OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Wizardss finna wash Sixers tonight b
Gortat gonna put down the Polish Hammer on the Process
Wallstar gonna put Fultz on skates
Beals gonna light up Covington or whoever they got guarding him
yoooooo im dying over here that **** look like bayley bath water what he think it was gon taste like?
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Jamal will forever be lac's scapegoat during the cp era

The injuries were a damn shame over those years
Blakes durability was a far bigger issue than Jamal. CP was also banged up often.

They only had two healthy playoffs runs, one was that terrible terrible terrible Chris Paul choke against the Thunder. The other was the 3-1 collapse against the Rockets highlighted by that hilarious G6 choke w/ Harden on the damn bench. Can't put either one of those on Jamal.
D rose will be his old self all season blessings to him & only him **** everyone else in those piss & wine jerseys

Timberwolves won't wk Thibs gon Thibs

Bulls already need to be set in rice but I'm about 90% sure niko deserved the punch he got #FreeBobbyPortis

I can't wait to see how bad Doug will be in blue/orange

Rockets & OKC will be tiptoeing on ice all season if they don't instantly click
nah man **** derrick rose ol soft *** bird. go to war against lebron talk **** when lebron gettin jiggy with it at all star break but now he calling him daddy and shining his shoes? hell naw **** that new ***** over there
The other was the 3-1 collapse against the Rockets highlighted by that hilarious G6 choke w/ Harden on the damn bench. Can't put either one of those on Jamal.

I dunno man, Crawford was terrible that series. 28 mpg shooting 34/27/80 all while taking the 2nd most shots on the team.

I was excited every time he stepped on the court cause I knew the chucking would commence shortly :lol:
Jamal def deserves a nice amount of blame. Good guy....but he was terrible for the last 3 clipper years.

Especially in the playoffs :smh:.
Its cool bro. Lost game 1 last yr too. 8 months later 16-1 in playoffs and chip. They lowkey can coast the reggie season and still smash playoffs n get chip
I am sure that will be the most likely scenario.

But last night, folks was blaming the loss on Kerr's rotations and Looney being on the court.

Surely, you can see and admit to that not being the case?
I dunno man, Crawford was terrible that series. 28 mpg shooting 34/27/80 all why taking the 2nd most shots on the team.

I was excited every time he stepped on the court cause I knew the chucking would commence shortly :lol:
He took the 2nd most total shots because Paul sat out the first 2 games.

I mean he shot bad don't get me wrong but your 2 max players shouldn't let your squad get ran off the court at home by Corey Brewer and Josh Smith
He took the 2nd most total shots because Paul sat out the first 2 games.

I mean he shot bad don't get me wrong but your 2 max players shouldn't let your squad get ran off the court at home by Corey Brewer and Josh Smith

While that is indeed terrible and chokes + injuries deserve most of the blame with lac jamal (by way of doc) deserves a lot as well

It's not so much with the playoffs (even though he's one of the worst playoff performers ever and got big minutes for lac) it's the winnable games that he shot us out of with his horrid shot selection and defense that aided in lac not being able to break through the 3 line in the standings

He (along with doc for enabling it) for sure deserves blame for him playing the most 4th quarter minutes on the team, shooting the most while he's out there, hijacking the offense, and being awful on defense
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While that is indeed terrible and chokes + injuries deserve most of the blame with lac jamal (by way of doc) deserves a lot as well

It's not so much with the playoffs (even though he's one of the worst playoff performers ever and got big minutes for lac) it's the winnable games that he shot us out of with his horrid shot selection and defense that aided in lac not being able to break through the 3 line in the standings

He along with doc for enabling it for sure deserves blame for playing the most 4th quarter minutes on the team, shooting the most while he's out there, hijacking the offense, and being awful on defense

They used to pick on Jamal in the playoffs. Every time he got in the game they went at him.

He didn't rebound. Didn't move the ball. Didn't defend....and hijacked the offense and took contested shot after contested shot. He'll go 4/15....with a 4pt play that made Doc joyous.

Jamal Ball + Doc refusing to stagger bench lineups + Untimely Injuries + Flat out choking....caused the Clips to finish where they finished.

Realistically though....the Clips were the 4th best team in the Western Conference during the Cp3 era...and their finishes reflected that one way or another.

No excuse for 2015 though. Still sick about that :smh:
Oh....also blame on Doc Rivers for being a bad GM and bad at player development.

Jamal, anybody Doc coached or played well against the Celtics, and Austin were the only players Doc gave a leash to and minutes too.

Mind boggling how Memphis and Miami can find and develop talent out the d-league and draft...but LAC couldn't get ONE Tyler Johnson or Jamychal Green or Josh Richardson type talent :smh:
Doc did great in Boston. Being able to relate and get to players is important. **** ain't all X's and Os' and he's still good at that.
Doc don’t even give his draft picks a chance ...just throwing away the picks :smh:

And if you under 25 and not his son you either not playing or u never getting back in after your 1st mistake :lol:
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