@LeBronFACE yeah, I did. problem?
Problem? Yeah i Guess i do if your That concieted Of a Tool bag as To Where You would tell People On A WORLD WIDE WEB not to Copy A simple 3 color scheme On A Shoe. I Mean I Think Your Safe Because its Lame And Also Has zero To Do with the Dolphins. DONT BE A DOUCH BAG MAN
2 or 3 people on here did, there just waiting for them to arrive..

Thank you sir! Keep checking my UPS app and it say adverse weather condition in Schezuan or something. Original tracking said the 23rd...
Problem? Yeah i Guess i do if your That concieted Of a Tool bag as To Where You would tell People On A WORLD WIDE WEB not to Copy A simple 3 color scheme On A Shoe. I Mean I Think Your Safe Because its Lame And Also Has zero To Do with the Dolphins. DONT BE A DOUCH BAG MAN
There are much more simple designs posted here than mine. I don't care about your opinion which is obviously biased since its not your own horrendous design. They're simple and clean, yes. People seem to be borrowing ideas and I dont want mine copied, not a big deal. And it's not just about the color scheme it's also how you use it. I would hardly ever use more than 3 colors. Clean color schemes > messy color schemes. I can post better designs than you anyday k bye.
My simple iDs for my game tonight:

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