Said this on the pod, but

Think the team needs a reliable back up center

a reliable PG that's not Pat Bev. Pat Bev was great this year, but too injury prone. This is going to be a tough one, because bringing in a reliable PG on paper won't work with Pat / Lou / Shamet log jam and I'm still in on Shamet but someone will probably get traded in this glut here.

Resign Morris and JaMychal at whatever the cost.

And they should be right in the mix again. Paul George's low points in the playoffs are concerning. He has spectacular high points, but his low points are scary for your 2nd best player.

they should move on from lou and move pat to the bench, that will also help with injuries if he gets less minutes

pay jamychal but dont overpay, same with morris

again, i like jrue in this team and if they have a young center with an upside (not sure how pelicans line up looks like right now) for a sign and trade for trezz

and develop some talents, like they say the clips could have taken brogdon or porter jr but then again doc would have probably played them like mann or coffey unless theres like 5 inuries and he is forced to play em and they emerge like he was forced to play and discovered trezz
Despite what Haynes says, its hard for me to believe Uncle Steve isn’t at least taking a hard look at replacing Doc. This is twice now during his relatively short tenure as owner the Clippers have blown a 3-1 playoff lead under Doc. I know he was pissed about the first time too. Can’t imagine this series loss is sitting too well with him either.

Kind of keeping my fingers crossed that Doc makes it a non-issue and decides on his own to move on; pass the reigns on to Sam Cassell to do him a solid and go be a grandpa. Do it, Doc :lol:
Is Chris Haynes cool with Doc? That sounded like a fluff piece for doc and a way to blame PG/players :lol:
To me, it's just mind boggling to see the lack of adjustment by the coaching staff. In the middle of game 5 they should have done something, anything to adjust to the Murray/Jokic pnr. They didn't make any changes to how they covered that play until game 7.

The coverage they decided to go with either a. Let Murray get on a roll and get his confidence up. Or, b. Allowed jokic to pick the Clippers apart with his passing.

I was very surprised at how tight the Clippers played to begin the 4th. Lots of great, open shots by our best offensive players and they literally missed every single one.

In hindsight, Lou wills lemon pepper run, trezz deciding to stay out FOR THE WHOLE REMAINDER OF THE REGULAR SEASON BUBBLE and the teams lack of cohesion came back to haunt them.

Kawhi is only going to play 70 games at most during the season. Everybody else needs to be ready to go. The raptors got this. For some reason, the Clippers didn't.

This team needs a true, starting level, point guard.
the difference with the raptors is nurse while doc is just too stubborn

the clips actually played good defense to start the 4th, both teams were scorelss the first 2 min iirc, clips just couldnt make shots and as the nuggets stared making baskets it seems the clips just wanted to shoot 3s

i kept yelling at the tv to drive and get fouled in the paint but even by then kawhis shot just wasnt falling but we all know sometimes seeing the ball go through the hoop even in a free throw shot can get shooters going so wish he just kept on driving

but yeah, they need a pg playmaker and i thought that was gon be reggie but i guess he was too much of a liability on defense? but then again so was lou and trezz and i still maintain belief that if lou wasnt in game 6 and didnt miss that open 3 then porterjr doesnt score a 3 in his face on the other end right after that the clips would have played game 1 against the lakers yesterday

i feel like no one is pointing out how bad, no terrible, of a coach doc is for this key decision, i mean id understand if lou was on fire but he was terrible the first 5 games (the whole bubble really) and throughout that whole game
Actually pretty uncanny to me how closely this last series tracked the 2015 choke against the Rockets. First four games of the series, looked the Clips were in a different class than the opponent. Miss the 1st opportunity to close in game 5, monumental collapse in game 6, then a game 7 that isn’t a blow-out, but not a game you ever felt good about the the Clippers winning.

Basically a beat-for-beat repeat with different players (and played exclusively in a bubble). Wild.
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not a real big free agent market and we don’t have many assets, but any realistic options out there you guys would like to see us go after?

from what it looks like, aside from sign and trade with trade, it looks like we’ll be running it back again with the same squad but jerry and the front office have surprised us in the past
the difference with the raptors is nurse while doc is just too stubborn

the clips actually played good defense to start the 4th, both teams were scorelss the first 2 min iirc, clips just couldnt make shots and as the nuggets stared making baskets it seems the clips just wanted to shoot 3s

i kept yelling at the tv to drive and get fouled in the paint but even by then kawhis shot just wasnt falling but we all know sometimes seeing the ball go through the hoop even in a free throw shot can get shooters going so wish he just kept on driving

but yeah, they need a pg playmaker and i thought that was gon be reggie but i guess he was too much of a liability on defense? but then again so was lou and trezz and i still maintain belief that if lou wasnt in game 6 and didnt miss that open 3 then porterjr doesnt score a 3 in his face on the other end right after that the clips would have played game 1 against the lakers yesterday

i feel like no one is pointing out how bad, no terrible, of a coach doc is for this key decision, i mean id understand if lou was on fire but he was terrible the first 5 games (the whole bubble really) and throughout that whole game
Exactly. Being aggressive in a slump is the key to getting out of that slump. Get some layups, get to the line.

I don't want Lou will back. In hind sight, lemon pepper loser has to be talked into coming into the bubble to start with, then he uses poor judgement on his trip home to Atlanta, then he turns in this performance in the bubble? *****

If the Clippers are going to win a title, we need 12-15 players that are FOCUSED ON DOING JUST THAT.

I may be a bit out of bounds for this, but I understand trezz mourning the loss of his family member...But you stay out of the bubble for all of the remaining regular season games, then hit us on Twitter like "I'm back"? Then turn in a piss poor performance in the playoffs?

Seems like he should have either stayed out, or brought himself in the bubble earlier in attempt to get into basketball shape and develop chemistry.

DOC waited until the mavs series was tied at 2 to make ANY adjustments regarding coverage of Luka. His lack of adjustments regarding the joker/Murray pnr/dho is criminal.

Doc needs to be fired. But nothing regarding him or that Sucka Paul George will happen without ballmer/kawhi signing off on it.

Lou and trezz need to go. We need a starting level pg.

If doc goes, I would love to see Jeff van gundy as a candidate imo. One thing is certain, there will be a lot of coaches jumping at the chance to coach this team.
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To this day, we are no better as a team (results wise) than we were the day Vinny del negro left.

Read that again


Read it again

Absolutely true.

But this team and the Lob City Clippers have conducted themselves at times like they’ve done something more. I’ve been in denial about that, but it’s true. There’s a reason why the basketball world outside of Clippers fans is having a field day getting their jokes off.
Must be nice to have a coach that allocates bench minutes based on who’s actually helping the team and not just names.
Some other media sources besides Haynes have said Doc is coming back. If true, I think it must be because Kawhi wants it that way. No other reason for Doc to survive that debacle.

jj said on the podcast that the clips didnt even hve a front office or anyone doing analytics when he first got to the clips and the way doc's been talking, despite having people doing analytics for them now he just doesnt care for it

and i am not sure if doc not practicing is a gift or a curse, on one hand you preserve your players health and they love him for all the rest but at the same time if the whole teams excuse is chemistry then why tf are you not gon' have practice?

i can already see next year where the team has another second round exit and kawhi and pg just walks away then docs going to continue coaching the team with overachievers/no stars and lead them to 8th place and first round exit but doc will get praised for "what he did with the team he has" or if the no stars team do not make it he gets another pass since 2 all stars just left him... the vicious cycles never gon' end

might as well move the team to canada...
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