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Nah, I haven't planned on playing prelude.

I was just saying to say theu half a** everything is wildy inaccurate and an extreme comment.

I get the game isn't perfect.
Nah, I haven't planned on playing prelude.

I was just saying to say theu half a** everything is wildy inaccurate and an extreme comment.

I get the game isn't perfect.

Should I remind you how Park was completely unplayable when it first came out? Or how about park after dark? Archetype system? Hacked players back in 2k11 pro am?

Ok let's rephrase that then. They always roll something out when it's not ready, then take a year to polish it.
Sounds like you need to play it :/

When you say EVERYTHING, you are mentioning the whole game. The entire game.

To say they half do everything, is an extreme because there are game modes that yall don't even TOUCH that are beautifully crafted.

Hell, there are aspects of the modes you do play that are done well.

If a piece of the game ia broken, speak on that.

Why overhype it and say they half do everything?

Just wild disrespectful to speak like that.

But I get it, the game is flawed in some aspects. Not denying that at all
Should I remind you how Park was completely unplayable when it first came out? Or how about park after dark? Archetype system? Hacked players back in 2k11 pro am?

Ok let's rephrase that then. They always roll something out when it's not ready, then take a year to polish it.
Certain things, sure.

But everything has to start from somewhere. Be realistic.

A new feature takes years to master, why even have expectations of it being hit out of the park when it is introduced?

You are being unreasonable

But the fans of every game series does the same thing with their games. Just not right/logical
^^^ when they come out with something new*

The game engine, gameplay, etc is great. 2k18 runs so smooth, I haven't questioned the game engine since I started playing 2k.

There's a difference from being hit out the park and being solid. When park dropped it was literally unplayable. Servers couldn't hold up and courts would be glitched. When archetypes dropped, they dropped patches all the way to May constantly, sometimes weekly to tweak things. My assumption is that they had to roll them out because of the eLeague introduction. That's why I expect them to be solid this year. (They added primary and secondary skill sets so I expect some tweaks as well)

I love the expansion of the game but it's really annoying playing through the heavy bugs when it rolls out. The neighborhood is a great idea, but I'd be surprised if the servers aren't cooked. 2k came a long way from when I started playing it and I put them on a higher standard especially since the eLeauge and the resources of take two.
No excuse for the servers to still be messed up. They are probably as bad as any major game when it comes to online stability.

This used to be an issue back in 2K9.

I feel for yall
i dunno man

from the comparison 2k graphics look next gen while live looks last gen

Nah on my TV Live looks far from last gen.

No excuse for the servers to still be messed up. They are probably as bad as any major game when it comes to online stability.

This used to be an issue back in 2K9.

I feel for yall

This is my main gripe about all of the online add ins 2k continues to make. They need to fix the servers first before they try and add such online driven content.

These servers don't stand a chance this year.
oes NT Have a proAm team?
Need some help:

Delete my PS4 save for 2k18 Prelude by accident when trying to delete 2k17 save data, and when i go to prelude again, it says I already played Prelude & won't let me play anymore. SMH

Anything I can do? I haven't actually played it, so hoping there is somehow I can still can.

Man, this prelude demo sucks.

Live seemed like they released half of the game :lol:
its boring as hell
.really feel like 2k is getting they madden on. i stayed played 2k16 cause i hated 2k17 but i do like playing games online not just mypark , so im kinda forced to buy 2k18 because the 16 servers will be shutdown soon as 18 drops .
. I just hope they made major improvements over 17 cause i really hated it. dont really care who loves it , all the praises it gets and dudes like dc who defend it no matter what . 2k17 was bad to me , its just a game but if i dont enjoy it thats all that matters. .
is there a way to change the shotstick configuration? like if I want the stick to do just a regular jumpshot no matter which direction I pull it in, instead of doin bankshots and fadeaways and all that unnecessary dumb crap??
Haven't played any games yet but the MyPlayer creation tool seems pretty facial hair options?
is there a way to change the shotstick configuration? like if I want the stick to do just a regular jumpshot no matter which direction I pull it in, instead of doin bankshots and fadeaways and all that unnecessary dumb crap??
Why not just use the shot button then?
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