gon' need moves... same team aint gon' cut it when the others are simply getting better

I agree some tweaking is needed, but I don’t know if a major overhaul is in order (or even possible). Hoping that the new coaching regime will make a big difference.
its in order for sure, if both trezz and louwill are still on the roster then clips arent going to win anything unless lue got some magic beans to give to trezz that'll make him defend better

they need to figure out a sign and trade for trezz

get ibaka and vanvleet or something/someone

dont wnat to keep relying on the facts that they are great when everyones "healthy" or how great they are in the regular season

i dont want lue trying to cobble up something when its already too late
no need for an overhaul with the team when kawhi and PG are both in their contract years in this shortened season
coaching change made as needed and now just the minor roster tweaks are going to be put into action.
lost sham but slight upgrade that can pay off in the long run if kennard stays healthy
green should be resigning but on a bigger/longer contract as that's what hes worth. i got faith in our front office, they have done well moving in silence the past couple years so looking forward to what moves they have in place once free agency opens up in a few hours
nah, not convinced kennards gon' be the clippers savior "if" he stays healthy

team cant win with trezz as backup and without a decent pg that plays like a pg

but as i say every season, please prove me wrong.... i really hope coaching change is enough
^^^ Nobody is looking for Kennard to be the savior. Just a more consistent 3 point threat with some playmaking ability.

And adding Kennard is definitely not going to be the only move the team makes.
i hope so but they need more playmekers than a better scorer which might be a worse defender but also has a history of injury so i am not 100% sure he is an upgrade

were still not sure if jackson and morris gon' come back?
i hope so but they need more playmekers than a better scorer which might be a worse defender but also has a history of injury so i am not 100% sure he is an upgrade

were still not sure if jackson and morris gon' come back?

Nope. And JAM opting out complicates resigning the other guys, if they want him back too. But maybe Unc Steve doesn’t care about going into the tax.
im okay with us letting reggie go if he doesn't take the vet min, he had decent stretches but was terrible to watch during the bubble/playoffs. mook and green are still my top two priorities in resigning and ballmer should be more than okay with getting into the tax

also cant believe we were able to pull off that pistons trade and get 4 second round picks and justin patton in addition to luke kennard. our front office as always making these silent moves and got so much value out of trade while also getting off mcgruder's contract
not the time to be cheap

i know i sound like a broken record but they got to find a landing spot for trezz and ship him out and give away lou in a buy one get one free deal or something
I don’t want to overpay for Trezz at all, but I’m not completely opposed to bringing him back for the right price.

He shouldn’t have played in the bubble. Period. Doc giving him his regular rotation minutes when he didn’t even get to Orlando until the playoffs started was insanity.
^ ^ ^
i just feel like trezz becomes more of a liability when playing against bigs like davis and jokic which you have to go through in the west

im okay with us letting reggie go if he doesn't take the vet min, he had decent stretches but was terrible to watch during the bubble/playoffs. mook and green are still my top two priorities in resigning and ballmer should be more than okay with getting into the tax

also cant believe we were able to pull off that pistons trade and get 4 second round picks and justin patton in addition to luke kennard. our front office as always making these silent moves and got so much value out of trade while also getting off mcgruder's contract

am i alone that maybe the clips might have been better getting that 19th pick that went to the pistons and picked maxey?

he looks to be a solid defender for his size which could be great with kawhi and pg as a primary ball handler and can be a secondary ball handler if they can find a better pg to start but still jump in there with bev on the second unit
^ ^ ^
i just feel like trezz becomes more of a liability when playing against bigs like davis and jokic which you have to go through in the west

am i alone that maybe the clips might have been better getting that 19th pick that went to the pistons and picked maxey?

