i don't know, we've done a terrible job with draft picks. Not counting anything inside the top 15, but when you look at what we're done with picks in the 20-30 area, its awful. Gotta him one those every now and then.

Since 2010:

2016 - Brice #25
2014 - CJ #28
2013 - Bullock

Just bums. Like, i don't ever feel like we have a plan when we draft. When we stumbled into Thornwell, i jumped out of my seat.

What do our scouts do?

Its like my Rams. We can't draft anyone after the 3rd round, until this year.

Every year, i feel like we always say "wow, look at what the Spurs/Warriors did with so little" around draft time, no?
Only 2 games and they’ve been against the two worst teams in the league but I’m encouraged by our offensive rebounding.

We’re #2 in the league at 13.5.

Since Doc has been here we’ve finished:

16-17 24th
15-16 29th
14-15 28th
13-14 21st

If we can finish top 10 I’ll be very happy.

I’ll be at the game today :pimp:
^^^ Probably won’t fare quite as well on the boards against Gobert and Favors, etc. But if we do, that’ll be pretty encouraging.
We’re good, bros. For real. Can’t wait until Thursday.

Trying really hard to temper my expectations of this team. Health health health man.

The defense has been fantastic so far, and IMO you should be able to count on that continuing, with Pat/Austin/DJ in the starting 5.

Offensively, you kind of saw what this team can be tonight. So much balance. Nice to see Austin Byke looking like his hold self. I myself kind of forgot the fact that he essentially missed all of training camp. I liked him w/the starters last year, liking him w/the starters this year. There's just a lot to like with LAC. Hell, Wejo, Willie Reed, Lou Will, all contributing. Loved the fact that Utah hit us with a run and we didn't fold.

Anticipating thursday as well, another good team. First road game.
Also Wejo is making me very mad. He's not this good but he keeps playing like it and once he regresses ima be hot :lol:
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11 more offensive boards tonight. I think this may actually be a thing now :pimp:

We def miss Milos doe. That run the Jazz made at the end had a whole lot of ball-holding. Need Milos in moments like that imo.
DJ is going to end up at like 10-18 and 2.5 blocks this season. And we won’t even talk about it because he’s so consistent.
11 more offensive boards tonight. I think this may actually be a thing now :pimp:

We def miss Milos doe. That run the Jazz made at the end had a whole lot of ball-holding. Need Milos in moments like that imo.

Without a doubt. And not even just during that run, but throughout the entire game we did. Certain passes only he can make and you can clearly see Austin, Pat, overdribbling or sometimes dribbling too deep because they can't make the difficult passes that are there, that Milos can make. It is no coincidence that Pat Bev had 7 TO's tonight.
^^^ I think playing for the Rockets kind of forced him to become a solid spot-up 3 point shooter, but he can also do more, which is nice. And I think he likes having more freedom with the ball here.
Pat Bev's Usage is at a career high, and it's really high :lol: like at 21% or something like that. His turnover percentage is sky high kind of too. Just from the eye test alone, we may need to real Pat bev in a bit, because you can tell he's fully enjoying this added responsibility that the clips are giving him. But Pat's been awesome on both ends, and if a few turnovers are what we need to sacrifice for Pat Bev continuing to play like this then i'm all for it.

The one fear is that he gets to ahead of himself and starts trying to do things that he can't do but so far he's been exceptional. Great get by LAC. 15 a game so far and shooting 58% on 5 3's per :rofl: :rofl: that'll come down but he's an elite level knockdown shooter so even when it does, he should still be high 30's low 40's. And the spirit that he's brought to the entire organization man...there's no numbers for that.
^^^ Those stats are interesting, for sure. At the end of the day, I don’t think we’ll be better without CP. BUT, if we stay healthy, I think we’ll be just about as good in terms of regular season record. Playoffs, who knows?
P C H P C H - Your boy Dinwiddie is playing well for the Nets...dropped 22 tonight in a W against the Cavs.

Yeah I was watching the game. I was too hyped! His parents legit live around the corner from me :lol: happy to see my guy get this look. Nets looking solid this year and he's earned his way into being a part of their future plans.
Blake with only 8 at half and we’re still up by 9 at half over the Blazers. Good sign, I think.

Looks like Austin remembered how to score.

Refs tried to give it to the Blazers, but Blake said no. He said hell no. Loving this team so far.
can't believe the refs tried to steal that away, can't wait to hear the dumb explanation on that

Literally best game I’ve ever been to. Being on the road and seeing Blake take all of the air out of the building. I wish i had a better video of the game winner to post. I didn’t even have Blake in the frame smh :lol:
Hope Austin is ok. You could tell he was in crazy pain, but hopefully resetting his finger was all he needed.
14 offensive rebounds and outrebounded the #1 rebounding team in the league.

Really starting to become a thing. Who would have thought the key to our off neige rebounding woes would have been a point guard :lol: Pat a beast on the glass.
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