Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

%*%% that. I'm not about to kiss someones *%+ if they don't want to be here.This is Cleveland. We'll throw bottles at you.

But you were just saying that he wasn't leaving about a month ago... Now you'll throw a bottle at him???

The heart of man changes with the season
 @ the complete 180 of some Cavs fans.

Good post Pro.
No disrespect to you AT because you actually seem like a genuine non-bandwagoning fan, but I'm not buying that kinda talk from any Cleveland fan at all. The guy has one bad game and everyone starts coming out of the woodworks calling him out saying he's heartless when this dude has played his %+! off for all seven years with lackluster supporting casts and bumbling idiots in upper management trying to use a squad of has beens and mediocre players to win.

You mean to tell me that all of you fans are praising and defending these power moves in the offseason and then coming back when the season is over to say "nah, LeBron held us back from making moves to better the team." I can't buy into that. That's some of the dumbest backpedaling I've ever read on this site and I've heard some stupid *@#* on here over the years.

You defend Ferry to the nth degree for holding on to Hickson and giving Vag that absurd deal and then turn around and blame Bron? Every player on that team outside of Shaq is a gutless, heartless player that can't take the bright lights and he's the one who quit? Vag is running up the court screaming "I'M BLEEEEDING" at a ref while play is still going on?

You don't deserve him because you think he should be able to carry this squad on his own and in the minds of the fans, upper management has done everything they can to put a quality team around him when they have done nothing but hinder his on court abilties from Gilbert to Ferry to dumb %+! Mike Brown.

It's just beyond me how people can turn on a man who lifted that entire city to relevance and prominence.

I don't wanna waste another post so I'll just use the edit.  I kinda get where you're coming from AT, but I can't rock with that at all.

That quote was directed at OC.

I don't agree with this 180 at all.  I'll just leave it at that.
Originally Posted by Proshares

No disrespect to you AT because you actually seem like a genuine non-bandwagoning fan, but I'm not buying that kinda talk from any Cleveland fan at all. The guy has one bad game and everyone starts coming out of the woodworks calling him out saying he's heartless when this dude has played his +%+ off for all seven years with lackluster supporting casts and bumbling idiots in upper management trying to use a squad of has beens and mediocre players to win.

You mean to tell me that all of you fans are praising and defending these power moves in the offseason and then coming back when the season is over to say "nah, LeBron held us back from making moves to better the team." I can't buy into that. That's some of the dumbest backpedaling I've ever read on this site and I've heard some stupid *$+% on here over the years.

You defend Ferry to the nth degree for holding on to Hickson and giving Vag that absurd deal and then turn around and blame Bron? Every player on that team outside of Shaq is a gutless, heartless player that can't take the bright lights and he's the one who quit? Vag is running up the court screaming "I'M BLEEEEDING" at a ref while play is still going on?

You don't deserve him because you think he should be able to carry this squad on his own and in the minds of the fans, upper management has done everything they can to put a quality team around him when they have done nothing but hinder his on court abilties from Gilbert to Ferry to dumb +%+ Mike Brown.

It's just beyond me how people can turn on a man who lifted that entire city to relevance and prominence.
Quality post.

Proshares wrote:
No disrespect to you AT because you actually seem like a genuine non-bandwagoning fan, but I'm not buying that kinda talk from any Cleveland fan at all. The guy has one bad game and everyone starts coming out of the woodworks calling him out saying he's heartless when this dude has played his !** off for all seven years with lackluster supporting casts and bumbling idiots in upper management trying to use a squad of has beens and mediocre players to win.

You mean to tell me that all of you fans are praising and defending these power moves in the offseason and then coming back when the season is over to say "nah, LeBron held us back from making moves to better the team." I can't buy into that. That's some of the dumbest backpedaling I've ever read on this site and I've heard some stupid !*%# on here over the years.

You defend Ferry to the nth degree for holding on to Hickson and giving Vag that absurd deal and then turn around and blame Bron? Every player on that team outside of Shaq is a gutless, heartless player that can't take the bright lights and he's the one who quit? Vag is running up the court screaming "I'M BLEEEEDING" at a ref while play is still going on?

You don't deserve him because you think he should be able to carry this squad on his own and in the minds of the fans, upper management has done everything they can to put a quality team around him when they have done nothing but hinder his on court abilties from Gilbert to Ferry to dumb !** Mike Brown.

