So (take a breath): Beverley, Williams, Dekker, Harrell, Kelly, Liggins, Quarterman & 2018 first (small protection) to Clippers for CP3.
Can't be mad at this return tbh
Not mad at the return. Would have been content with lou will, Beverly, dekker and the pick honestly.
^^^ P C H P C H - what say you about that Eaves article? I'm kind of skeptical. I definitely think there were personality issues with the team, but I not sure it was all Doc and Austin related.
Honestly, the more I think about all this, the more excited I am. I was straight up sick of this team. Last season was basically no fun after the first 14 games.

Really happy we're going to have a totally new look next year. And we got a really nice haul from the Rockets.

^^^ @PCH Roadwinder - what say you about that Eaves article? I'm kind of skeptical. I definitely think there were personality issues with the team, but I not sure it was all Doc and Austin related.
I'll keep it a buck with you Law,

I've talked with Coach JP, Kevin Eastman when he was with us about how the whole nepotism thing would play out. 100% what they told me.

Per them, it was the total opposite. Doc rides Austin harder because that's his son. JJ Redick has went on record as saying the opposite. So has Chris Paul.

But I mean the sensationalized story is more entertaining.
^^^ I believe that. Doc is a lot of things, but he's not dumb. He would know giving Austin special treatment would do good for anyone. And the fact is, AR has gotten much better since arriving. So, obviously, he's working.

And I never got the sense from anyone during this year that there was a Melo deal on the table and we nixed (pun intended) it. If anything, it was the Knicks saying no to us.
It's just really hard to believe that the Clips had a chance to get Melo last year, and Doc looked at Jamal Crawford and Austin and was like "Nah, we're good"

People wanna believe the nepotism thing that badly that they would willingly just believe anything even if it's as silly as that.
It's just really hard to believe that the Clips had a chance to get Melo last year, and Doc looked at Jamal Crawford and Austin and was like "Nah, we're good"

People wanna believe the nepotism thing that badly that they would willingly just believe anything even if it's as silly as that.

And what makes it even funnier is that, at the time the Melo trade rumors were going around, the vast majority of people acted like it would be an insult for Melo to be traded for Austin ******* Rivers. Now people are going to try and come at Doc for supposedly not doing it. Silly.
I'm soo happy that I decided to become a Lakers fan last week when they drafted Ball. Trade CP3 for a bunch of bums. This team is a joke.
Why in the world do Clippers fans want to resign Blake Griffin ?  He should have been the first one gone years ago .
I'm soo happy that I decided to become a Lakers fan last week when they drafted Ball. Trade CP3 for a bunch of bums. This team is a joke.

This is why people make fun of your alcoholism. You run around trolling threads left and right :lol:
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So lemme get this straight,

Doc had a chance to trade for Melo,

But looked at Jamal and Austin, his son whom he doesn't even have a close relationship with, and said "Nah, we're good."

Come on man.
This is why people make fun of your alcoholism. You run around trolling threads left and right :lol:
Not trolling bro just legit pissed that a team ive followed and rooted for since they were the laughing stock of the league trades a player that helped make us relevant again. This ish hurts.
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So an NBA player can average 21, 9 and 4 without actually being good as basketball? Who knew?
YES . He can score and is athletic . But he doesn't have a consistent jumper , can't shoot free throws well , has no defense , bad footwork , no post up game , and is always injured . But you know what I mean , he will score and get you wins , but really winning in the playoffs or championships , I don't think so . And that's what you want out of a franchise player . He's just has too many holes in his game .
And for the record I'm a Bulls fan , and I've always said Butler is a third option , not a franchise player . Just for perspective .
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