Official Lakers vs. Spurs 5/27 Game 4 9:00 ET on TNT

this thread was at 12 pages during the 4th quarter

I admit that it was a foul. However, I think kobe was fouled on his "quick shot" by Duncan and COUNTLESS OTHER TIMES DURING THESE 2 ROAD GAMES so%@+% the refs.

I think lamar had a clean block but he at the same time could have been called for a foul on that play. Ginobili's 3 was damn near a 2 pointer or I must beblind. Fisher's shot hit the rim.

This not mentioning all the calls the Spurs got before that, like the blocking foul on Odom
. Duncan taking four steps on that one dunk
. Horry fouling Lamar or Gasol on most defensive rebounds and not gettingcalled for anything during every game

The Spurs have no right to complain cause they would not be in this series at all if not for the refs.

I gotta give props to lamar for coming through in the clutch

Kobe was our constant and kept us in the game the whole time but he gotta stop acting like KG in the clutch
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

One more thing.

What about Ginobli's foot over the line?
What about Pop and Barry admitting they wouldn't have called it either?
What about Fisher's shot hitting the rim?

I still don't understand how people can call conspiracies.
If Stern REALLY fixed the NBA, I will never figure out how a NY team didn't get a top 5 pick.

its because he knows it would be so obvious...

so what does he do?

gives it to the second best choice in Chicago...

That's the Noble Kane I know and love.

But seriously I didn't want to believe even after the 2006 Finals but if Boston beats Detroit. Especially with the calls Boston got last game and JoeyCrawford basically deciding San Antonio's season I don't know.

I mean how do you have THAT ref even involved with this series conspiracy or not.
Originally Posted by knightngale

this thread was at 12 pages during the 4th quarter

I admit that it was a foul. However, I think kobe was fouled on his "quick shot" by Duncan and COUNTLESS OTHER TIMES DURING THESE 2 ROAD GAMES so %@+% the refs.

I think lamar had a clean block but he at the same time could have been called for a foul on that play. Ginobili's 3 was damn near a 2 pointer or I must be blind. Fisher's shot hit the rim.

This not mentioning all the calls the Spurs got before that, like the blocking foul on Odom
. Duncan taking four steps on that one dunk
. Horry fouling Lamar or Gasol on most defensive rebounds and not getting called for anything during every game

The Spurs have no right to complain cause they would not be in this series at all if not for the refs.

I gotta give props to lamar for coming through in the clutch

Kobe was our constant and kept us in the game the whole time but he gotta stop acting like KG in the clutch

so does that mean youre back on the bandwagon?
the only person who would get that foul call is named Larry Johnson and we all know about the crooked refs back in the day who would try to get the knicks tothe finals...
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by knightngale

this thread was at 12 pages during the 4th quarter

I admit that it was a foul. However, I think kobe was fouled on his "quick shot" by Duncan and COUNTLESS OTHER TIMES DURING THESE 2 ROAD GAMES so %@+% the refs.

I think lamar had a clean block but he at the same time could have been called for a foul on that play. Ginobili's 3 was damn near a 2 pointer or I must be blind. Fisher's shot hit the rim.

This not mentioning all the calls the Spurs got before that, like the blocking foul on Odom
. Duncan taking four steps on that one dunk
. Horry fouling Lamar or Gasol on most defensive rebounds and not getting called for anything during every game

The Spurs have no right to complain cause they would not be in this series at all if not for the refs.

I gotta give props to lamar for coming through in the clutch

Kobe was our constant and kept us in the game the whole time but he gotta stop acting like KG in the clutch

so does that mean youre back on the bandwagon?

Basically and as simple as I can make it: AT THE END THE LAKERS DID THEIR BEST TO GIVE THE SPURS THE W, AND THE SPURS DIDN'T WANT/TAKE IT! No bs, nowhining, no refs, no had your chance to W and couldn't capitalize!
After going back and reading the posts I've missed in this thread, I've never had to click the ignore feature so many times. The mediocrity of the fanboyism displayed in the replies seems to be contagious among many of you who call yourselves Laker "fans". You know it's bad when a mod even gets put on ignore.
Funny stuff.