It's just beyond me how people can turn on a man who lifted that entire city to relevance and prominence.

Right now ProShares, it's all about who turns on who first. Remember, we didnt win 60+ games by luck. Our team chemistry clicked. Danny Ferry did what he can do based on player contracts and salaries. And please don't make game 5 of the playoffs out to be just some 'bad game'. That was the most important game of Lebrons career, let alone the history of the Cavaliers. We didn't just lose. Dude shot 3-14 and we lost by 32 after being up 8 in the second quarter. Not too take away from the Celtics success, but the Cavs just gave up. Not just Lebron. And when you're part of a team, every player will have his failure pointed out.

There is a reason why Hickson stuck around right after the trade deadline. That's Lebron boy. He was working out with Lebron on countless days even inviting him over to his house to stay a couple days prior to the summer the season started. And Varejao got the contract because he compliments James game - specifiably his assists, which gave Ferry the notion to keep Varajeo around. You can buy a good rebounder, but you can't buy a hustler. That's what Varajeo is.

And I never said:
"nah, LeBron held us back from making moves to better the team."
That never came out my mouthpiece.

This falls back to who quits on who.

If Lebron were to walk away after a disappointing playoff loss and turn his back on can't blame us fans. We were there for every game, sold out. Cheering him on...what's he going to do?
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

I find it funny that it's really LeBron's FAULT that the Cavs aren't in a position to retain him. His 3 year contract threats handicapped the Cavs from growing from within and drafting longterm talent. Hence the aging roster we have. We constantly searched for short term solutions and now we're screwed.

Now he's going to leave the mess he helped create.


Screw him for ******ing our franchise and quitting on the team vs. BOS. This team did EVERYTHING for him. His lack of commitment didn't allow us to land long-term solutions or draft key players.

Blame your organization for letting Boozer leave, screwing up draft picks (Luke Jackson? Christian Eyenga?), overpaying for average talent (Larry Hughes, Donyell Marshall, Damon Jones, Daniel Gibson, Jamario Moon), not capitalizing at trade deadlines (Wally Szsjdgsbdgsbiak's EC and J.J. Hickson) and not playing to LeBron's strengths.
May 16, 2010 6:28 pm US/Pacific
[h2]Clippers Fans To Hold 'Lebron Parade'[/h2]LOS ANGELES (CBS) ―

Fans of the Clippers have planned a march around Staples Center at 3pm on May 27 at L.A. Live to "Bring Lebron to the L.A. Clippers".

Lebron James in an unrestricted free agent and the Clippers are one of the teams that has room under the NBA salary cap to sign the superstar.

The star is an Ohio native and spent his entire career in Cleveland.

No Cavs fans wanted to admit the fact the Cavs were never built for the long haul back when the 2010 rumors started. Ferry would make something of Wally's contract, they'd do something positive with Z's contract, the list goes on.

Now LeBron tied their hands. Right.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

And please don't make game 5 of the playoffs out to be just some 'bad game'. That was the most important game of Lebrons career, let alone the history of the Cavaliers.
 you and everybody else that has put this into yall head need to go have a sit in the corner +$*# is none sense at this point in his career the only real important games he has played are those for the chip.

and what history are you talking about before lebron got there only history the cavs had was a highlight of MJ shooting "the shot"
Originally Posted by Al3xis

No Cavs fans wanted to admit the fact the Cavs were never built for the long haul back when the 2010 rumors started. Ferry would make something of Wally's contract, they'd do something positive with Z's contract, the list goes on.

Now LeBron tied their hands. Right.

LeBron forced their hands in a WIN NOW situation. They couldn't afford to build for the long haul. It was "3 year deal, we better win..." So they went after guys they could afford, that had right-now skill sets.

For example, Durant in three seasons has endeared himself more to the OKC fanbase than LeBron has ever done here, and they've sucked two of his three years there.

But that's what happens when you don't play like you're bigger than the game. You can lead a team from OKC and feel good about it. Even though you lose in the short-term, you realize YOU CAN'T WIN IN THIS LEAGUE BY YOURSELF. Meaning you need help. Help that will come via the draft for teams in this league. You know, just like every team LeBron's rumored to be going to? They're all littered with lottery picks and top-2 selections in the case of Chicago and Miami.

If I'm Gilbert, I go to LeBron and offer him minimum six-year deal with a player option after the fifth year. No more of this three year crap.

