Official NBA 2k13 Thread

Some Details about Association Mode:
NBA 2K13 Association/OA News

Erick Boenisch stopped by to give us some details on Association and Online Association mode for NBA 2K13!

Offline Association:
  • New interface (the landing screen for the mode), information such as league leaders, injuries, standings are VERY accessible now.
  • Total Sim Control
  • New CBA rules
  • ‘Start Today’ feature
  • All-Star Weekend integration (if All-Star add-on content is installed)
  • Revamped Team Building logic
  • All-new lineup/rotation logic
  • Improved trading logic
  • Other smaller fixes (improved draft generation, etc.)
  • Bug fixes! (based on community feedback from last year)
Association Online:

Commissioner Tools:
  • Customizable Sliders
  • Adjust League Speed
  • Advance League (1 week at a time)
  • Advance to Next Round (in the playoffs)
  • Pause/Resume League
  • Unlock All Games (flex schedule)
  • Reset Games / Force Winner
H.A.M. would have been a much better choice than PSA and I don't think there should have been footage of Jay regardless of his role with the game.

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I've played against the Knicks, didn't see Spike.  But I didn't really look for him

The commentators do talk about Humphries celebrity marriage though

The music video clips get kind of annoying after a few times, but they don't happen every game

The Who's World is This video plays and the Chris Paul was dribbling what looked like a globe in the clips

very cheesy
how many people here dont use the 2k view... i used to use it all the time but i just cant seem to use it anymore..
More Gameplay Vids
I'm done with 2K rosters. Blake Griffin has a 80 mid.

....and Ray Allen has a 72. :stoneface:
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