High key milos fault. The play was for Lou and Austin to come up off of pindowns on both sides, and Austin broke free, but Milos didn't even look in that direction, and as a result missed a semi wide open shot and from there it was straight chaos.

Yeah, last night for sure was not Milos’ finest performance. He was solid in the first half, but kind of a non-factor in the second. First time I’ve seen him struggle with decision-making. Bound to happen occasionally, I think. He is an NBA rookie...
So of course austin is on a torrid stretch right now, but if you throw away the first two games of the season he's at 17 a game while making 42% of his 3's.

Just thinking ahead a bit, but...I just assumed austin would opt in to his deal but if he keeps playing like this, he won't and we very well may lose him this summer and that makes me very sad
^^^ I hear you, but it may be the best thing for him as an individual is to go to another team with which his dad is not affiliated and flourish...
Merry Christmas, Clippers peeps. Let’s hope Santa brought the team some good health for 2018...LOL.
Clips begin a stretch tonight where they play 12 of their next 19 at home including four in a row vs the Kings, Lakers, Hornets, and Grizzlies with Blake on tap to come back at some point during that aforementioned 4 game stretch.

Could really make a move if we handle our business here. Let's hope that Austin and Lou's hot shooting can carry us through this stretch until Blake gets back. Even as depleted as we are currently, the next four games are very winnable.

Lol this is crazy man. Granted the sample size is small at a little over 40 minutes, but the fact that our most dynamo lineup this year features 3 rookies, Austin rivers, and DJ is incredible.

There's many ways you can take this but ultimately for me, it's a Kudos to our new revamped FO because despite not having a pick in last year's draft, you came away with 4 rookies, 3 of which are contributing right now to a team that's contending for a playoff spot. That's impressive as hell.

I mean from an injury perspective, our season has been indeed the worst case scenario. We didn't even make it half a season before our entire starting lineup was wiped out. That being said, the fact that our FO took our g league two way contracts seriously, took the 2nd round seriously, and found value there is incredibly encouraging moving forward in the summer(s) to come.
^^^ Saw some stuff on Twitter indicating Blake might be back before the end of the month. Saw some workout footage from today. Looking spry...
^^^ Saw some stuff on Twitter indicating Blake might be back before the end of the month. Saw some workout footage from today. Looking spry...

Potentially as soon as Friday, but I'm thinking they just hold him out until the 2nd.Leggo.
Would think that trading or releasing Brice would be a no brainer at this point. No way can they let Jamil Wilson go.

:lol: :lol: impossible man we're playing 4 rookies and are w/o 4 starters right now. This is crazy to me. Yes the field has been bad this year but not so bad that a team playing 4 rookies, starting two g league guys, and are being led by Austin Rivers and Lou Williams should still be in the playoff picture.
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Jamil might be a player, man. Look what happens when you play the youngin's. This season is the epitome of a blessing in disguise :lol:
Jamil might be a player, man. Look what happens when you play the youngin's. This season is the epitome of a blessing in disguise :lol:

This new FO man. We were clamoring for it, but this new FO looks like it actually took heed to what we were clamoring for which was to invest in the 2nd round / GL because you can find talent there.

This is obviously an extreme scenario where you kind of have to play these guys with who's out, but we would be dead if they took the previous regime's approach to the 2nd round and the G League.
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Spoke to Doc earlier in the day and he assured me Blake is playing on Friday. I was a little shocked by it, honestly.

Might have to get some tickets. Should be a fun game vs lil brother.
Really in love with all of our jerseys except the whites. They're all dope as hell. If there was one team that benefited from Nike taking over it was us. Our uniforms are night and day.
Why are we the 9th seed in the west right now man we start Austin Rivers DJ and 3 rookies, two of which aren't even real NBA players technically :lol: madness.

I mean it looked so bleak a month ago :lol:
^^^ I mean, we’re still 5 games below .500, so our positioning has as much to do with everyone else being mediocre as us playing well, but what this group has been able to do is still impressive. 6-4 in the last 10.

Finally hit on some late draft picks and free agent signings, with Doc doing a good job getting the best out everyone who’s playing.

I really don’t know what the hell was wrong with the team during the 9 game L streak...SMH.
:pimp: :pimp: man beating the Lakers like that is always sweet

They're saying Austin has an achilles strain which is good, because you'd be able to tell if it was torn almost immediately, so in theory they wouldn't call it a strain only to later call it a tear, I think. Regardless, this is a major blow. He'll be out for awhile regardless and it sucks because he was really breaking out this year.

Blake looked spry as hell as if he hadn't been hurt at all. Little rust with his touch, but other than he looked 100%

And finally, this

The Milos effect is so real.
The Lakers are our sons. We give them money when the ice cream truck comes down the block. And they better take out the trash, too.
^^^ Yeah, even if Austin just strained his Achilles (prayers up for that) he should miss some time. Once the Achilles weakens, it becomes more susceptible to tearing, so AR should play again until he’s fully healed. It stinks either way though. This season, sigh.

Also, since we’re on the subject, how’s your Achilles P C H P C H ?
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