It's time Gilbert stands up to LeBron. What's mutually beneficial for the Cavs is what's best for LeBron. And vice-versa. They need to see it as a partnership and trust each other.

Gilbert has to get James on board long term at this point. Enough is enough. This nonsense that's happened over the past 18 months in particular is ridiculous. No more letting LeBron dictate short-term moves without long-term commitment.

THIS is why we couldn't land key players.... LeBron's unwillingness to commit to building a long term championship team from within.

That's a moot point though.

LBJ's not signing anywhere for more than his little 3 year contracts. That means wherever he goes, they better be willing and able to win RIGHT NOW, and I mean RIGHT NOW. Chicago isn't getting past BOS, ORL or LAL even with LBJ. Neither is NJN...

Lebron is 25. This next contract will be during his pure NBA prime, and he will not go to a team that is going to waste the next 2-3 years climbing toward a title. That's what he did here in 2007. Now we are here, and just need to make the right tweaks (coaching, etc.) to get that title now and contend for the next 3 years.

Really, it's either us or Miami. Chicago's really only a viable option if someone helps them out and either sign & trades Wade or sign & trades Bron, and we nor Miami are going to do that.

Unless he goes somewhere that can get him in the Finals in 2011, he's not going anywhere.

Doesn't excuse his behavior though.
Durant in three seasons has endeared himself more to the OKC fanbase than LeBron has ever done here
. LeBron was a GOD to Cavs fans until a week and a half ago.

Unless he goes somewhere that can get him in the Finals in 2011, he's not going anywhere.
What happens when the Cavs can't get there either, and the alternative options have a brighter future?
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Al3xis

No Cavs fans wanted to admit the fact the Cavs were never built for the long haul back when the 2010 rumors started. Ferry would make something of Wally's contract, they'd do something positive with Z's contract, the list goes on.

Now LeBron tied their hands. Right.

LeBron forced their hands in a WIN NOW situation. They couldn't afford to build for the long haul. It was "3 year deal, we better win..." So they went after guys they could afford, that had right-now skill sets.

For example, Durant in three seasons has endeared himself more to the OKC fanbase than LeBron has ever done here, and they've sucked two of his three years there.

But that's what happens when you don't play like you're bigger than the game. You can lead a team from OKC and feel good about it. Even though you lose in the short-term, you realize YOU CAN'T WIN IN THIS LEAGUE BY YOURSELF. Meaning you need help. Help that will come via the draft for teams in this league. You know, just like every team LeBron's rumored to be going to? They're all littered with lottery picks and top-2 selections in the case of Chicago and Miami.

If I'm Gilbert, I go to LeBron and offer him minimum six-year deal with a player option after the fifth year. No more of this three year crap.

It's time Gilbert stands up to LeBron. What's mutually beneficial for the Cavs is what's best for LeBron. And vice-versa. They need to see it as a partnership and trust each other.

Gilbert has to get James on board long term at this point. Enough is enough. This nonsense that's happened over the past 18 months in particular is ridiculous. No more letting LeBron dictate short-term moves without long-term commitment.

THIS is why we couldn't land key players.... LeBron's unwillingness to commit to building a long term championship team from within.

That's a moot point though.

LBJ's not signing anywhere for more than his little 3 year contracts. That means wherever he goes, they better be willing and able to win RIGHT NOW, and I mean RIGHT NOW. Chicago isn't getting past BOS, ORL or LAL even with LBJ. Neither is NJN...

Lebron is 25. This next contract will be during his pure NBA prime, and he will not go to a team that is going to waste the next 2-3 years climbing toward a title. That's what he did here in 2007. Now we are here, and just need to make the right tweaks (coaching, etc.) to get that title now and contend for the next 3 years.

Really, it's either us or Miami. Chicago's really only a viable option if someone helps them out and either sign & trades Wade or sign & trades Bron, and we nor Miami are going to do that.

Unless he goes somewhere that can get him in the Finals in 2011, he's not going anywhere.

Doesn't excuse his behavior though.
at the COMPLETE 180 I see going on in here
, although I agree with some of his points regarding tying upper management's hands' behind their back as far as building for the future/HAVING to build for the present because of the 3 year deals...
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Durant in three seasons has endeared himself more to the OKC fanbase than LeBron has ever done here
. LeBron was a GOD to Cavs fans until a week and a half ago.

