OFFICIAL NBA 2017-2018 Off-Season Thread

Which Kobe was better

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This Whole "Mortgaged" their whole future is some BS, that like many things in here is being discussed in hindsight.

Last year The Wolves Gave up the 7th pick, A 23 yr Old Rookie who damn near the Consensus of the league called a bust & A Young Guard who just tore his ACL & was going to get Paid this summer. For a Perennial All Star Who is great on both sides of the ball. To Pair with what the Wolves considered Two Future all NBA type talents. The trade made perfect sense at the time.

Fast Forward to now, Wiggins has actually Taken a step back, Jimmy Injured himself, Dunn has Looked Like an Actual good young player, & Lauri looks good. People are trying to **** on the Wolves now & it's stupid.

Say they don't do the trade the wolves are probably not in playoff contention at all, Forced to either let Lavine Walk or pay him big money, and have a core of KAT, Lauri, Wiggins, Dunn. That ain't exactly shaping them up to become some contenders. Dudes gotta realize that making the playoffs for a franchise especially a smaller market like Minny means a lot. Dudes hang their hats on "potential" & prospects all the time in this league & it RARELY works. Everyone isn't gonna be OKC or GS.
Nobody is a bust after ONE year. It’s silly to give up on a lotto pick that early.

An ACL injury to a 20 year old with zero injury history means absolutely nothing.

Then they threw in another high lotto pick.

All of this for a guy who is not good enough to get you out of round 1.

It was a silly and unnecessary move
Okay i'm confused.... was Zach Lavine coming off a messed up ACL, Lauri & Kriss Dunn supposed to be the building blocks for Some future Dynasty or something? I'm trying to see how the Wolves messed up their franchise future so bad by acquiring one of the better two way players in the league while in his prime.
This. Its revisionist history at it's best. When the trade went down everyone was saying that the Bulls got fleeced.

Shieeet? There were plenty of ***** in here saying T-Wolves goofed for an 8th seed :lol:.

You just never trade a 20ppg Atheltic 40% from 3 shooting 21 year old on a rookie deal for Jimmy Butler. It was a “get in the playoffs quick” move. Not long term. Short sighted plus Jimmy has a history of chemistry issues and that certainly stunted Wiggins who’s frail mentally and operates in the same areas. Even KATs touches went down. Yes, Lavigne was injured. But you can come back from that these days.

Thibbs the white Doc Rivers
Wolves probably could've/should've traded Wiggins for Butler straight up. Only reason they had to throw in Dunn and Lauri was the question marks around Zach's acl. But coach/GM's gonna coach/GM
Okay i'm confused.... was Zach Lavine coming off a messed up ACL, Lauri & Kriss Dunn supposed to be the building blocks for Some future Dynasty or something? I'm trying to see how the Wolves messed up their franchise future so bad by acquiring one of the better two way players in the league while in his prime.
ACL's while are devastating especially to a run and jump athlete like Lavine, are not what they once were. You can come back from those... Jabari, a much bigger athlete came back from like 2 or 3

Dunn was a rookie lottery pick

A LOT of folks, not myself, but a lot were saying Wolves traded the wrong guy (should have been Wiggins) at the time of the trade
Nobody is a bust after ONE year. It’s silly to give up on a lotto pick that early.

An ACL injury to a 20 year old with zero injury history means absolutely nothing.

Then they threw in another high lotto pick.

All of this for a guy who is not good enough to get you out of round 1.

It was a silly and unnecessary move

The counter to what they did is continue to do what they've done for 14 years prior & miss out on playoffs, keep relying on young players to take the "leap" doesn't happen & watch as a generational talent in Towns get disgruntled and starts trying to force a trade like most starts on losing teams begin to do.

Again they don't do this trade, they keep what they have they are wasting valuable developmental years for Towns & wiggins, Still have to spend money to keep Lavine... All to be nothing more than a hopeful playoff team? Even if Dunn, Lavine & Lauri continue to be on their current trajectory.... thst's still nothing more than a playoff team in a few years.
I would’ve kept all 3 and let the team grow. T Wolves were improving internally last year. They were 2 years away...and Wiggins, Lavine and KAT had good chemistry and the pecking order was understood. I know it’s fun to **** on Andrew now....but this ***** was averaging 24ppg and didn’t even know how to play basketball for real yet :lol:.

You gotta let that grow. But we know damn sure Thibbs Rivers wasn’t having that. He wanted “his guys” and that just put them ahead of schedule slightly but stunned their future

GM-Coaches never work out man :lol:.
Wiggins might be the one guy NT over slanders that they kinda don't over slander

And I was a "Wiggins can be a 2nd option" guy when he came out of college
The counter to what they did is continue to do what they've done for 14 years prior & miss out on playoffs, keep relying on young players to take the "leap" doesn't happen & watch as a generational talent in Towns get disgruntled and starts trying to force a trade like most starts on losing teams begin to do.

Again they don't do this trade, they keep what they have they are wasting valuable developmental years for Towns & wiggins, Still have to spend money to keep Lavine... All to be nothing more than a hopeful playoff team? Even if Dunn, Lavine & Lauri continue to be on their current trajectory.... thst's still nothing more than a playoff team in a few years.
??? Aren’t they eliminated from playoff contention with 1 more loss? Am I missing something here? :lol:

And Towns is in year 3, under the CBA they control his contractual rights for 7-8 years. Him being “disgruntled” after missing the playoffs in his 3rd season isn’t even a thought.
??? Aren’t they eliminated from playoff contention with 1 more loss? Am I missing something here? :lol:

And Towns is in year 3, under the CBA they control his contractual rights for 7-8 years. Him being “disgruntled” after missing the playoffs in his 3rd season isn’t even a thought.
No we aren’t.
As long as we beat Denver we’re in.
We can get in without beating them too.
No we aren’t.
As long as we beat Denver we’re in.
We can get in without beating them too.
Overarching point being being you’re still scratching and clawing, still might not make it, out in 4-5 games if you do, and gave up 3 high lotto picks in the process.

Man...had travel issues all day and caught up on the last 60 pages of the thread since Thursday night. A couple of thoughts...

Is there still a world where OKC doesn’t make it into the playoffs? If so, I hope it’s the one that I’m living in.

My body is ready for the Jokic slander and I am in either way because there are good people on both sides.

Speaking of good people on both sides, this kid @shotsrangout is from Nebraska and lives in Ohio (yikes!) but is somehow a Knicks fan? How have you lived your entire life in various parts ofTrump’s America but claim the Knicks? @Maximus Meridius vibes.Very Strange!

The ABH agenda and push for Lebby to win MVP is on some WWF/WCW ****.

The goalpost moves on Steph are incredible stuff. Whether you love him or hate him, folks always find a way to position their narrative.

Bout to hit up Vino Volo because that’s where all the AWGs post up. Easy game :nthat: :nthat:
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