Official NBA 2K18 Thread | Available Now

in playing the prelude tutorial just to get a feel, i noticed that the relationship between elite offensive player getting by a defender is vastly improved. KD had no problem getting past anyone that guarded him. curry had no problems getting past his defender with some nice dribble moves as well. the defensive rotations are much better too. even when KD got past lebron, lebron was able to stay on KDs hip and make the shot tough. i know that setting was probably pro. interested to see how it will be on advanced settings.

cant wait to play with all of the new defensive settings and really tailor coverage to my liking.
Don’t like the story and the voiceovers of prelude, I rather have college and an actual draft. Is the team that you get invited to random? I got the thunder. Anyway to restart it besides deleting the whole game?
This will be the one year I skip 2k. I'll wait for next year where I'll see more improvements. I'll just keep rocking with 17. I just started getting into GM mode. So I'll be good.
Yea last year you were rated a 95 by all star weekend in your rookie year, if played all the games and go to practice and continue to fill that doin work meter.

Only people that spend money on VC is my park people.

Good to know, didn't bother moving from 2k16 because of it.
I would really like to know what goes through the minds of the people at 2K with some of the aesthetic decisions they make
you advertise creativity and individuality so heavily, yet strip the CAP system of all of the tools for people to make unique players for themselves and their fantasy rosters etc.

Another thing is these ridiculous cut scenes for my career, I don't know what the average height of the NBA is but I know it's not eye level
with the girl at the check-in desk, why the would they shoot all of these cut scenes with a runt player and force everybody to fit into that box even though their actual player is 2ft taller, why not just make the guy in the cut scenes average ball player height so it at least fits the most amount of people and doesn't look so ridiculous
Haven't even started the prelude, but very interested in these dual archetypes ....I always wanted that included in my player since the average NBA player is so versatile.
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Demo was decent at best. Not feeling the Playground at all.
Going with Live this year for sure now. May get 2k on Black Friday but definitely not paying full price this year. My scan in Live came out way better than in 2k


i dunno man

from the comparison 2k graphics look next gen while live looks last gen
servechilled81 servechilled81

You always have solid contributions.

As I always tell you, make your voice heard man.

Look at the game manual/credits, find names of dudes on the art team and seek out their social medias.

They listen.

You can change things
Another thing is these ridiculous cut scenes for my career, I don't know what the average height of the NBA is but I know it's not eye level
with the girl at the check-in desk, why the would they shoot all of these cut scenes with a runt player and force everybody to fit into that box even though their actual player is 2ft taller, why not just make the guy in the cut scenes average ball player height so it at least fits the most amount of people and doesn't look so ridiculous

Player height in cut scenes....Not the game. We talking about a player's height in my career cut scenes. Again, Player's height in cut scenes....


Some of yall complain about EVERYTHING
I don't care how miniscule it is, it looks stupid, it's such a minor oversight that could have easily been avoided with just a tiny bit of logic and forethought. I feel like they get let off the hook when people ignore details like that because they can say "it's a basketball game". Cool, so don't try to force all this rpg stuff on us and half *** it if it's just a basketball game
if they insist on doing that they have to take those things into account.
I'm simply grading 2k based on the standard they claim to set forth
immersion, individuality, creativity, total control.
A complaint is a complaint. We all have complaints that others view as minor/petty.

Don't see the point in shooting it down as if there is a limited number of complaints NT is allowed to make.

I could see if a developer came in here and said, "We will change 3 things, what will they be..." But nah, that isn't it.
Something like the players' height being off in cutscenes is very minor but it shows they're not paying attention to detail
Something like the players' height being off in cutscenes is very minor but it shows they're not paying attention to detail

In that aspect, they didn't pay attention to detail but there are MANY instances in which they do. Which is part of why the franchise is as successful as it has been.

But if I were an art stickler, that would be annoying to see.
2K is getting Madden levels of too comfortable with the series

They think because they have no competition that they don't have try as hard and can overlook things they wouldn't before

I won't stand that for very long I'll tell you that much
I know y'all talking about the new game, but any tips on how to fix lag in 2k17? It seems like every game I play against my friend online there's annoying lag that's causing me to turn the ball over and not shoot jumpers correctly. Idk if it's the game or my connection. My connection is not slow, and I also try to disconnect other devices when I play.
I'm a 6'1 PG. Main skill is shot creator, secondary skill is 3 pt shooting.

Was going to make a pass-first PG and lockdown defender. But the scoring levels were so low. I fear other players won't catch the ball as easy since I am not a pass-first PG.
Made a new player on my Xbox prelude demo, 6’6 SG with 3 point shooting and I think shot creater type. This played way better than my pg I made on PS4.

Quick thought, I played the Live 18 demo after the prelude and the lighting and overall outside atmosphere of live is better than 2k IMO. Player models I think 2k has the edge for the most part.

I’m probably going to pick up both games, Lives “street” mode is actually pretty fun
that's another one of 2k's aesthetic shortcomings, lighting and atmosphere

2k's visual choices get more and more cartoonish each year
2k half asses everything. Last year was a filler game/beta for 2k18. They rolled out the archetypes when they weren't ready, Esports being the heavy influence. Broken shot meter, the countless shooting patches, and the countless archetype buffs/nerfs are proof. The neighborhood was not made in a year obviously and 2k17 had to get put on a back burner for it. I'd be surprised as hell if 2ks servers can handle that, especially launch day.

We'll see how the archetypes play out during the life span of the game. Hoping for the best but knowing 2k: the first few months are going to be choppy
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