It is what it is, bro. Time to move on. (And maybe unfollow CP on Twitter and IG).

:lol: i had the same exact thought when that pic came up on my feed today

Also s/o to Blake for the pot shot at CP3 for the hashtag #loyalty he put on his post >D

At this point I'm just holding my breath and pray for an 8 seed season.

I feel that we're a better squad than the Lakers right now so to me personally i'll focus more on the Battle of Los Angeles. Plus i got 3 season bets that Clipset will have a better record than LAL so yeah the 4 match ups between them i look forward to more :lol:
^^^ We better be better than the Lakers next year. They've been one of the worst teams in the league for 4 years running now and so far all they've done this offseason is add Brook Lopez and a totally unproven rookie PG.

I just got into a 15 minute debate with CP1708 on Twitter about why it's better to get rid of Crawford than Austin. SMH. People really can't get past the Coach's son narrative. SMH.

I just got into a 15 minute debate with CP1708 on Twitter about why it's better to get rid of Crawford than Austin. SMH. People really can't get past the Coach's son narrative. SMH.

You gotta know who you're arguing with, man. If it isn't PMatic, I don't even bother discussing bball with Laker fans on here :lol:

If you think Jamal Crawford is a better NBA Player than Austin Rivers I don't eem know what to tell you.
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I just got into a 15 minute debate with CP1708 on Twitter about why it's better to get rid of Crawford than Austin. SMH. People really can't get past the Coach's son narrative. SMH.
Lol fight the good fight my man.

PER is flawed anyway. Regardless, I've come to grips with people with Austin Rivers. This season as long as he stays healthy, will open a lot of eyes and I can't wait for it. Show and Prove. You really can't talk hoops with someone regarding Austin Rivers if they believe that the reason he's still on the team is nepotism.

The nerve of that franchise, which has looked like a **** show the past 5 years to call another franchise a "Clownshow." Buss was rolling over in his grave until Magic came through. Let the them wallow in their Lebron James and Lonzo Ball dreams. I'd rather not even talk about the Lakers in here honestly.
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I just got into a 15 minute debate with CP1708 on Twitter about why it's better to get rid of Crawford than Austin. SMH. People really can't get past the Coach's son narrative. SMH.

Lol fight the good fight my man.

PER is flawed anyway. Regardless, I've come to grips with people with Austin Rivers. This season as long as he stays healthy, will open a lot of eyes and I can't wait for it. Show and Prove. You really can't talk hoops with someone regarding Austin Rivers if they believe that the reason he's still on the team is nepotism.

The nerve of that franchise, which has looked like a **** show the past 5 years to call another franchise a "Clownshow." Buss was rolling over in his grave until Magic came through. Let the them wallow in their Lebron James and Lonzo Ball dreams. I'd rather not even talk about the Lakers in here honestly.
gasol had a higher per than kobe in their finals :tongue:
Loved using that on people when kobe was falling apart and they defending how good he was
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Is Galinari any good? The last one I remember watching him play was when he was a Knick. Have really followed him or heard much about him as a Nugget.
Damn I'm looking at his stats. It looks like son can't stay on the court much. Smh $63 mil for a dude who can't stay healthy.
Damn I'm looking at his stats. It looks like son can't stay on the court much. Smh $63 mil for a dude who can't stay healthy.

vs $173 million for another guy who can't stay on the court! I don't really see what Doc Rivers sees in Gallinari either.

If Jamal gets bought out after the trade he's likely to sign with the Warriors :smh: all these lob city era clippers signing and likely winning a tittle (with the warriors) makes me sick :x
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vs $173 million for another guy who can't stay on the court! I don't really see what Doc Rivers sees in Gallinari either.

If Jamal gets bought out after the trade he's likely to sign with the Warriors
all these lob city era clippers signing and likely winning a tittle (with the warriors) makes me sick
You don'jt see what Doc Rivers sees in Gallo? Maybe the fact that he averaged 18 a game on 45/40/90 last year and was one of the most efficient players in the league last year?

Come on bro, I get that Gallo has flaws, injuries being one of them. No player we were getting was going to be flawless. There's serious questions about how good he is as a 3 vs a 4 and we'll have to address that.

