OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Idk why yall dont like reggie. He doesnt bither me at all. I like him actually. wayyyyy better than trash *** webber.
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finally gave a real apology lol

You think he really mean that to call them the c word?
No way.
I mean, apologies are given when you feel you e done something wrong.
So no apology was needed in his eyes.
The reason he did apologize was because HE CAN sympathize with the idea that he might have offended.
But as far as owing anyone an apology? Nah.
Just the PC thing to do.
lmao i wouldn't call him saying "I’m disappointed that anyone would think I would use that word" an apology unless i missed something else. that reeks of arrogance. i don't think he initially handled the situation well at all. he was extremely defensive, the 2nd apology was much better and i'm pretty sure there wouldn't be an outrage if he tweeted that one first...

he's been apparently linked to using past racial slurs. didn't he force a girl to have an abortion? i haven't looked into the validity of these, though. and alright, go ahead and tell those chinese fans they shouldn't be upset and are too sensitive about JJ calling them chinks :lol:
I wouldn't have asked that last question had I read on a bit further. It was clearly a mistake.

You can tell he didn't call them that.
He was Just tied at the tongue. This is absurd.
players still in LA tomorrow?

they need to run it back. team steph can drop jimmy for someone. if it can't be covered by a network send in ballervisions or something
Lebron balling with Lou Will and being GM with Ballmer’s checkbook gonna be dope.
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To be real I don’t think Lebron goes West though unless he goes to a team that is a piece away from conteding for a chip. The West is too deep for Lebron to make the finals multiple times. His best chance at possibly winning more rings is to stay in the East. Why leave Cle if the owner is willing to make moves to contend for a chip yearly?
I’m not even Asian and I gotta say, Asians get no sympathy for racism and it’s messed up. I feel like a dude can say something like JJ did and people are like damn that’s lame. But let him have said another racial slur like the N word or S**c and people would’ve lost it
I'm going to keep it 100 and don't kill me for it but asians can be as racist to black people as whites. Never personally seen Asian community stand up when another race is being treated unfairly. It is my opinion the Asian community tries to assimilate more than any other group to white culture in America. Same ish goes on and is widely accepted in Asian countries where they still do black face and remove black actors from movie promotions. In America it's my opinion a lot of Asian women prefer to date strictly Asian or white men because that's the only thing culturally accepted. Crazy part is Asians and Africans have more in common culturally.
That loss wouldnt sit right with me. Def need to run it back. Same teams. Do it for free like the days of the old legends. Meeting in a quiet gym and just hooping. Call your own fouls. Let it be like those old dream team scrimmages. Curry gotta drop those nuts bruh.
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I'm going to keep it 100 and don't kill me for it but asians can be as racist to black people as whites. Never personally seen Asian community stand up when another race is being treated unfairly. It is my opinion the Asian community tries to assimilate more than any other group to white culture in America. Same ish goes on and is widely accepted in Asian countries where they still do black face and remove black actors from movie promotions. In America it's my opinion a lot of Asian women prefer to date strictly Asian or white men because that's the only thing culturally accepted. Crazy part is Asians and Africans have more in common culturally.

A part of history neglected by schools.


Yeah I can google images of whites who supported black panthers too, but it still doesn't make what I said not true.
That was only in response to this part.

Never personally seen Asian community stand up when another race is being treated unfairly.

Anyway you can replace any race with what you said. Every group has people who are racist, it doesn't justify them being called racial slurs just because of the ones who are racist.
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