Unless he goes somewhere that can get him in the Finals in 2011, he's not going anywhere.
What happens when the Cavs can't get there either, and the alternative options have a brighter future?

A. LeBron never truly engaged the CLEVELAND fanbase. He did well with Akron, but made it a point to distinguish the two.

B. The Cavs were heavy favorites to go to the Finals, and I would still believe they couldve had the chemistry not fallen apart. (Shaq returning from injury, inserting Jamison into the lineup with him, LeBron's tweaked elbow...etc)
They still will present the best option to win now. Winning = visibility. LeBron needs to figure out his priorities. I want someone on the team that WANTS to be here and WANTS to win first and foremost. All this marketing stuff, chasing recruits, shooting movies...He's got it backwards. You WIN first. Magic, Jordan, Shaq made that clear.

I'mma Cavs fan first and foremost. I was before LeBron and will be after LeBron. No dude is bigger than the franchise I grew up cheering for...He has the same amount of titles as the 40 years the Cavs have been in existence.
Yall have more than 'tweaks' to make, though.

first, who do you hire. Do you give into LeBron and let him choose? Or does Gilbert pick who he sees fit?

The acquired 2nd option, Jamison just got done playing one of the most cowardly series I have ever seen. People harp on LeBron going out the way he did, but it wasn't anything compared to the way Jamison went out.

Shaq is just about done and quite honestly, Cavs function better offensively without him.

And the 3rd starter over 34, Anthony Parker is just not a starting material on a team that wants to win a title regardless of his age.

Then you have delonte's issues.

And due to the issue of winning now, you're stuck with bad contracts...

In 2011-2012 the crew of; Jamison, Mo, Andy, Boobie and Jamario Moon will be totaling 38 million. That's just crazy.

There's not much future in Cleveland. That team was built to win this year and last year. Not any time in the future.
Chris Bosh: Sources who spent time this month with Chris Bosh on the West Coast say Bosh has decided that he will not be returning to Toronto.

That's not necessarily a shock, but the fact Bosh is not even willing to listen to Toronto's plan says volumes about where things ended in Toronto.

Raptors' sources confirmed last week they doubted Bosh returned either.

It seems both sides are at peace with the break up and are ready to move on.

Sources near the situation say Toronto is still likely going to get assets in return for Bosh and with Miami having such interest they could package a Michael Beasley in a deal and reduce Toronto's costs, while giving them a very similar player - Michael Beasley is listed as a 6-10 235 pound forward versus Chris Bosh, at 6-10 245 pounds. Bosh measured in at the NBA Draft Combine in 2003 at 6' 10.25"... Beasley at 6' 7" two years ago... without shoes. Both are face up forwards, that are offensive minded.

The Houston Rockets are said to have Bosh at the top of their board, and with so many inexpensive pieces, Houston could be interesting. The one thing Houston cannot offer is a deal that seriously reduces Toronto's luxury tax exposure, which teams under the cap like Miami, New York or Chicago can.

Bosh is truly the first major name in this free agent class to be truly available, it will be interesting to see how much interest there is league-wide in Bosh, especially when teams can start talking with him in July.

Read more NBA news and insight:
My guess at a deal: Jamison, Mo, JJ, Eyenga and future 1st for Bosh and Calderon...

I don't know so much if Toronto is going to want much to do with Jamison. High dollar contract and old. Not the most attractive piece for a rebuilding team. Might have to toss something else in there to sweeten the deal, or get a third team involved.

Really, it comes 100% down to recruiting Bosh. Chris will make the final decision. It's not up to the Raptors, it really just means that the Raptors are willing to scavenge the other team for whatever parts they can get. It's not like a regular season trade where Toronto can say "Well, it'd be great to trade you to Miami, but Cleveland's offering a better package." If Bosh doesn't wanna come here, it won't happen. If he does, it probably will.

Some of you should be politicians the way you can spin, backtrack, and flip flop.. it's quite impressive.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by Al3xis

No Cavs fans wanted to admit the fact the Cavs were never built for the long haul back when the 2010 rumors started. Ferry would make something of Wally's contract, they'd do something positive with Z's contract, the list goes on.

Now LeBron tied their hands. Right.

For example, Durant in three seasons has endeared himself more to the OKC fanbase than LeBron has ever done here, and they've sucked two of his three years there.
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