about the only lonely two with lakers ahead of celts in that dept. Phil n #8 are the way they are not because they are immune to human nature as you call it but because they have the heart along with confidence and experience to do what it takes to win regardless of the outcome unlike other teams.  Coaching, talent, plays etc etc only go so far until teams have to reach down inside collectively to beat teams like the lakers esp in a close game like say last finals gm 7 or win off of the other team's many mess ups. It doesn't mean they don't have heart, it means they are human and sometimes we can't overcome the pressures that build on us. 
I can tell you play/ed horeshoes while watching basketball...you are clueless! We are talking about pro NBA players not B's n C's n their first home game in high school bruh. Us winning lots of games doesn't mean everyone else lacks heart, because when we don't win, does that suddenly mean the other teams all of a sudden gained some heart?  Yup, to execute down the stretch regardless of the pressure, fans, what #8 is or is not doing, injuries, what ifs, etc etc
It's flawed logic from jump.  Hence, me shooting it down extremely quick.  You came into a Laker season thread talkin ridiculous nonsense, expect it to get handled.  You got yourself noticed, you made a name for yourself for a few pages, now go try the same antics in other team threads such as the Warriors or Knicks and see how long you last in there as well.  I promise you, it will be the same.  Well, ya know, if Denzel hadn't gotten you already. 
 Like I said CP... how old are you? You sound extremely silly. I know you are feeling yourself quite heavy over there because you got your mod buddies n other cronies that make you feel comforted but I'm tellin you off top what it is. Your stupid GIFs and NT buddies chiming in hanging on from your words does not change anything. hell yall probably right next to each other sharing the laptop that you sit on all day tryna see who can rack up the most posts like fbook friends
 thinkin that !+* makes you cool. Cuff boys

bro I said you new cuz you never been in this thread til today.  ie, "new friend" 
  That don't have a damn thing to do with post count, I could care less how often you do or don't post. 

You want a hug, or whatdya want from me? 
bro I said you new cuz you never been in this thread til today.  ie, "new friend" 
  That don't have a damn thing to do with post count, I could care less how often you do or don't post. 

You want a hug, or whatdya want from me? 
  I dunno, I'm startin to like the guy. 

CP3 has no heart.  D-Will no heart.  Durant, no heart, none for Melo, or Dirk, or the Spurs.....nope, none of them have heart. 

Naw, I don't buy that one bit.  I sorta kinda get your argument about not enough teams havin it, or players that kill for the wins, but that don't mean nothin, as you said, these are pros, they do their jobs to the best of their abilities with some exceptions, but not ALL exceptions.  Regardless of what you say, there is heart in the NBA.  Yes, there are some bums (Amare, Vince Carter) that don't have it, but not 30 of the 32 teams, come on. 
  I dunno, I'm startin to like the guy. 

CP3 has no heart.  D-Will no heart.  Durant, no heart, none for Melo, or Dirk, or the Spurs.....nope, none of them have heart. 

Naw, I don't buy that one bit.  I sorta kinda get your argument about not enough teams havin it, or players that kill for the wins, but that don't mean nothin, as you said, these are pros, they do their jobs to the best of their abilities with some exceptions, but not ALL exceptions.  Regardless of what you say, there is heart in the NBA.  Yes, there are some bums (Amare, Vince Carter) that don't have it, but not 30 of the 32 teams, come on. 
CP1708 wrote:
My man, you realize that like he said, two of the most "lurking" around Mods in the forum are Laker fans right?  This isn't lost on you is it? 

So uhhhh, I'm not sure why you would be confused or saddened that indeed a mod saw you runnin reckless, in a thread that he would frequent, even if he wasn't a mod

This is his fav team, and his fav team's thread, OF COURSE he gonna see you in here man. 

Nobody stickin up for nobody, everyone can handle themselves, we in here talkin Laker basketball, if you want to talk about actual Laker ball, and not spew nonsense about other teams and their heart conditions, they please, be our guest.  But if you just want to come in and talk reckless, then I suggest you go into the general NBA thread, and speak your views there.   And know what, I'll be in there too shootin big ol holes in your theories.  If you say something with sense in it, then I'll speak on that as well.  Quit getting angry and askin for people to PM you, soundin like a dude in an overcoat with a peice of candy in his hand.

Just chill.  This thread was nice and quiet til you got goin in here, let it be man. 
Naw i know yall types n you being one of them. I been on here just as long as you so I know. You being one of the main ones who add your two cents and try to insult and/or clown others that you are not NT Laptop buddies with and when you get fronted back then you go PM or hit up a mod to come in and try to check that person...aka snitching! That's like throwing a rock in someones house breaking the windown n when the owner pops up n blasts you with his gun, you go run n call 911
 miss me with that crap homeboy!