'You're not saying what I want you to say' = 'You're a fanboy.'

Buddy, I could rip my team to shreds right now. I can talk about Pau being soft, Kobe's dumb decision on our second-to-last possession, Fisher falling fora pump fake to begin with, Pau being soft, Vlad-Rad disappearing in this series, Walton's dumb decisions, Pau being soft... you pick a topic, and I couldtalk about that topic without saying anything positive about the Lakers at all.

Sorry I don't say what you want to hear, though.
'O.K., thatwas a foul. We suck at basketball. We should have not scored 90+ points, because we're so terrible we should never score more than 30 points. Phil Jacksoncouldn't coach a rec league to win more than 3 games. Kobe robbed the MVP from Oberto. Robert Horry was held back by the Lakers and it's good to seehim flourishing with the Spurs. Pop > Phil. Pop > Red. Pop > *. The Lakers are the worst team ever. In life.'

Anyone who can say something like that means they;re NOT a fanboy, right? And anyone who DOESN'T say something like that... well, they're a fanboy,right?

Originally Posted by knightngale

this thread was at 12 pages during the 4th quarter

I admit that it was a foul. However, I think kobe was fouled on his "quick shot" by Duncan and COUNTLESS OTHER TIMES DURING THESE 2 ROAD GAMES so %@+% the refs.

I think lamar had a clean block but he at the same time could have been called for a foul on that play. Ginobili's 3 was damn near a 2 pointer or I must be blind. Fisher's shot hit the rim.

This not mentioning all the calls the Spurs got before that, like the blocking foul on Odom
. Duncan taking four steps on that one dunk
. Horry fouling Lamar or Gasol on most defensive rebounds and not getting called for anything during every game

The Spurs have no right to complain cause they would not be in this series at all if not for the refs.

I gotta give props to lamar for coming through in the clutch

Kobe was our constant and kept us in the game the whole time but he gotta stop acting like KG in the clutch

Didn't you say that game 3 probably ruined our chances of getting to the Finals and weren't you already looking forward to next season with ahealthy Bynum.

And you referring to LO as Lamar instead of, what was that again? Oh yeah, ODUMB.

Yeah, you want back on the wagon.
Being "the better team" doesn't mean jack. Lakers fans can look back to Game 4 of the 2002 WCFs against the Kings to understand that. That sportscliche ("the better team won") shouldn't be used to rationalize tonight's win.

I agree that foul shouldn't be called but based on how much it gets called you gotta to be consistent.

Here's the thing, can't we look at past playoff games and see many instances in which ref's swallowed their whistles rather than call a foul on alast second shot?

Can't we look at a series or game and see bad calls or no-calls being made on a consistent basis? I mean, look at the Lakers series against Utah.It took the Lakers front court three or four games to adjust to how the game was being called. The refereeing was consistent in that series even though itdidn't match how the other series were being called.

Please, tell me this, WHY do you have to SELL a foul call that was CLEARLY a foul?

I believe the point is that Barry needed to sell a foul that would actually be called. The ref's probably would've called a foul if Barry had jumpedslightly into Fisher making sure to bring his arms through Fisher's. The ref's were not going to call what was the equivalent of a hand check.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by knightngale

this thread was at 12 pages during the 4th quarter

I admit that it was a foul. However, I think kobe was fouled on his "quick shot" by Duncan and COUNTLESS OTHER TIMES DURING THESE 2 ROAD GAMES so %@+% the refs.

I think lamar had a clean block but he at the same time could have been called for a foul on that play. Ginobili's 3 was damn near a 2 pointer or I must be blind. Fisher's shot hit the rim.

This not mentioning all the calls the Spurs got before that, like the blocking foul on Odom
. Duncan taking four steps on that one dunk
. Horry fouling Lamar or Gasol on most defensive rebounds and not getting called for anything during every game

The Spurs have no right to complain cause they would not be in this series at all if not for the refs.

