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Iblocka is a max type player? :x

He's close to it.. He shots at a high percentage.. Can score from 17 feet in.. And plays Amazing defense. At Age 22. And still learning a lot of the fundamentals because he picked up ball late in life.. If Harden was bumped off the team, and Ibaka was the 3rd option he'd be at around 15 a game.

Young + Sound Offensively + Amazing Defensively = At least $10 mil (Max in his case would be $13 mil)... Hard to justify giving him max because very few are actually worth it.. It's also hard to justify not giving him max.

I'd take Ibaka first because he fulfills defense.. Harden can be replaced, not fully, but to a reasonable rate for much cheaper.

As for the blueprint.. I'm not saying it isn't impossible..

I did a quick number of their guaranteed salary

KD/ Percy Jones

cost $64 million next year.

Depth will be the death of that team... You're right they could go the Miami Heat route, but we'll see how far of a tax he's willing to pay. If he tries to fill a bench with less than $15 mil, he's asking for a much tougher playoffs than expected.

And another problem is year after year salaries for those 4 go up.. While they have less players on the roster.. So they either increase payroll yearly or try to piece together the rest of the team, and hope it works.
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Hard to justify giving him max because very few are actually worth it.. It's also hard to justify not giving him max.

In today's NBA market you don't think he's a max player?
I'm 100% positive that teams would throw the max or close to the max.

idk too me max should only paid to superstars .....

Trust me i didnt want Lopez getting the max, but in todays market, i understand, same goes with Iblocka now that i think about it...
He isn't worth the max now.. His defense is overrated because people are impressed with the blocks. He's not an elite defender like Dwight at this point. He's not reliable on offense either. He shows flashes but no one is counting on him to hit a clutch basket.

With that in mind, plenty have been overpaid and had far less potential than Serge.. A few more years and he can put it all together. Some GM would give him the max, so at this price its not bad. Once we see the plan with Harden, then we can judge better.
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idk too me max should only paid to superstars .....
Trust me i didnt want Lopez getting the max, but in todays market, i understand, same goes with Iblocka now that i think about it...

That's the worst part about the CBA.. It's made everything high stakes, high risk.. To keep a good player, you must pay him max. But you can't go over a certain money line because then you get punished.. Even if the purpose of the CBA was to keep players with teams..

I get why Brook got a max.. But logically it makes no sense..

Similar to Ibaka. Who could have gotten a max but is taking as much as $11mil less over 4 years.

They both deserve around $9-10mil. Neither will drag you deep in the playoffs.. Best as 3rd options..

They shouldn't be getting max deals.. In the end the extra $3mil a year for Brook becomes peanuts, but the principle of how the CBA was structured, shows absolutely nothing will ever change. Players salaries won't go down (and why should they) when owners stupidly throw money at every guy..

Whenever the opt out year is for the CBA.. We're losing a season.
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ive said it numerous times, the NFL has the Best Cap / Free Agent / and now Draft structure.
What makes these NBA contracts even worse are that they are guaranteed. You can't just decide to cut a player and have them off the books or anything like that. To me that is the biggest problem is not only teams end up overpaying players so they can get them, if the player doesn't perform that contract basically takes a team out of contention for several years.
idk too me max should only paid to superstars .....
Trust me i didnt want Lopez getting the max, but in todays market, i understand, same goes with Iblocka now that i think about it...

Completely agree fambs
But if I'm Ibaka, and I see Brook Lopez gettin the max, I would damn sure go an get it too :lol:
OKC can't afford to lose Perk, from a competition aspect, if Dwight re-signs in LA. That will be a tough decision if it plays out that way.
Since he's been in the league for less than 7 years, the max contract for a player of his experience is $13.6m annually under the new CBA.

So he saved OKC about 1 mil annually, on average, by taking 4/48.
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Brook Lopez was getting nothing less than a near max deal. There were offers on the table from Charlotte and Portland. And even before that, what in the world were the Nets supposed to do? Let a 20PPG seven footer walk? No way.
Brook Lopez was getting nothing less than a near max deal. There were offers on the table from Charlotte and Portland. And even before that, what in the world were the Nets supposed to do? Let a 20PPG seven footer walk? No way.