Aint noboby talkin reckless...i state my opinions like anyone else n you feel compelled to argue back (even when it was not addressed directly to you) with insults (do i really need to quote them all?) and expect to not get stepped to? Where the hell you from with that? Don't work that way where I'm from.

PM'n me is to talk to me off the thread n voice yourself without being all out in the thread. say what you gotta say that is so tuff in the PM or shut up is the point. Not one time did i and rarely do i ever state my opinion with an initial insult attached to it including any of you. It aint about 'chillin' out or 'let it be man' after you talk greasy. just don't talk greasy to me from the jump n you wont have to worry about it.

Bottom line is yall running thangs n will continue moreso because of other teams lack of heart to dethrone you and less of because of how dominant yall are, period! you can try to shoot through that all you want, be my guest. If the celtics would have put as much effort into beating yall last finals as they n the whole damn league does against the Heat (for obvious reasons) then yall would have lost last finals n ya record now would be different...aka teams lack the heart! Peace

CP1708 wrote:
My man, you realize that like he said, two of the most "lurking" around Mods in the forum are Laker fans right?  This isn't lost on you is it? 

So uhhhh, I'm not sure why you would be confused or saddened that indeed a mod saw you runnin reckless, in a thread that he would frequent, even if he wasn't a mod

This is his fav team, and his fav team's thread, OF COURSE he gonna see you in here man. 

Nobody stickin up for nobody, everyone can handle themselves, we in here talkin Laker basketball, if you want to talk about actual Laker ball, and not spew nonsense about other teams and their heart conditions, they please, be our guest.  But if you just want to come in and talk reckless, then I suggest you go into the general NBA thread, and speak your views there.   And know what, I'll be in there too shootin big ol holes in your theories.  If you say something with sense in it, then I'll speak on that as well.  Quit getting angry and askin for people to PM you, soundin like a dude in an overcoat with a peice of candy in his hand.

Just chill.  This thread was nice and quiet til you got goin in here, let it be man. 
Naw i know yall types n you being one of them. I been on here just as long as you so I know. You being one of the main ones who add your two cents and try to insult and/or clown others that you are not NT Laptop buddies with and when you get fronted back then you go PM or hit up a mod to come in and try to check that person...aka snitching! That's like throwing a rock in someones house breaking the windown n when the owner pops up n blasts you with his gun, you go run n call 911
 miss me with that crap homeboy!

Aint noboby talkin reckless...i state my opinions like anyone else n you feel compelled to argue back (even when it was not addressed directly to you) with insults (do i really need to quote them all?) and expect to not get stepped to? Where the hell you from with that? Don't work that way where I'm from.

PM'n me is to talk to me off the thread n voice yourself without being all out in the thread. say what you gotta say that is so tuff in the PM or shut up is the point. Not one time did i and rarely do i ever state my opinion with an initial insult attached to it including any of you. It aint about 'chillin' out or 'let it be man' after you talk greasy. just don't talk greasy to me from the jump n you wont have to worry about it.

Bottom line is yall running thangs n will continue moreso because of other teams lack of heart to dethrone you and less of because of how dominant yall are, period! you can try to shoot through that all you want, be my guest. If the celtics would have put as much effort into beating yall last finals as they n the whole damn league does against the Heat (for obvious reasons) then yall would have lost last finals n ya record now would be different...aka teams lack the heart! Peace

23ska909red02 wrote:
First off, don't tell me to reply via PM when you're running your mouth in the threads.

Second, stop running your mouth in the threads.

Third, I was telling you to chill out with all the disrespectful insults, not with the posts themselves. Keep posting. I don't care. Just stop the e-thug act.
I don't care who started it (I thought people were supposed to stop with the 'Teacher, he started it!' crap in kindergarten.)
I don't care if you think someone PMed me (you're wrong, though. I check this thread multiple times a day. It's a Laker thread. I'm a Laker fan. Connect the dots).
If you think "Np. Deuces." is disrespectful, you're soft.

Keep it up, and the ONLY way you'll be able to talk to anyone on here will be through PM, which would work great for you since you keep running your mouth on here and then trying to tell people to hit you up via PM.

This is your last warning.

Just to be clear, what I mean by that is this: the next disrespectful, instigating comment I see from you will get you banned.

If you have anything else to say... too bad.

Don't go away mad.


