OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

  • No. 8

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No. 24

    Votes: 30 50.8%

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Kyrie would have never seen past the second round if not for LeBron

Hell nah. These slights to Steph really need to stop. First ***** was like “well, if such and such had HIS team they would EASILY GET 73.” That dumb narrative is out the window, now fools trying to move goal posts..


Also lol at KD being more “skilled.”

For those that forgot, Steph beat KD, from a 3-1 deficit, on one knee.

Stop the disrespect.

That wasn't really a slight at all, but ya'll gotta get your lols and gifs off.

The point being KD is an overall better player by a slight margin, mainly because of his defense. But in the system that GSW runs, Curry's strengths are more crucial to team's success. That's really not a hard concept to understand.

Steph is still top 5 in the league, so there's no slight.
Mirotic eating good out in NO's, he going to be moved to the bench if or when Cousins gets healthy next season?

Looks like the first rounder that NO's gave up is trending to be around 20ish, will be interesting to see if this trade was worth it for NO's

Chicago took on Asik's deal 11 and 12 million for two more seasons
Draymond been overrated af. Its crazy af that they dominated the league before kd.
They honestly weren't that good. The stars are overrated. Klay is a b type star , and Dray isn't even an option. Yet they were "stacked".
Curry made the team look so much better then it was and whoever said since 2k14 it's been curry and LeBron as the two most dominate players was right.

Anyone still on that curry is just a shooter , or a sidekick is to be ignored. Kd is the sidekick on this team.
Look who was on that sorry *** team with him. Gotta have good players to get far.
Why is this so hard to understand for some folks

Like LeBron was gonna win a championship either ira newble and the corpse of ilgauskas while the Spurs had a big 3, Kobe had gasol and artest and bynum and the Celtics had a big 3. But LeBron is gonna beat those teams with Sasha pavlovic and JJ Hickson.

NEWSFLASH you need good players to win.
Think it'll be devastating for the Wolves to not make the playoffs. That'll be a 15 year drought now. But if they do get to slander the "real young core" and @wavycrocket all summer long (that game they lost to the actual young core a few weeks ago will loom large). Hmmm, decisions, decisions.
Fact that indy has a better record than OKC and if OKC can't get more than 1 win against GSW without Steph... you probably get slander all summer as well tbh
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