Official NBA 2012-2013 Season Thread

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Grizz lose one close game and they need Rudy again? Where were some of you when Conley, Bayless and Marc were closing out all the other games? :lol: One of the problems was that the team still tried to go to Zbo instead of Marc.

Missed FT's really hurt us more than anything. Oh well, we should be ready regardless if we start on the road or at home.

All clips gotta do is push the tempo against the grizz, thats how they went on that run mid 4th, grizz also have a below avg bench
He wears them in the playoffs, it's a 1st round elimination.

If you thought the lakers get a lot preferential treatment just watch the Heat. Now that is what you call royalty red carpet treatment lol.

Wouldn't surprise me one bit if refs show their heat jersey through out the playoff and finals. Its practically 8 on 5 every time they play.

Other teams should put that in their scouting report.
The Lakers just played a game where they tripled the FT attempts of the Warriors.

Now do LeBron, DWade and the Heat get favorable calls at times, of course. So does KD, Kobe and most superstars.

The fact that Kobe/Lakers fans analyze every second of every Heat game and cry bloody murder when their team has been the beneficiary of favorable calls for years is comical to me.
>D so the NBA postseason only lasts one round?

and you love the randomness and monotony of most of the MLB playoffs?

and we can just forget how blah half of the NFL postseason is?
or how we pray the Super Bowl doesn't suck?

NHL playoffs ~> NBA playoffs > NFL playoffs > MLB playoffs

no it doesnt last one round but its too frickin long. go back to 5 games

aint nobody got time to watch the heat squash the bucks one extra game
Those TMac's were uncomfortable. The hard shell toe part is made out of cement that will cut into your feets.

And if we're having this argument, the Thunder are by far the most ref babied team in the league. I wish I could find the objective stat, but the Thunder are #1 in FT% or whatever it's called and the difference between them and the #2 is the same as the difference between the #2 and the #23 team. We even get a better ft draw % than you in YOUR building.
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I see people putting the blame on MDA, but let's be real. This was Kobe's call as far as the minutes he was playing. Kupchack said so in an interview. He alluded to the point that Kobe has earned the right to pretty much sub himself in/out of games and that goes hand-in-hand with the minutes he plays. Let's be real...Kobe is calling the shots. He was going to do whatever it took to get his team to the playoffs. I can't be mad at that at all. MDA is at fault for a lot of things, this isn't one of them. He's an easy scape-goat because people were luke-warm on him to begin with.

just because its kobe's call does not mean it isnt antoni's fault.

they could have picked up a few guys to give kobe rest.

but they didnt

antoni thought he was cute going with an 8 man rotation full of old and injured players. what did he think was gonna happen?

you pick up two of either kenyon martin, delonte west, or andrew goudelock, and kobe probably doesnt go down...

kobe didnt want t go to the bench because he couldnt.

lets not forget how antoni didnt even play jamison at first.

this is all just a big mess that could have been avoided had antoni not been stubborn in his rotation and management went out and god west and martin like they should have.

coaches shorten the rotation come playoff time not the whole freakin year. especially when more than half your 8 man rotation is 32 and over
LMAO because of Adrian Peterson, everyone thinks every athlete is a "super human" and will comeback from injury faster and stronger. I'm sorry guys but healing properly doesn't have anything to do with determination.
You really doubting Kobe's superhuman ability?

He could withstand a nuclear blast or catch a bullet with his bear hands if he wanted to.

He once ran into a burning building just to save his half eaten sandwich.
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Nate Robinson,
another player with that god awful 1 on 5 style of play.

on the surface, it looks good in the short term, its a horrible style for the long term. its no wonder how those with short vision cheer for a player like that on their team.

Nate Robinson
JR Smith

ugh, i dont see how yall do it.
Those TMac's were uncomfortable. The hard shell toe part is made out of cement that will cut into your feets.

i didnt have that problem at all hmmm thats odd. i loved my og tmac 1's. i can see what you are talking about because that rubber part does hurt sometimes in the superstars.

and guys please lets not talk about crooked officiating. that is the batsignal for onetrust to come out of his cave and bring up the lakers :rofl:
The Lakers just played a game where they tripled the FT attempts of the Warriors.

Now do LeBron, DWade and the Heat get favorable calls at times, of course. So does KD, Kobe and most superstars.

The fact that Kobe/Lakers fans analyze every second of every Heat game and cry bloody murder when their team has been the beneficiary of favorable calls for years is comical to me.

You mean wade and his 40 something trips to the free throw in 06 finals? Highlight also shown a lot of phantom calls

It's bright as day. Touch the heat jersey or lebron headband will be called as flagrant foul.
The Lakers just played a game where they tripled the FT attempts of the Warriors.

Now do LeBron, DWade and the Heat get favorable calls at times, of course. So does KD, Kobe and most superstars.

The fact that Kobe/Lakers fans analyze every second of every Heat game and cry bloody murder when their team has been the beneficiary of favorable calls for years is comical to me.

You mean wade and his 40 something trips to the free throw in 06 finals? Highlight also shown a lot of phantom calls

It's bright as day. Touch the heat jersey or lebron headband will be called as flagrant foul.

It's the same when you play the Lakers :lol:
The Lakers just played a game where they tripled the FT attempts of the Warriors.

Now do LeBron, DWade and the Heat get favorable calls at times, of course. So does KD, Kobe and most superstars.

The fact that Kobe/Lakers fans analyze every second of every Heat game and cry bloody murder when their team has been the beneficiary of favorable calls for years is comical to me.

so niketalks obsession with only calling out the lakers getting the ref treatment ISNT comical. ok

yup, Jordan perfected it but he incorporated team ball into his play as well.

the rest of these cats imitation is piss poor without the teamwork and awful to watch them running around in circles trying to get a shot off.

i was watching an OKC game a few months ago with the wife. after a while she says about Westbrook, "who IS that?!, and why does he keep shooting? its like hes out there by himself."
i just bust out laughing. shook my head and said "thats westbrook"
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yup, Jordan perfected it but he incorporated team ball into his play as well.

the rest of these cats imitation is piss poor without the teamwork and awful to watch them running around in circles trying to get a shot off.

i was watching an OKC game a few months ago with the wife. after a while she says about Westbrook, "who IS that?!, and why does he keep shooting? its like hes out there by himself."
i just bust out laughing.

team ball my butt. jordan only passed when he had to as should all SHOOTING GUARDS should.

the guys you named most arent point guards. they aint called shooting guards for nothing.

how about you stop being so anal retentive and just enjoy the game.

the only person i ever seen go 5 oon 1 was jason williams

where is the westbrook gif to make sense of all this
just because its kobe's call does not mean it isnt antoni's fault.

they could have picked up a few guys to give kobe rest.

but they didnt

antoni thought he was cute going with an 8 man rotation full of old and injured players. what did he think was gonna happen?

you pick up two of either kenyon martin, delonte west, or andrew goudelock, and kobe probably doesnt go down...

kobe didnt want t go to the bench because he couldnt.

lets not forget how antoni didnt even play jamison at first.

this is all just a big mess that could have been avoided had antoni not been stubborn in his rotation and management went out and god west and martin like they should have.

coaches shorten the rotation come playoff time not the whole freakin year. especially when more than half your 8 man rotation is 32 and over

Again, Kupchak said Kobe has been regulating his own minutes. It's been said that Kobe checks himself back into the game. He took it upon himself to will the team into the playoffs. The team rides or dies with #24. Kobe has earned the right to do what HE feels is in the best interest of the team. I find no fault with MDA or Kobe in this instance.
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