Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Perk was never stopping Dwight and honestly you could gamble that Pau will stop himself; Collison would be enough to bother him. Dwight gonna be Dwight. Let Ibaka try his best. Only dude who had success with guarding him last year consistently was Tyson Chandler. In the past few years only other dude who was praised for guarding him well was Jason Collins. Don't forget OKC had got Perk to deal with Bynum not Dwight.
In his last 12 games against Perk, he averages 18ppg. Of course, part of that encompasses his time at Boston which was a much better team defense. Last yr, he gave Perk 33 on 1***** in Orlando and 11 in OKC in the season opener.

Like dude above said, Pau is going to **** himself up even if he has it going. So you can live with anyone on him. I think Kobe will shut Dwight down enough if he gets rolling too good, plus there's still the whole he can't shoot fts thing, so if we have to we bring all our garbage *** centers in to start hacking him.

:lol: at the censors getting me, 14 of 20 fgs
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Perk was never stopping Dwight and honestly you could gamble that Pau will stop himself; Collison would be enough to bother him. Dwight gonna be Dwight. Let Ibaka try his best. Only dude who had success with guarding him last year consistently was Tyson Chandler. In the past few years only other dude who was praised for guarding him well was Jason Collins. Don't forget OKC had got Perk to deal with Bynum not Dwight.
In his last 12 games against Perk, he averages 18ppg. Of course, part of that encompasses his time at Boston which was a much better team defense. Last yr, he gave Perk 33 on 1***** in Orlando and 11 in OKC in the season opener.

Like dude above said, Pau is going to **** himself up even if he has it going. So you can live with anyone on him. I think Kobe will shut Dwight down enough if he gets rolling too good, plus there's still the whole he can't shoot fts thing, so if we have to we bring all our garbage *** centers in to start hacking him.
To me that's the most important key point to LAL's success. I didn't automatically put the Lakers in the finals after the trade. I'll wait and see but I fully expect Nash to work out all problems on offense. There's no reason that when Kobe goes to rest Nash shouldn't be working magic with Dwight and Pau. Those 3 should be able to run just a beautiful near unstoppable offense. I'd be disappointed if this doesn't come to pass.

If it don't and we're relying on Kobe to make things mesh and excuses of they need more time together come up halfway in to the season there'll be problems come playoff time.
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And plays Amazing defense.
Amazing Defensively
If by "amazing defense" you mean he's an outstanding weak-side shot blocker who struggles to contain his man and has an affinity of picking up dumb fouls...then yeah, I agree.

Ibaka isn't shutting anybody down.

He still has plenty room to grow so I'm not saying he can't improve...but don't let the blocks fool you.
His defense is overrated because people are impressed with the blocks. He's not an elite defender like Dwight at this point.
Ibaka is like a hero defender, everybody reaches, overplays, falls asleep, gets backdoored and he has to save the day, but straight up contain d on his man, he has a ways to go.
^What they said.
I just want to see more people put money up on their teams.....shut up with all the whining and nonsense posting during the season and collect their winnings/pay their debts at the end of the season.

If you riding with, put a couple hundred on them. If you are in LA and gassed on the new squad, drop $500 on your team winning everything and keep it moving.
Dammit, I just now realized the speculation from the last 2 years about Dwight to LA isn't over; it's just being replaced w/ Durant to LA talk. :lol:

And actually, the Dwight to LA was simply a replacement for the Lebron to NYK talk. :lol:
Failing to understand how Ibaka getting an extension somehow leads to Durant leaving for the Lakers :lol:
lol yeah right. I have a feeling KD will play his entire career in OKC.

Russy is gunna be the one to go imo.
Durant will not come to LA. He doesn't even like LA or said anything that I can ever remember that would even trigger people thinking he would come here.
Failing to understand how Ibaka getting an extension somehow leads to Durant leaving for the Lakers :lol:
That's just how spoiled their fanbase is, and rightfully so I guess. In their offseason thread they're talking about LeBron coming, and on the ESPN board they think Mitch is going to trade Duhon and Blake for Harden.

Not that it cements him in OKC or anything, but Durant is going to be opening a restaurant in OKC soon
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That's just how spoiled their fanbase is, and rightfully so I guess. In their offseason thread they're talking about LeBron coming, and on the ESPN board they think Mitch is going to trade Duhon and Blake for Harden.
Not that it cements him in OKC or anything, but Durant is going to be opening a restaurant in OKC soon

honestly i see KD being in OKC for along time.
Duhon and Blake for Harden? :lol:

I don't think it matters how much talent the thunder have as long as they stay with the same coach. There is no reason why Harden should not be a starter. Especially after the finals debacle. The Lakers had Odom come off the bench partly because he did not fit with Gasol and Bynum as a starter. Harden is the prototypical sg and would fit in naturally. Oklahoma would get so many early leads that it would not really matter if they had a spark off the bench or not. That is what coaching and perfecting rotations is for. :smh: . The only positive about Brooks is that he is not Frank Vogel :x
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That's just how spoiled their fanbase is, and rightfully so I guess. In their offseason thread they're talking about LeBron coming, and on the ESPN board they think Mitch is going to trade Duhon and Blake for Harden.
Not that it cements him in OKC or anything, but Durant is going to be opening a restaurant in OKC soon

Maybe you can eat there and not tip, forcing him to bounce from OKC out West. :lol:
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remember Lebron never said a word about Miami either...

although talk of lebron coming to la in 2014 may be premature, once gasol and kobe come off the books la will have money for 2 max contract players to surround dwight with if he re signs.. or 1 max and re sign old *** kobe and gasol
KD is coming to the Lakers when his contract is up

A little much.. It's one thing to point to cap space that they'd have that year.. If it isn't killed 2014-2015 which it will be.. And say they'll chase Durant.. Which if he was a Free Agent they definitely would go after him....

But to say it with conviction that he'll be a Laker.. Is wayyyyyyyyy too far.
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