I gotta give props to lamar for coming through in the clutch

Kobe was our constant and kept us in the game the whole time but he gotta stop acting like KG in the clutch

Didn't you say that game 3 probably ruined our chances of getting to the Finals and weren't you already looking forward to next season with a healthy Bynum.

And you referring to LO as Lamar instead of, what was that again? Oh yeah, ODUMB.

Yeah, you want back on the wagon.

Nah, I think it was Lamar Scrotum, and just like I said after game 3, when Odom bounced back, he would coming in throwing around a
for his play.Knightngale is a complete joke, hell if we win the title, he doesn't care, he's just looking forward to next year.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

After going back and reading the posts I've missed in this thread, I've never had to click the ignore feature so many times. The mediocrity of the fanboyism displayed in the replies seems to be contagious among many of you who call yourselves Laker "fans". You know it's bad when a mod even gets put on ignore.
Funny stuff.


'You're not saying what I want you to say' = 'You're a fanboy.'

Buddy, I could rip my team to shreds right now. I can talk about Pau being soft, Kobe's dumb decision on our second-to-last possession, Fisher falling for a pump fake to begin with, Pau being soft, Vlad-Rad disappearing in this series, Walton's dumb decisions, Pau being soft... you pick a topic, and I could talk about that topic without saying anything positive about the Lakers at all.

Sorry I don't say what you want to hear, though.
'O.K., that was a foul. We suck at basketball. We should have not scored 90+ points, because we're so terrible we should never score more than 30 points. Phil Jackson couldn't coach a rec league to win more than 3 games. Kobe robbed the MVP from Oberto. Robert Horry was held back by the Lakers and it's good to see him flourishing with the Spurs. Pop > Phil. Pop > Red. Pop > *. The Lakers are the worst team ever. In life.'

Anyone who can say something like that means they;re NOT a fanboy, right? And anyone who DOESN'T say something like that... well, they're a fanboy, right?



After going back and reading the posts I've missed in this thread, I've never had to click the ignore feature so many times. The mediocrity of the fanboyism displayed in the replies seems to be contagious among many of you who call yourselves Laker "fans". You know it's bad when a mod even gets put on ignore. A bunch of JRains in here.
lol at this dude. He comes into every game thread and complains about the fans. "Hornets fans are bandwagoners". "Lakers fansare homers." Good to see you make your ignore button serious business
I'm just gassed that were 1 win away from the NBA Finals,
who would have thought this at the beginning of this season.
Originally Posted by acidicality

23ska909red02 wrote:

what did EJ say? (i'm not near a TV)
Basically (and no, none of this is word-for-word, or even close; it's just a paraphrasing of what he was saying): 'That was a foul. But no ref is going to call that a foul in that situation. Had he not taken a dribble and jumped while Fisher was in the air, I think a foul is called. But that dribble hurt his chances of having the foul called.'

, i was referring to BigMike, but thanks anyway

That was definitely a foul, I don't think a game should come down to that.. (so i agree with EJ in that sense)
However(this is where some of the irrational cocky Laker fans on this board will get on me)..
I have a big issue with the inconsistency the NBA has in calling it. There are times where officials DO make that call. Case in point: Detroit/Boston and...the game that shall not be named. Maybe the magnitude of the playoffs makes it different, but if they're going to call it a foul, call it a foul ALL the time. If you're not, NEVER call it.

I guess that is what makes the ref's the refs. Its the human element of the game that can be good or bad for basketball...

