Combo forward like Gallo.

That's what I figured. Thanks. Still, I think this roster can be a lot more versatile than the last few iterations of the Clippers. Have added length and athleticism.
LAS VEGAS — Austin Rivers had heard enough.

For two days, the 24-year-old Los Angeles Clippers guard heard all the chatter about how he was to blame for Chris Paul’s exit to the Houston Rockets late last month. It was easy to ignore at first, but then the media din grew louder.

ESPN. Fox Sports One. The LA radio airwaves. Everyone was talking about the story from ESPN anchor Michael Eaves, who reported on his professional Facebook page that the dynamic between Clippers coach and president of basketball operations Doc Rivers and his son was a major reason for Paul deciding to orchestrate the trade.

This was hardly the first time someone had alleged that Paul and Doc Rivers didn’t see eye to eye, but the level of detail relating to Austin’s alleged role took the topic to a new level. So, after Paul had texted Rivers to refute the report, Austin picked up the phone.

“I called Chris and was like, ‘Chris, what’s going on?’’” Austin Rivers told USA TODAY Sports while in town to watch NBA summer league. “Chris is like, ‘This is the biggest bull(expletive) I’ve ever seen in my life.’ Chris was just like, ‘This is a joke.’ So I asked him, I’m like, ‘You don’t need to come out and say nothing publicly, I don’t need you to do that. It’s just going to make it even more, now they’re going to drag it out two more days. I’ll take it. I don’t care. I’ve been dealing with this (dynamic) since I was six (years old). I really don’t even care.’”
Wait, so you mean Michael Eaves report is nothing but a bunch of ********? Huh, ya don't say?
Doc, Steve, and Lawrance there courtside
This team is gonna be so refreshing. We might not win 50 games, but I think It'll be a fun season.

Can't wait :pimp:
Trez came right in and proved why this should be his last game in Summer league lol

Jawun Evans, Sindarius Thornwell, both look awesome in summer league. Jamil Wilson has also been really good all summer league, and probably has played his way into a camp invite / Non Guranteed deal.

Jawun will probably be a two way contract guy, but he's been spectacular all summer. His quickness coming out of OK State haven't been exaggerated at all, and Sindarius Thornwell continues to look like he should make the team. Love him.
If we win Summer League, I think we should hang a banner in Staples. Just for trolling purposes.
Thinking we should try to negotiate getting Mo Buckets back. 40% from 3 point land will keep defenses honest.

He opted out looking for a MLE pay of $8.2 mil but i doubt he'll get it. At 30 with OK stats i see him getting maybe a $4-6 mil contract somewhere. Maybe Clips if they pony it up.
i think this season will be a good one. especially if we are healthy and BG can return to 3rd place MVP form.

i think our floor is a 5th seed and our ceiling is a 2 seed WCF birth
i think this season will be a good one. especially if we are healthy and BG can return to 3rd place MVP form.

i think our floor is a 5th seed and our ceiling is a 2 seed WCF birth
Health provided, I mostly agree with this.

Would believe that our floor probably is a bit lower though, I'm going 6 to 7ish.
i think this season will be a good one. especially if we are healthy and BG can return to 3rd place MVP form.

i think our floor is a 5th seed and our ceiling is a 2 seed WCF birth

Health provided, I mostly agree with this.

Would believe that our floor probably is a bit lower though, I'm going 6 to 7ish.
yea I think 6 but I wouldn't be shocked if we get 5th tbh.
Yeah, I'm thinking we're going to be in the 5-7 seed range. I'm figuring it will take a while for the team to gel with all the new pieces and for Doc to figure out the rotations, etc.

If I'm right, we won't peak during the 1st two weeks of the season like last year. LOL.
I think having our own D league team is so vital, because now we can at least alleviate the misguided idea that Doc "Doesn't like to play young guys." At least Jawun and maybe Sindarius or Brice even can get reps next season once they inevitably don't get much bump.
Starting to see some people picking us to finish out of the playoffs. Really? I know I'm biased, but I really don't see how any of Portland, Memphis, NO or Utah (without Hayward) are better than us on paper. I guess people are just assuming both Blake and Gallo will have injury problems.

Oh well, rather us be a surprise than a disappointment.
Starting to see some people picking us to finish out of the playoffs. Really? I know I'm biased, but I really don't see how any of Portland, Memphis, NO or Utah (without Hayward) are better than us on paper. I guess people are just assuming both Blake and Gallo will have injury problems.

Oh well, rather us be a surprise than a disappointment.
It has to be the injury thing. On paper, by most metrics, LAC should project to be a playoff team now. One projection I saw (I think it's real plus / minus) We actually picked up a win, meaning projecting to 52 wins.

We'll see. Granted we lost CP, but if we don't make the playoffs this season it'd be a dissapointment for me.
Starting to see some people picking us to finish out of the playoffs. Really? I know I'm biased, but I really don't see how any of Portland, Memphis, NO or Utah (without Hayward) are better than us on paper. I guess people are just assuming both Blake and Gallo will have injury problems.

Oh well, rather us be a surprise than a disappointment.
It has to be the injury thing. On paper, by most metrics, LAC should project to be a playoff team now. One projection I saw (I think it's real plus / minus) We actually picked up a win, meaning projecting to 52 wins.

We'll see. Granted we lost CP, but if we don't make the playoffs this season it'd be a dissapointment for me.
^^^ Absolutely. I'll be very disappointed if we don't make the playoffs next season. If we don't - assuming the team stays relatively healthy - I think that'll be it for Doc.
I'm a little embarrassed to say I don't know who that is...
Haha that's the homie. We went to the same gym and went to Santa Monica College together

But beyond personal affiliation, he paid for a d league tryout with the Defenders, and starred for them. Lakers took a chance on him late last year and he proved his worth so much so that LAL offer him a deal, although it was non guaranteed. 6'5, super athletic, tenacious defender and slasher.

Fast forward to yesterday, LAL signed KCP and because of that, LAL had to let him go. He was so good, good enough for LAL that someone is going to get a steal for him, especially at a minimum deal. He'd be a solid minimum signing for us.
Bill Simmons might have legit lost his mind lol

He talking about King James, PG13, John Wall and Boogie Cousins as Lakers next year :lol:
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