Are we really gonna turn on CP3 this quickly?

Give me a super competitive and vocal leader with elite talent any day of the week. On Crip.

in context, I don't have an issue with what KMart said. He basically said he neede the ball in his hands. Would anyone disagree or want someone else to have the ball?
- Bring Blake back and all of a sudden you may potentially have a fringe 50 win team next year depending on how we round out the roster. What's more, we would have over $50Ms in cap space next summer, with Blake being the only player on the books

- Losing blake would suck, but the Clippers would go into a full fledged rebuild with all of their picks. Almost all of the future picks they've traded away have been lottery protected. If Blake does indeed decide to go elsewhere, don't try and be a competitive team. Nosedive right into Tank City.
 Brad Turner‏Verified account  @BA_Turner 4m4 minutes ago
Beverley talked to Doc, Lawrence Frank, Steve Ballmer, DeAndre Jordan, Blake Griffin, Jamal Crawford, Austin Rivers and Wesley Johnson.

0 replies 7 retweets 7 likes
 Brad Turner‏Verified account  @BA_Turner 6m6 minutes ago
Patrick Beverley to Times on trade: “I’m coming to beat some (butt) and win. That’s all I know."
 Brad Turner‏Verified account  @BA_Turner 4m4 minutes ago
Beverley: “As soon as I found that trade went through, I made sure I got all of their numbers from Lawrence Frank.
In Pat Bev we trust
Are we really gonna turn on CP3 this quickly?

Give me a super competitive and vocal leader with elite talent any day of the week. On Crip.

in context, I don't have an issue with what KMart said. He basically said he neede the ball in his hands. Would anyone disagree or want someone else to have the ball?

Def not turning on cp3. He's a big reason why this franchise is where it is today.

His talent is unquestionable.

So is his mercurial personality.
I'm not turning on CP. He's a fantastic player and did a lot for the franchise. It also seems clear, however, that he can be a difficult teammate who some people don't like to play with. But even if that's true, it's kind of a moot point because it's not the reason we underachieved during his time here.

I'm also not upset about that trade because, for whatever reason, I always felt like we were on borrowed time with CP3 and that he'd eventually leave.
Oh, and per Brad Turner, Blake meeting with PHX on Saturday.

Not going to lie - I'm nervous. In most of situations I can remember recently when big FAs to meeting with multiple teams, they ended up leaving their original team. LeBron in 2010. LMA a couple years ago. KD last year. Doesn't exactly bode well for us.

Probably going to end up with David Lee as our PF or something.
Well with Blake potentially being out till December it sorta sways it back our way in terms of resigning him.

I wouldn't be mad about trying to go after Gordon Hayward
Heard Doc on the radio today. Sounded uncertain about Blake, at best. They want him to come back, but seem to be preparing for him not. Oh well, it is what it is.

Oh, and if Blake leaves, I'd be kind of pissed if I was DJ. He's gotta think, "all these ************* who forced me to stay here a couple years ago bailed now. *******." That's what'd be going through my head.
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I'm byke bros. I've been through too much as a Clippers fan to leave the team because one player left. I had a night to sleep on it and can't leave. The name on the front of the jersey is more important than the name on the back.
 Lawrence Frank on the rumored Melo trade: "No deal was ever turned down."
 Frank said Eaves never spoke to anyone in the Clippers' building about the report, and that the information is incorrect
Like I said before, no one cares for the truth if the lie is more entertaining. The nepotism angle is something that people want to be true WAY more than it is. Even when you have Chris Paul, JJ Redick, Lawrence Frank, Doc, all saying the opposite Michael Eaves, someone who doesn't work for the org. and hasn't since before Doc got there, makes up some **** and it spread.

Yeah, they might want to add a PF or 2 to the list...just in case. Maybe we should invite Milsap in.
Yeah, they might want to add a PF or 2 to the list...just in case. Maybe we should invite Milsap in.
Not a chance, I don't think.

Milsap's going to cost a lot, and unless it's Blake at PF the Clips are going to want to keep the books as clean as possible. $50Ms in cap space next summer if they resign Blake, 70Ms next summer in cap space if they don't. Don't think someone like Milsap fits into LAC's plans at all now or in the future.

