Official NBA 2k13 Thread

Anyone Know Why Or Have Issues With The CPU Not Running Plays In MyPlayer When I Turn The Feature On?
i didnt assume anything

my point is, you're asking why they dont spend that extra time on bench player's faces...

and im telling you, they can't even get realistic 3 pt %........they certainly don't have time to bother with some nobody's face 60% of their audience wont ever see (quick games)

you stay trynna argue with me.

i understand that's his job, but when you also have to code every NBA floor or some other random ****, the 345th overall player's face may get overlooked. I've actually held jobs, where we were held to strict deadlines due to publishing turn around......i've had bosses tell me "yeah, that **** doesn't matter right now, such and such is more important. that half *** example you have there? it will have to do"

it would be ridiculous to think that doesn't take place in video game studios

fix this save error which freezes the whole game OR make sure jermey lin's facial expression is organic?

and modders are SUPPOSED to one up the studios

look at all the mods you showed me for skyrim

10,000 modders modding at their own pace doing exactly what they want, specifically, is always gonna produce some cool ****.....OFF SOMEONE ELSE'S ENGINE.....if these modders were tasked with, maybe, creating a whole game, engine and all, from scratch, pretty sure the game would be complete trash. it may look really good tho.....(yawn)

im sure there are tons of games that are trash out the box but become cool and fun once you get into the modding....modding is dope and cool.....but to criticize the actual studios because they're being "1 uped" by modders on their own engine is just silly to me....that's my only issue. that's like you taking my song, adding a bridge and being like "look how much more amazing my song featuring you is?"

like i said, my dude says he still plays 2k11 on PC all modded out. modding is a good thing. i like what they contribute. holding studios up to the customization standards of endless amounts of mods is unfair tho.....they couldn't possibly take all of the great ideas from mods and add them in from jump....
i didnt assume anything

my point is, you're asking why they dont spend that extra time on bench player's faces...

and im telling you, they can't even get realistic 3 pt %........they certainly don't have time to bother with some nobody's face 60% of their audience wont ever see (quick games)

you stay trynna argue with me.

i understand that's his job, but when you also have to code every NBA floor or some other random ****, the 345th overall player's face may get overlooked. I've actually held jobs, where we were held to strict deadlines due to publishing turn around......i've had bosses tell me "yeah, that **** doesn't matter right now, such and such is more important. that half *** example you have there? it will have to do"

it would be ridiculous to think that doesn't take place in video game studios

fix this save error which freezes the whole game OR make sure jermey lin's facial expression is organic?

and modders are SUPPOSED to one up the studios

look at all the mods you showed me for skyrim

10,000 modders modding at their own pace doing exactly what they want, specifically, is always gonna produce some cool ****.....OFF SOMEONE ELSE'S ENGINE.....if these modders were tasked with, maybe, creating a whole game, engine and all, from scratch, pretty sure the game would be complete trash. it may look really good tho.....(yawn)

im sure there are tons of games that are trash out the box but become cool and fun once you get into the modding....modding is dope and cool.....but to criticize the actual studios because they're being "1 uped" by modders on their own engine is just silly to me....that's my only issue. that's like you taking my song, adding a bridge and being like "look how much more amazing my song featuring you is?"

like i said, my dude says he still plays 2k11 on PC all modded out. modding is a good thing. i like what they contribute. holding studios up to the customization standards of endless amounts of mods is unfair tho.....they couldn't possibly take all of the great ideas from mods and add them in from jump....

Son, whether you dance around my point or not, my point still stands. Even through what you just said. That statement in itself is a direct example of what I mean. "Half ***" when used in relation to your JOB is called not putting forth the effort.

I'm pretty sure thats the definition...

And I NEVER said they should spend more time on faces than gameplay. Please, quote me and prove thats what I said. If you can't then fam, you're reaching and putting words in my mouth.

And we both know you can't quote me on that.

My point was, you're saying the developers can't do it.
I'm saying they can.

There's a year in between these games, an the same player models are updated pretty much every year. Superstars and popular players.

I said, why don't they update more of the rookies and unknown guys, and you took that claimed I said they should stop spending as much time on gameplay?

Its like I'll make a statement, you'll disagree, and I'm the one who's arguing? :lol: C'mon man...

If a handfull of guys can make a complete roster with cyberfaces and correct accessories (D Rose leg sleeves included) Why can't 2K?