Check it out man. Since you are in this thread throughout the day then you go back in re read it since i first posted it and you see what was said to me by other NTers n how i responded. Not once did i come in with my opinion instigating anything or disrespecting anyone. Is said PM me so we can talk off the thread n hash it out instead of out in the open thread. If CP chose to talk greasy to me then i respond, period. If the other cat wants to come at me talking about "you aint about that life" then i respond so if you want to take the Police officer approach n try to check me for responding then that's says a lot about you and your job to MODERATE!
23ska909red02 wrote:
First off, don't tell me to reply via PM when you're running your mouth in the threads.

Second, stop running your mouth in the threads.

Third, I was telling you to chill out with all the disrespectful insults, not with the posts themselves. Keep posting. I don't care. Just stop the e-thug act.
I don't care who started it (I thought people were supposed to stop with the 'Teacher, he started it!' crap in kindergarten.)
I don't care if you think someone PMed me (you're wrong, though. I check this thread multiple times a day. It's a Laker thread. I'm a Laker fan. Connect the dots).
If you think "Np. Deuces." is disrespectful, you're soft.

Keep it up, and the ONLY way you'll be able to talk to anyone on here will be through PM, which would work great for you since you keep running your mouth on here and then trying to tell people to hit you up via PM.

This is your last warning.

Just to be clear, what I mean by that is this: the next disrespectful, instigating comment I see from you will get you banned.

If you have anything else to say... too bad.

Don't go away mad.


Check it out man. Since you are in this thread throughout the day then you go back in re read it since i first posted it and you see what was said to me by other NTers n how i responded. Not once did i come in with my opinion instigating anything or disrespecting anyone. Is said PM me so we can talk off the thread n hash it out instead of out in the open thread. If CP chose to talk greasy to me then i respond, period. If the other cat wants to come at me talking about "you aint about that life" then i respond so if you want to take the Police officer approach n try to check me for responding then that's says a lot about you and your job to MODERATE!
CP1708 wrote:
  I dunno, I'm startin to like the guy. 

CP3 has no heart.  D-Will no heart.  Durant, no heart, none for Melo, or Dirk, or the Spurs.....nope, none of them have heart. 

Naw, I don't buy that one bit.  I sorta kinda get your argument about not enough teams havin it, or players that kill for the wins, but that don't mean nothin, as you said, these are pros, they do their jobs to the best of their abilities with some exceptions, but not ALL exceptions.  Regardless of what you say, there is heart in the NBA. NO, IT'S NOT AND THAT'S WHY THE COMPETITION LEVEL HAS DROPPED TREMENDOUSLY. IT'S WHY YOU HAVE PLAYERS LIKE LEBRON N BOSH DOING WHAT THEY DID TO GO THE EASY ROUTE. YOU GO BACK TO THE 90'S N WATCH THE PLAYOFFS N YOU HAD TEAMS THAT KNEW THEY COULD NOT BEAT THE BULLS, COMING WITH THEIR A GAME EVERY NIGHT N LEAVIN IT ALL ON THE FLOOR. YOU DON'T HARDLY SEE THAT NOW IN THE WWF/NBA.  Yes, there are some bums (Amare, Vince Carter) that don't have it, but not 30 of the 32 teams, come on. 

you are singling out players n it takes a whole team with heart to beat a team like the lakers dude. stop acting silly. and Melo's heart is suspect a lot of times so i would have left that dude off and DIRK? are you kidding me?
 Only one i would vouch for is D Will but like i said it takes a whole team. #8 has heart n so does Phil n they instill this throughout the whole team, hence why they are able to find ways to win games they should lose n make it through the finals. Talent is everywhere bro...have you ever won a championship in b ball on any level after middle school? lol because it does not sound like it one bit.
CP1708 wrote:
  I dunno, I'm startin to like the guy. 

CP3 has no heart.  D-Will no heart.  Durant, no heart, none for Melo, or Dirk, or the Spurs.....nope, none of them have heart. 

Naw, I don't buy that one bit.  I sorta kinda get your argument about not enough teams havin it, or players that kill for the wins, but that don't mean nothin, as you said, these are pros, they do their jobs to the best of their abilities with some exceptions, but not ALL exceptions.  Regardless of what you say, there is heart in the NBA. NO, IT'S NOT AND THAT'S WHY THE COMPETITION LEVEL HAS DROPPED TREMENDOUSLY. IT'S WHY YOU HAVE PLAYERS LIKE LEBRON N BOSH DOING WHAT THEY DID TO GO THE EASY ROUTE. YOU GO BACK TO THE 90'S N WATCH THE PLAYOFFS N YOU HAD TEAMS THAT KNEW THEY COULD NOT BEAT THE BULLS, COMING WITH THEIR A GAME EVERY NIGHT N LEAVIN IT ALL ON THE FLOOR. YOU DON'T HARDLY SEE THAT NOW IN THE WWF/NBA.  Yes, there are some bums (Amare, Vince Carter) that don't have it, but not 30 of the 32 teams, come on. 

you are singling out players n it takes a whole team with heart to beat a team like the lakers dude. stop acting silly. and Melo's heart is suspect a lot of times so i would have left that dude off and DIRK? are you kidding me?
 Only one i would vouch for is D Will but like i said it takes a whole team. #8 has heart n so does Phil n they instill this throughout the whole team, hence why they are able to find ways to win games they should lose n make it through the finals. Talent is everywhere bro...have you ever won a championship in b ball on any level after middle school? lol because it does not sound like it one bit.
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling? 