No one is questioning that. We know he was getting the max.. Forget what the market was because that's the problem.

If we are taking what is someone worth.... Brook Lopez Isn't a max player
Since he's been in the league for less than 7 years, the max contract for a player of his experience is $13.6m annually under the new CBA.
So he saved OKC about 1 mil annually, on average, by taking 4/48.

Facts in the season thread? FOH
No one is questioning that. We know he was getting the max.. Forget what the market was because that's the problem.
If we are taking what is someone worth.... Brook Lopez Isn't a max player
But in modern sports, who is worth the contract they get? The answer is virtually no one. At the end of the day, 20PPG is valuable in this league, especially from a seven footer. I wasn't at all surprised when I heard the contract they gave him.
Wow, I called it last night on DailyThunder just from a combination of Ibaka's own Tweets reference his location and the fact he was in OKC such a short amount of time. What else could he do in less than a day? Of course it's in his best interest to take the most he can get, but it would've been nice to take a discount to stay hear. Westbrook took 17mil less over 5 yrs than the max 95mil/5 he could've gotten.

Obvious question is does this cost us Harden now? If so, I'm pissed. If not, cool.

And I disagree, I think Ibaka is more replaceable at this point than Ibaka. We went through this arguments maybe 100 pages ago, but James Harden is far better than the "comparable" Marcus Thorton, Ben Gordon, Jamal Crawford types. Conversely, I'd take Taj Gibson possibly over Ibaka if our perimeter guys could show improvement on D. Ibaka is like a hero defender, everybody reaches, overplays, falls asleep, gets backdoored and he has to save the day, but straight up contain d on his man, he has a ways to go. Same time, he's only 22 and picked up basketball as a teen so he can still show marked improvement.

I assume that #amnestyPerkins is going to be back on now. We'll have to see what our other 3 trash centers can do with Howard.

Here's what other bigs are making
Consider some of the numbers that were tossed around this summer to players. Roy Hibbert and Brook Lopez got max deals. JaVale McGee signed for four years, $44 million. Kris Humphries got two years, $24 million. DeAndre Jordan signed last summer for four years, $43 million. Other top power forwards: LaMarcus Aldridge (five years, $65 million), Kevin Love (four years, $63 million), Blake Griffin (five years, $80 million), David Lee (six years, $80 million), Josh Smith (five years, $58 million), Chris Bosh (six years, $110 million).
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As much as I think that Harden can be overrated at times, you have to look at the current state of the NBA and see that the shooting guard is one of the weaker, if not weakest positions in the league right now. You have heavyweights like Kobe, Wade and Pierce (who's shifted to more of a 3 in later years), but after that we're left with the likes of Kevin Martin (eh), Eric Gordon (tweener), and the aforementioned James Harden leading the next pack of shooting guard.

In other words, a great shooting guard in this league is a game-changer. Ibaka is solid but if he costs the Thunder James Harden, then that will be costly.

(I'm not trying to sleep on guys like Joe Johnson and Manu, but the next generation of shooting guard is in trouble lol).
[quote name="Zyzz"]Melo will replace melo on that team, i expect a great season from them.
and money? Iggy was/is getting his money regardless even if its not in Denver[/quote]
[quote name="DatZNasty"]Wow, I called it last night on DailyThunder just from a combination of Ibaka's own Tweets reference his location and the fact he was in OKC such a short amount of time. What else could he do in less than a day? Of course it's in his best interest to take the most he can get, but it would've been nice to take a discount to stay hear. Westbrook took 17mil less over 5 yrs than the max 95mil/5 he could've gotten.
Obvious question is does this cost us Harden now? If so, I'm pissed. If not, cool.
And I disagree, I think Ibaka is more replaceable at this point than Ibaka.[/quote]The hell? :lol:
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