Because they have to focus on gameplay? And thats it? So video games are all about gameplay now? We're paying $300 ($5-600 at launch) for a console and the selling point is the graphics and a developer who has a monopoly on basketball games can't take full advantage of that?

We're really going to bail them out right now?

You think too much like a developer. You're thinking from one side, and I'm thinking from a complete other side.

Only difference is, I'm saying we should have both, and you're sitting here trying to tell me why we can't.

But in reality, we should.

I know why we don't have it. Thats no mystery to me. Its not like you're telling me something I don't already know.

And for your analogy, thats not really what the deal is. Its more like, you make a track, and then a dude spits your verse over your beat even better than you did. But the guy isn't being paid millions to do it. He's essentially doing your job better than you.

Because if 2K Sports really wanted to, they could bring on a few guys who are dedicated to this type of thing.

But if this type of thing is of no importance to them, then the effort won't be made at all to make it better overall.

This game is a package. We deserve the entire package. I'm a consumer, and I'm playing thi game because its fun. But that doesn't mean I'm blind to what its missing.

And there are a ton of games that are trash out of the box but better when they are modded. But please tell me, what PS3 and Xbox games can be modded? Because those consoles are what I was specifically making my posts about.

Would you not criticize a teacher if a student did his job better than him? Why should I not criticize 2K Sports for their consumers doing a better job at making their games more accurate than them?

These mods aren't additions to the came. They are corrections. An addition mod would be how guys used to take Half Life an Unreal engines and make modded levels and additional weapons and such.

These guys are replacing in game features and updating them to be more accurate. Its a completely different type of mod.

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in Mycareer mode, my player get in starting line up already then, the next game i've been kick out in to 6thman again, is this a bug? its happened to me many times
same problem here, i get in already in starting lineup then on the next game they put me again in bench as a 6thman, I encountered this problem many times
same problem here, i get in already in starting lineup then on the next game they put me again in bench as a 6thman, I encountered this problem many times
same problem here, i get in already in starting lineup then on the next game they put me again in bench as a 6thman, I encountered this problem many times
Can anyone help?
My game keeps freezing I tried to sign my contract, however it simmed the off-season and now when I tried to play the next game it freezes

Basically if you sign midseason it needs to sim to the rest of the season and start the next offseason. In my experience it froze up several times, once it didn't and I raced to the off switch to beat it saving. Not sure why that glitch is there but I had the same issues.

As for 6th man, part of that is other players compaining about starting time. I got bounced back and forth game to game based on my performance and if the 6th man outplayed me that game or a different position complained about minutes and the redistribution screwed up my place on the roster, it bounced me around. I find that as long as you're getting a teammate grade of B or better you're going to hold you're starting position.
Anyone Know Why Or Have Issues With The CPU Not Running Plays In MyPlayer When I Turn The Feature On?

+1.. I'm a SG, so I'm not expecting to call plays. But last year the team still ran plays with me at the 2.

It makes me angry because the Myplayer game play was much more fun when plays were run, and it'd be :pimp: when a play was ran perfectly and you end up wide open cutting to the hoop.
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Patch is coming in 2 Weeks, smh bout damn time doesn't seem that's it's gonna patch some broken gameplay except play vision and offensive rebounding
Turbo and push the right stick away from the basket
Also that move depends on which dribbling packages you're using, you might just have a different animation in that slot so you haven't seen it.
Oh, I'll take a look into that then.

Btw, Xbox and PS3 guys, can you guys change shoes for your roster in Association?
changing players shoes is the same in Association as it is in editing roster

Go to edit player>Gear and shoes> shoes style, press A.
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Bought NBA2K13 yesterday for $25
Had the game on for 10 minutes and it already froze

Whos *** do I kick?
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This is the CPU going to work on the roster set from hyperballer and myself. These should be released soon.
Patch is supposed to be dropping tomorrow.

Any specific fixes? Offensive rebounds obviously needs to be toned down a couple notches...

Defense and contested shots need to be patched too. Does not matter if u hold L2 for intense D and put hands up to contest the shot, it still goes in. What's good with the unblockable dunks? This game defies all physics, players runnin full speed just truck through everyone...
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Man how do I embed tweets on this mother ******?

Anyways, Ronnie2K said the patch "is heavy on gameplay, MyCareer, Association tweaks among others. Notes tomorrow."

^Link to his tweet.
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