It's either Retool around Blake (And try to bring another star with Blake next summer) or rebuild, I think.
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We STILL have never made it to the 3rd round ever. And CP always seemed to get hurt in the playoffs like every damn year. I'm over it already. Let's keep it movin
Not a chance, I don't think.

Milsap's going to cost a lot, and unless it's Blake at PF the Clips are going to want to keep the books as clean as possible. $50Ms in cap space next summer if they resign Blake, 70Ms next summer in cap space if they don't. Don't think someone like Milsap fits into LAC's plans at all now or in the future.

It's either Retool around Blake (And try to bring another star with Blake next summer) or rebuild, I think.

Yeah, that's probably right. But my thing is, if we don't keep Blake, we probably have to go into full rebuild mode. Can't really get star FAs these days without other stars for them to play with.

Whatever though, I'm just glad we're seeing something different -- and I have a feeling more fun -- next year.
I've been saying that I think Blake is going,but Momo from ESPN saying that she thinks he's staying is encouraging. But everyone thought CP was staying too so whatever

Independent of Blake's decision though is DJ. We need to trade him, and probably sooner rather than later. By the end of the summer for sure. You may be able to get something for him at the deadline, but you probably can net a better return for him now.

At the very least, LAC should be asking him and his agent what he'll be asking for next summer, to see if you guys can work around that. Otherwise, you gotta trade him. Reason being, is because if you weren't trying to pay CP 200Ms, then you definitely won't be trying to pay DJ 200Ms next summer and you don't wanna see him leave for nothing.
^^^ I hear you, but I don't know that we can look at DJ as independent of what Blake does yet. If our first priority is keeping Blake and he wants DJ here, then we kind of have to keep him around. But if Blake leaves or indicates he doesn't care if we trade DJ as long as it improves the team, then I'm all in on it.

Blake's decision impacts everything else we do, I think. Along those lines, I hope he makes up his mind quick so, if he leaves, we're not losing out on other deals while we're waiting around for him.
Also, letting BG go is not the answer man.

Not for this franchise at least.

If he leaves, so be it. He has that right and has given LAC his best.

But what Bill Simmons isn't accounting for, is that the changing of a culture goes beyond a deep playoff appearance or two, or six years of relevancy. Building your place in LA, building a culture for the franchise, goes beyond six years of relevancy. It's being able to be relevant and good for 10 years, 15 years, 20 years even, and healthy Blake does that for you. Being able to retain your draft picks, especially when it's the number one pick would be huge for this particular franchise moving forward.

Keeping your star player, even if he's injury prone, is a worthwhile gamble for THIS FRANCHISE. THIS Franchise, should unequivocally take that gamble. It's the longest view in the room.

Keeping Blake allows the franchise to be relevant with a star. Even if that means 6 to 8 seeds in the playoffs, that's okay FOR THIS franchise because the Clippers are working to become a relevant, elite, NBA franchise, and that work goes beyond a 6 year window.
Right but you need to take into account this is and will always be a LAKER town.

The fact is what Blake, CP3 and Doc did for the Clips in 6 years no one has done in the history of the franchise: make them relevant. Laker fans hated hard because their team wasn't ish and they knew it. And the diehard ones clapped back while they watched their badnwagon fans cheer for the Clips. They kept pointing to the champioships and with good cause.

Blake leaving doesn't change the momentum we've had to be a name, be a contendor or be RELEVANT. We're still relevant. Even some diehard fans know Clippers still have a better team in LA at this moment. We won't be great in the west, heck i don't know if we'll smell playoffs next year but we need to look at all our options to maintain a little bit of that steam we have and remain a decent team.
Right but you need to take into account this is and will always be a LAKER town.

The fact is what Blake, CP3 and Doc did for the Clips in 6 years no one has done in the history of the franchise: make them relevant. Laker fans hated hard because their team wasn't ish and they knew it. And the diehard ones clapped back while they watched their badnwagon fans cheer for the Clips. They kept pointing to the champioships and with good cause.

Blake leaving doesn't change the momentum we've had to be a name, be a contendor or be RELEVANT. We're still relevant. Even some diehard fans know Clippers still have a better team in LA at this moment. We won't be great in the west, heck i don't know if we'll smell playoffs next year but we need to look at all our options to maintain a little bit of that steam we have and remain a decent team.
what? Yes it does man
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