Official Miami Heat Offseason Thread: EPIC OFFSEASON! YES WE DID!

Pretty much, hype him up like crazy... Some of his ******ed antics.

Im starting to hate Heat fans now too, because one of the NT Heat fans on here talkin ishhh. S/N like miamisomething
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Pretty much, hype him up like crazy... Some of his ******ed antics.

Im starting to hate Heat fans now too, because one of the NT Heat fans on here talkin ishhh. S/N like miamisomething

just hate that guy not the whole fan base...i mean there are some level headed heat fans on here...i cant hate on them cause if this was my team growning up i wouldnt have gone to sleep yet...but i am jumping on the bandwagon i aint give a !@%! what yall say...already got some heat gear on the way...itll be sweet to caus eill be in florida in a month for school so ill be able to watch all there games and prolly go to a couple

Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Pretty much, hype him up like crazy... Some of his ******ed antics.

Im starting to hate Heat fans now too, because one of the NT Heat fans on here talkin ishhh. S/N like miamisomething

thats why we have a list in this thread... i think we have been pretty cool to other fans on NT.... but you really we deserve all this hate towards us?? we havent even done anything but defend our team... but like i said i know who the real fans are...
At the moment:

Looks like Haslem will be re-signed. I think J-Will will sign. Raja has been vocal that he wants to sign with them. Still need to get a serviceable enough center like Z.

Damn damn damn.
Just before the season starts I just want to say I dislike this heat team, not the fan base.
I hope y'all understand/
Originally Posted by roboski

*** to all my south fla people is it true all tickets to next year are sold out?? That can't be true!!

PS. I gotta change my sig, it's a lil bit out dated ya know!!
Dwayne Please Don't  Go!!

Heat Dolphins Giants Hurricanes Yankees  "

Yea your sig IS outdated but that aint what's wrong with it.

Go learn how to spell the name of your favorite player before you call yourself a fan
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

At the moment:

Looks like Haslem will be re-signed. I think J-Will will sign. Still need to get a serviceable enough center like Z.

Damn damn damn.

u think big z is gonna follow lebron?
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

At the moment:

Looks like Haslem will be re-signed. I think J-Will will sign. Still need to get a serviceable enough center like Z.

Damn damn damn.
u think big z is gonna follow lebron? 
I think Z has more integrity than that but you never know. I don't think they're in the running for Shaq either (but after the way Shaq quit on them in 08, I'm not sure the Heat want Shaq back). But you get the idea, a cheap, veteran center that can play 12-15 MPG is what they should target.
Ill 949, I promise it would never happen again. Can you forgive me and my bandwagon ways cause I spelt a name wrong??

So my whole take on this is people wouldve loved for Lebron to sign with any other team but the Heat cause of Dwade and Bosh. Right?

They wouldve liked him to be a Karl Malone type player who tried his hardest to get a ring but always feel short. Right?

By seeing what happen with Karl, and Barkley, and I can't forget Mr. Ewing Lebron decides to take his "own" career and life into his "own" hands by making a productive decision to further help him reach his goals in winning championships with the ones he's most closer to and loves. But for some reason most of u guys and the media look at that as being selfish, a loser, a cop-out, and a coward. Right??

You guys gotta realize this is just a game life goes on, to them this is there lives there careers. I find it funny how some of u are saying by going to the heat his image and brand is over. Well let's say he stays in Cleveland and keeps under achieving then would he be considered as one of the greatest to play this game?? Probably not cause players like Bird, Magic, Jordan, and Kobe won rings consistently and are more relevant then the Ewings, Malones, and Barkleys.. Great players who never won a championship ring.

So all I say is stop hating on Lebron it's his life and his decision. It's not like he went to Colorado had sex with a busted white girl cheated on his wife and two baby daughters and spilled the beans on other players secrets..


Think about it.
Originally Posted by Dade B0Y

Wade, Bron, Bosh all left 20+ mil on the table..

Riley = Goon.

i could be wrong, but what i heard was that they each left about $15 mil on the table. and considering that Florida has no income tax while the states of Ohio/NY would have taken about $15 mil in taxes had they signed max contracts there, neither Bosh nor Lebron made much of a financial sacrifice.
if Miller/Haslem are indeed added and the bench is rounded out decently..

i believe--that if healthy and focused all the way through---this team challenges the Bulls record.

I have to imagine Riley sold Bron on the idea of having a Magic like role on offensive as a primary distributor..which leads to a Bron/Wade/Miller/Bosh foursome on the floor quite a bit..and that is not guard-able. And they can get away with it on the other end.

You double Bosh, you kick it out to Miller or send rotations running at Wade/Bron, they're too quick to have a defense moving

You don't double Bosh, he can score.

Wade/Bron can play a drive and kick game...

one of the three wing's will always have a mismatch against a PG they can exploit in the post...

And in the open floor? yeah, forget it.

This is making my head spin just thinking about it.

The only threat this roster would/will face is interior size and length (LA).
Originally Posted by Al3xis

if Miller/Haslem are indeed added and the bench is rounded out decently..

i believe--that if healthy and focused all the way through---this team challenges the Bulls record.

I have to imagine Riley sold Bron on the idea of having a Magic like role on offensive as a primary distributor..which leads to a Bron/Wade/Miller/Bosh foursome on the floor quite a bit..and that is not guard-able. And they can get away with it on the other end.

You double Bosh, you kick it out to Miller or send rotations running at Wade/Bron, they're too quick to have a defense moving

You don't double Bosh, he can score.

Wade/Bron can play a drive and kick game...

one of the three wing's will always have a mismatch against a PG they can exploit in the post...

And in the open floor? yeah, forget it.

This is making my head spin just thinking about it.

The only threat this roster would/will face is interior size and length (LA).
sums it what big can they/are they gonna get...shaq?
 If Dexter Pittman with his size and bulk can come in and just show an ounce of NBA caliber talent at the pivot posistion?

It's over.
What has happened to these guys? Wade was always classy and now he contends that this trio is the greatest trio to EVER play together? LeBron, on the other hand, is saying he's planning on winning at least 7 championships? This is going to be a good team but until they get the roster settled, it's still incomplete at the moment.
It's been one hell of a week. I went from thinking we were going lose Wade on Tuesday and be straight expansion team status, to now having the 3 Kings, 3 Amigos, The SuperFriends, 6-3-1, or whatever you wanna call them. Once we got Bosh and Wade, I honestly thought it might be best to not go after Lebron. I wasn't sold on LBJ until tonight's party, when I remembered that the guy is the most unstoppable force in the league. Now I'm more excited than I've ever been as a fan, this team is going to be amazing.

I don't need to prove my fandom on NT, but the Heat are the only team I've never swayed from in my life, even in my college years. I've rooted for them non-stop since 1991, and rarely missed a game when they were on tv, even when they were terrible.

I embrace the fact that we are going to be the most hated team in the league. I've always rooted for the bad guy, so this is in my wheelhouse.

I know the pressure will be great, but I think we should win 2-3 titles if we go about it the right way. Hopefully we can create a legacy like the Lakers, Celtics, and Knicks have. The glitz and glamour are great, but what's more important is developing a true fan base and a history.
I'll look for it.

I'm gonna give the Big 3 props for taking less mula to resign UD & sign Mike Miller
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