However, we've trotted out Danny Granger, Caron Butler, Stephen Jackson, Matt Barnes, Jeff Green, etc. even if Danilo doesn't pan out the gamble was worth it. Our best wing was Luc Mbah Amoute (who I love) and he averaged 6ppg last season.
You really have to give the FO credit for how they navigated this summer. We lost the best player in franchise history and still ended up being a good team if healthy. Can't be overtly critical.
^^^ Especially when you look at some of the other deals that have gone down this Summer. We robbed the Rockets compared to what Indiana got from OKC for PG.
You gotta know who you're arguing with, man. If it isn't PMatic, I don't even bother discussing bball with Laker fans on here :lol:

LOL. I hear you, man. Usually I know better. But haven't been able to help myself the last few days. Think I got it out of my system last night though.

Lol fight the good fight my man.

PER is flawed anyway. Regardless, I've come to grips with people with Austin Rivers. This season as long as he stays healthy, will open a lot of eyes and I can't wait for it. Show and Prove. You really can't talk hoops with someone regarding Austin Rivers if they believe that the reason he's still on the team is nepotism.

The thing is -- and this the last thing I'll say about it -- some of the Austin bashers claim they'd have issues with him even if his dad wasn't running the team. OK, if that's true, show me another NBA player who comes of the bench to score double figures and play very good defense who people say doesn't even belong in the league...There isn't one. If Austin was putting up the exact same numbers on a different team, nobody would talk about him. But he's on his dad's team, so it's easy for people who don't watch the Clippers much to say that's the reason he's here and gets minutes. The BS Michael Eaves story didn't help in that regard.

Anyway, on to the Gallo deal. I fully support it and hope it get's done today.
^Yeah I mean, Delly was a FA at the same time as Austin, and was a backup pg for a playoff team, but no one says he DOESN'T BELONG IN THE DAMN NBA

There were plenty of back up guards in the league last year worse than Austin. You can't just call him a below avg player because he had a "Below avg" PER that's a simplistic view of things. If your back up guard is a two way guard at age 25 who puts up 12 a game w/ efficiency, you belong.

I mean JR Smith, Jamal Crawford, NONE OF THEM you would say are 12th men or out of the NBA and Austin was better than those guys last year. Period.
^^^ I would also think comparing him to a league average PER could be misleading. In the NBA there's some really exceptional players, a lot of good players and very few really really bad players. So, because the top guys have super high PER ratings, I would think that would skew the league wide average up. I'd be curious to know what the average PER is if you were to exclude the, say, top 10 players from the calculation.
Jamal's PER was a 12

JR Smith's was an 8

Delly's was a 9

Shaun Livingston's was a 10

Brandon Night was a 12

Pat Bev's was a 13

Cory Joseph's was a 13

Clarkson was a 13

I could go on and on put you see the point. All of these guys were good back up guards for their team's last year. Austin was just as good if not better than all of these guys. And guess what? They all have a below avg PER. Are these guys 11th, 12th men? Are these guys below average players?

Of course not. Austin fits right up there. There's just no way you can say that Austin isn't an NBA player, but the above are especially if you're using PER. You're being completely bias to say othewise.


I guess Clipper fans are all enlightened and Doc bein his dad has NOTHING to do with Rivers potentially starting next year.

How dare I.....

You can't be a two way player who puts up 12 a game as a back up guard, who puts up 16 a game in 30 starts, on over 40% from 3 in those starts and 38% overall, for a 51 win team,

and not belong in the NBA. No matter how you slice it. If they weren't father and son this wouldn't even be a discussion. Point blank period
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He has a 20% usage rate on a roster with CP, JJ, BG, DJ and Craw. But he plays for his DEFENSE????

If you're a defense first guy, you shouldn't have a usage rate that high, right?

You guys keep saying all I used was PER, that is untrue. It's PART of what I said.

But it's fine, you guys like him, by all means. Go with that. Maybe ask PMatic to confirm on behalf of us lowly Laker fans.
He has a 20% usage rate on a roster with CP, JJ, BG, DJ and Craw. But he plays for his DEFENSE????

If you're a defense first guy, you shouldn't have a usage rate that high, right?

You guys keep saying all I used was PER, that is untrue. It's PART of what I said.

But it's fine, you guys like him, by all means. Go with that. Maybe ask PMatic to confirm on behalf of us lowly Laker fans.
Cherry-picking stats fam. Are we going to act like Austin's usage rate isn't the product of him playing in mostly bench lineups
come on bro, you're better than that.

And no one said he's a defense first guy, he's a two way guy. Two way guys on a team devoid of them will play.

There's a ton of good level back ups in the NBA who were similar, better, or worse than Austin this past year. He produced in a bench role for a 51 win team, and overproduced as a starter at 25 years old. So if Austin is a fringe NBA player, then so are they right?
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