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart. 

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling? 

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart. 

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
Originally Posted by crobers 78

CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 

Didn't read a word. Reply outside the quote like everyone else please. thanks!
Originally Posted by crobers 78

CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 

Didn't read a word. Reply outside the quote like everyone else please. thanks!
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by crobers 78

CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
Didn't read a word. Reply outside the quote like everyone else please. thanks!

but you took all that time to cross out and reply when it had nothing to do with you?

just pathetic man...find something better to do.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by crobers 78

CP1708 wrote:
So CP3 and D-Will and Durant, they don't "instill" their heart thru the whole team like Kobe does?  That's what you're selling?  NO! It's obvious! Only teams that come to mind are Celts n Lakers. Hell i would put Rose's heart up there before CP and D Will's...yeah I said it!

Melo may not have a lot of heart today because of his contract, but don't tell me that in the 09 WCF he and Billups didn't "have heart" vs us. 
 Man please. Billups was takin way too many "big shots" (btw does not mean you have heart to take a gang of 3's) n hurt yall. Melo showed up Defensively n i really liked how he D'd up #8...that was heart but you nickel n diming bro. I said show me a list of at least 3 whole teams with heart in this prima donna NBA era???

Dirk has heart.  The rest of his boys, maybe not, but Dirk himself has heart
 I have seen the warriors rip out his heart in the playoffs, the spurs, man come on now dude, this guy's heart is garbage. Biggest heart they had on that team was prob Caron n sometimes Terry. You get all up in Dirk's chest n it's a wrap!

You give credit to Phil and Kob instilling heart on the rest of the players, but none to other elite players/coaches.  That's ridiculous, and the main reason I told you to go on with that garbage in the first place.  Then as soon as the Jazz won the game, you was backpedaling faster then an all pro cornerback. Sometimes Doc n Pat used to n Sloan too actually but the whole team has to take it on not just a few players...even the bench! Mailman, stockton n hornacek had the heart for the most part but heart of those three vs damn near the whole's 90's Bulls team heart was no match. Never back pedal, i just said they proved me wrong. I can admit to being wrong. Jazz usually choke games like that off against the lakers n you damn well know this! don't play me. I won' t go as far as to say they got lucky but those 5 straight missed shots by #8 late in 3rd or early fourth plus the strip by raja carried them over but normally the jazz choke it over.

We all know what heart does and doesn't do, we've all seen it.  But everytime a team loses a game, doesn't mean there was no heart. Do you know what lack of heart and no heart mean? There is a difference.  You're tellin me the Celts had enough heart to get to a game 7 in the NBA finals, enough heart to have the lead in the 4th quarter of that game, but not enough heart to win it, even though they won it two years ago? BINGO! Exactly...you saw them choke the last few mins away of the gm 7 when they were up by like 8, correct? you want to attribute that to fatigue? come on now. it was heart there but not enough to overcome their anxiety of almost beating the lakers. re watch the game n you will see the lakers were on their heels but the celt's effed up so many times n practically handed the game over to the dwindling lakers n so the lakers rightfully said "ok, eff it, yall don't want it then we'll take it...thanks". wasn't like that in 08. Celts came with all the heart until they knew the lakers were finished...dead! Big difference n that's what makes winning consecutive rings so hard...the heart n desire. If you have never won a championship in basketball sometime at least in high school or beyond then you prob cannot relate to what i am referring to. 
  It's a flawed stance, as I have said about 10 times now in this discussion.  Certainly heart deserves merit in the NBA and it's players, but your views on it are incorrect, I'm sorry. 
Didn't read a word. Reply outside the quote like everyone else please. thanks!

but you took all that time to cross out and reply when it had nothing to do with you?

just pathetic man...find something better to do.
kobe looking like vintage kobe in that 4th quarter. a shame that we couldn't close it out, would've been a great win.

on to the next one!
kobe looking like vintage kobe in that 4th quarter. a shame that we couldn't close it out, would've been a great win.

on to the next one!
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