Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Damn man.

Is this really it? I mean I never was a fan of his, but i really hope that's not the last time we see him on the court.
I'm not a doctor, but this isn't a fatigue or overwork kind of injury, right?
Nah, achillies injuries are usually 'freak' accidents that come with age
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Look at the stat like except pau tonight...Dwight had only 7 boards?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME BRO?!

:rofl: Who is LEADING THE FRIGGIN LEAGUE in rebounding??

Apparently, an "are you kidding me" (in a bad way) Dwight Howard rebounding game is still 0.3 rebounds higher than Chris Bosh's regular season average.

7-8 shooting from the floor?

>: Really pissed about Kobe's injury. Would so much rather have him playing and the games being reffed fairly than him not playing at all.
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My dude is done.

Damn, just seen the post game interview. Son is hurting.

I know he'll be back like Mo I just hope like Mo for his health and legacy he hangs it up after that. So I don't expect him to play next season at all but 2014-15 should be Kobe's swan song imo.
I'm not a doctor, but this isn't a fatigue or overwork kind of injury, right?
This is part years of wear and tear and other part a sudden movement that your Achilles tendon was not braced for.
I know some corny *** fans will send Harrison Barnes death threats and stuff like that

Blame dumb *** David Stern and his stupid ref crew for making them think Kobe was fouled by Barnes.:smh:

Anyway, I just thought how crazy this is right now.

Kobe is a warrior that tore his achilles(greatest warrior in Homer's Illiad)....playing against.....THE WARRIORS!! :lol: Not trying to poke fun or nothing but how crazy is that?
So you can walk off the court with a torn Achilles tendon or is it because bryant is a warrior?

Who has the video of his post game interview?
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Kobe is not done (career.)

Dude in that interviewed looks extremely motivated already. He said he's gonna over come this. And Provide an example for his kids that he can do it , like he said in the interview.
Do the Lakers amnesty Kobe next season, sign a free agent then re-sign Kobe for the 2014-2015 season?
Damn, Kobe teary eyed at his post game presser.

What's the normal recovery time for an achilles tear?

My guess would be at least a year right?

Check Chauncey billups, that's what happened with him
And now he can't stay in the lineup after playing over 70 games each year for Detroit & Denver.

Hopefully this doesn't start a run of debilitating injuries for Kobe.
Kobe is not done (career.)

Dude in that interviewed looks extremely motivated already. He said he's gonna over come this. And Provide an example for his kids that he can do it , like he said in the interview.
"I can already hear the pundits saying guys tear their Achilles & never come back the same. And it's pissing me off already."
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