Parker falls over on fisher on a rebound foul on fisher....ronnie falls over on duncan foul on ronnie. Its just the way it is. If the ref's were robots andgot it right everytime I don't the game would be as fun. Sometimes the ref's get a lot of blame but any real ball player will tell you its all on theplayers. As a player you adjust to the ref's no matter how inconsistent they are.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Sriracha Hot Sauce:
Please, tell me this, WHY do you have to SELL a foul call that was CLEARLY a foul? That wasn't even questionable, it wasnt a flop, Barry didnt cause the contact, Fisher got faked out by a ball fake, and jumped into Barry. Thats a foul, when a defensive player makes contact being faked out. Why you think offensive players use the ball fake? Its either a foul or not. Saying that Barry didnt sell it the foul is completely ******ed.

I 1000000 percent agree. But hey, dudes have on yellow-tinted glasses and just won't call it like it is. I could give two %#!+@ what Barkley or Reggie or anyone else has to say. THAT WAS A FOUL. Come on now. Since when do you pump fake, someone falls for your pump, yet you don't get the call? You have to SELL it?

If anything, say that you're glad the refs didn't call that particular foul in the closing seconds of a tight game. But I think most of you are insulting a lot of people's intelligence by saying that it was NOT a foul.

And for the record, I don't believe in conspiracy theories in the NBA. But it was pretty dumb to have Crawford ref this game. Why not put him in the ECF instead?

@ co-signing the opinion of some random NTer that you don't even know, but disregarding the opinions of two HALL OF FAMERS

Keep hating my squad, bro.

Like I said...
... Kobe: zero free throws. I'm sure you're good with that.
... Pop said he wouldn't call that a foul. (Oh that's right, you don't care what anyone says... UNLESS it's some random NTer who happens to agree with your anti-Laker opinion. THEN you care what someone esle says, and you co-sign 1000 percent.
... Brent Barry said he wouldn't call that a foul.
... THAT CALL SHOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER BE MADE, IN ANY GAME, AT ANY TIME, EVER. You can't jump into your defender's space and have it be a foul. If the defender jumps into your space, that's a foul. IF YOU HAVE TO MOVE FROM YOUR SOT AND GO SIDEWAYS OR FORWARDS OR DIAGONAL OR BACKWARDS IN ORDER TO CREATE CONTACT, IT SHOULD NEVER BE CALLED A FOUL. EVER. You are allowed YOUR IMMEDIATE POSITION, not the position of all airspace around you.

Random? LOL. Ive been here JUST as long as you Ska. Don't let the post countfool you, but my first usermame, that isnt banned has been around since early days.

-With that being said, Im not going to fight and argue with laker fans because it is worthless. But, when has Pop or any Spurs team EVER complain about acall after a game? They won't say that was a foul. They don't complain, you should know that by now. They are a no excuse team. PERIOD.
-PhilJackson said that they missed the call.

-What I don't understand, is WHY do you have to SELL a call? Lebron, Kobe, Wade, etc wouldn't have to sell that call. A foul is a foul. Its pretty muchYES or NO. There's no in between calls for fouls. That was a Foul, straight up.

-Again, I dont know what to say about NBA conspiracies or whatever, but it seems that the end of many Laker games always have VERY questionable calls, thatinclude fouls. Laker fans, that forsure you can't deny.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by JordansonDeck

So games 3/4/5 are in LA for the finals right?
Pretty sure. Important to get 1 in Det/Bos.

Wooooooooooah! It's not over till it's over, when we win Game 5, 6, or 7, then we can worry about the Finals. I made a similar mistake in 05-06 w/the Suns when we were up 3-1, granted we have a much better squad than then, and I don't expect us to lose 3 straight, but anything can happen, I justdon't think SA is gonna give up their crown w/o a tremendous fight.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by JordansonDeck

So games 3/4/5 are in LA for the finals right?
Pretty sure. Important to get 1 in Det/Bos.

Wooooooooooah! It's not over till it's over, when we win Game 5, 6, or 7, then we can worry about the Finals. I made a similar mistake in 05-06 w/ the Suns when we were up 3-1, granted we have a much better squad than then, and I don't expect us to lose 3 straight, but anything can happen, I just don't think SA is gonna give up their crown w/o a tremendous fight.

I am just happy we got the win. The way the refs were calling the game, I thought we were done.
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