he looks to be a solid defender for his size which could be great with kawhi and pg as a primary ball handler and can be a secondary ball handler if they can find a better pg to start but still jump in there with bev on the second unit

you're not alone, i thought us picking up the 19th pick meant we'd go after a pg that would be a big piece for our future, but you just gotta understand that the team is in a win now mode and have no time to be patient for a player to develop. sucks but they would rather pick up experienced vets that can impact now with the championship window closing very soon
Not many mid to late first round picks are NBA ready from the jump. Kennard has proven he can be a productive NBA player. Rather have him than a rookie with this particular team.
eh, i feel like he could probably contribute right away especially on the defensive end, no need for him to be a star right off the bat and he doesnt need to

im just not high on kennard, good player on a bad team so i feel like the 15ppg is inflated and again, a history of injury, dud eplayed 28 games and the year before he didnt fair better than shamet on the scoring side, not sure why yall so high on him :lol:

i would have taken maxey and then go after bogdan
eh, i feel like he could probably contribute right away especially on the defensive end, no need for him to be a star right off the bat and he doesnt need to

im just not high on kennard, good player on a bad team so i feel like the 15ppg is inflated and again, a history of injury, dud eplayed 28 games and the year before he didnt fair better than shamet on the scoring side, not sure why yall so high on him :lol:

i would have taken maxey and then go after bogdan

yeah sham was misused by doc and is a young, promising player that will surely develop to be a good player, but if you watch and see what kennard does on the offensive end, its a big improvement compared to what we got out of shammet last year, a year where sham also missed good amount of time due to injury.

we also wouldnt be able to afford bogdan lol he's out of our price range and a RFA so not even a viable option
just gotta be patient and see how the team shapes out!
bogdan is probably gon get around 18m/yr, about the same as what trezz is gon command, id offer that sign and trade since kings would take anything anyways

and shamet still played 53 games over 28 by luke last season and the season before i dont think shamet missed any games and the teams superb once he starts hitting those 3s, inconsistent but his decent defense made up for it

moot at this point so whatever

hope the 33rd(?) pick they got via trade becomes a good defensive big
bogdan is probably gon get around 18m/yr, about the same as what trezz is gon command, id offer that sign and trade since kings would take anything anyways

and shamet still played 53 games over 28 by luke last season and the season before i dont think shamet missed any games and the teams superb once he starts hitting those 3s, inconsistent but his decent defense made up for it

moot at this point so whatever

hope the 33rd(?) pick they got via trade becomes a good defensive big

umm correct me if im wrong since im not the best with the cap, but we sign trade with bogan only works if we have the cap space, which we dont. we can sign trezz to that kind of contract since we own bird rights

with our draft picks, i just hope with ty lue now he is more willing to play the young guys, but besides that, theyll see more action in ontario lol

at the moment, just hoping we get Jmike and mook back plus a hopeful addition of ibaka or any other reliable big plus rondo as a back up guard. oh and for us to not have trezz come back unless hes taking a major paycut since hes not worth keeping around
trezz aint taking a paycut coming off a 6th man win, dudes gon' look to get paid and he should

umm correct me if im wrong since im not the best with the cap, but we sign trade with bogan only works if we have the cap space, which we dont. we can sign trezz to that kind of contract since we own bird rights

i am not an expert either but theres been plenty of possibilities thrown like if ibaka and trezz agree on smilar amounts and then both teams can sign and trade, same scenario that was thrown with vanvleet so i think it should work unless i am completely missing something?
  • Nets acquire Landry Shamet (from Clippers), Bruce Brown (from Pistons), and the draft rights to Reggie Perry (No. 57 pick; from Clippers).
  • Clippers acquire Luke Kennard (from Pistons), Justin Patton (from Pistons), the draft rights to Jay Scrubb (No. 55 pick; from Nets), the Trail Blazers’ 2023 second-round pick (from Pistons), the Pistons’ 2024 second-round pick, the Pistons’ 2025 second-round pick, and the Pistons’ 2026 second-round pick.
  • Pistons acquire Dzanan Musa (from Nets), Rodney McGruder (from Clippers), the draft rights to Saddiq Bey (No. 19 pick; from Nets), the draft rights to Jaylen Hands (from Nets), the Raptors’ 2021 second-round pick (from Nets), and cash (from Clippers).

i had no idea we got all these picks AND got rid of mcgruder :lol:

Sad to see JJ Headdick go but hebwas awful in the bubble. Kennard is injury prone. 2nd round picks are virtually worthless in the NBA but let’s see if the FO can hit on a 2nd rounder. Deandre Jordan is the last time we hit on one :lol:
trezz to the lakers?

i guess a sign and trades out of the question but how the hell are lakers making all these moves

but good riddance i guess :lol:
Hey 2nd place!

Lakers going to show you Clippers pipe dreamers how to use Trez right.

1. Not be on the Clippers 2. Team with Lebron
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