Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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Originally Posted by Zyzz  
Melo will replace melo on that team, i expect a great season from them.
and money? Iggy was/is getting his money regardless even if its not in Denver
Originally Posted by DatZNasty  
Wow, I called it last night on DailyThunder just from a combination of Ibaka's own Tweets reference his location and the fact he was in OKC such a short amount of time. What else could he do in less than a day? Of course it's in his best interest to take the most he can get, but it would've been nice to take a discount to stay hear. Westbrook took 17mil less over 5 yrs than the max 95mil/5 he could've gotten.
Obvious question is does this cost us Harden now? If so, I'm pissed. If not, cool.
And I disagree, I think Ibaka is more replaceable at this point than Ibaka.
The hell?
Olympic versions>NBA versions

At least thats what I think theyre talking about. I'm almost positive thats what Zyzz is alluding too.
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:lol: I meant Ibaka is more replaceable than Harden. But yea Olympics Ibaka was better than NBA Ibaka. A look back at Ibaka's best game of the season (Westbrook also had 41 and KD had 50). I was there too, first career triple double
Either way Perk is gone next year..

After those 4 when Harden gets a max... They will have very little depth.

Will be the death of them if they cant manage to field a deeper team. Come May those guys will be on heavy minutes every game and even with youth too many mins night in & out will cause trouble in the playoffs

Unless the owner is really willing to pay that tax to field a deep team
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Brook Lopez was getting nothing less than a near max deal. There were offers on the table from Charlotte and Portland. And even before that, what in the world were the Nets supposed to do? Let a 20PPG seven footer walk? No way.

No one is questioning that. We know he was getting the max.. Forget what the market was because that's the problem.

If we are taking what is someone worth.... Brook Lopez Isn't a max player

neither are 85% of the players currently with a max contract,

lets not cry over spilled milk
If you're pushing gentrification just to make money in your home borough you're a sellout.

$$$$ > everything.

i'd "sellout" everyone that isnt family to get the the top, why? because the same would be done to me.

but lets not turn this into a jayz thread :l
So you agree, he's a sellout, especially if at the end of the day only thing that matters to you is money. You don't care how you look or what you have to do to get more of it. You clearly agree with the mentality.
It evolved.

In what way? Pure athleticism?
Thought he was making a Kobe system joke :lol:
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Either way Perk is gone next year..
After those 4 when Harden gets a max... They will have very little depth.
Will be the death of them if they cant manage to field a deeper team. Come May those guys will be on heavy minutes every game and even with youth too many mins night in & out will cause trouble in the playoffs
perk deal is not even bad, and with D12 in the west they need a big center

depth sure as hell didnt cost them this playoffs and i would trust OKC front office more then anyone at been able to sign players.
perk deal is not even bad, and with D12 in the west they need a big center

depth sure as hell didnt cost them this playoffs and i would trust OKC front office more then anyone at been able to sign players.

I agree that they need him..

His deal wasn't too bad when Harden & Ibaka made $6mil combined. When they make $25mil combined it isn't great for them.. You have to remember that it is still a small market team..
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To this day I don't understand playing an injured perk over collision. Idiotic. And also that extended period he had both Russ and Durant on the bench even though Russ had no foul trouble and the thunder had the lead
Either way Perk is gone next year..
After those 4 when Harden gets a max... They will have very little depth.
Will be the death of them if they cant manage to field a deeper team. Come May those guys will be on heavy minutes every game and even with youth too many mins night in & out will cause trouble in the playoffs
Unless the owner is really willing to pay that tax to field a deep team
As opposed to last yr? Team has always been top heavy and then trash and the Big 3 always play 38-42 mpg. Perry Jones was an exciting addition who might contribute right away, and we'll be getting Maynor back from his ACL injury so that still leaves our depth chart as such and this is 16 players so somebody gets to spend their whole season in Tulsa (one of the centers most likely)

Russell Westbrook / Eric Maynor / Reggie Jackson
James Harden / Thabo Sefolosha / Lazar Hayward / Hollis Thompson
Kevin Durant / Dequan Cook/ Perry Jones
Serge Ibaka/ Nick Collison
Kendrick Perkins / Hasheem Thabeet / Daniel Orton / Cole Aldrich
To this day I don't understand playing an injured perk over collision. Idiotic. And also that extended period he had both Russ and Durant on the bench even though Russ had no foul trouble and the thunder had the lead
He said it was because Russ had a "tough stretch." IIRC, Russ just made 2 turnovers in a row. Of course as you said, we were up 11 and KD was sitting too, Harden was a no show because Trina sabotaged him and dude literally sat there and watched a lead turn into a deficit.

I also hate his refusal to change a starting lineup that has never worked and ALWAYS gives the other team double digit head starts. Then as is typical, he put the blame on them talking bout they need to get together and talk it out about the starts. He's only a good coach because the front office got incredibly lucky with the draft picks and the type of guys/players they are because he really has no redeeming qualities other than being a great motivational speaker. If he had really left her and taken the Orlando or Charlotte job, he would have been greatly exposed
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As opposed to last yr? Team has always been top heavy and then trash and the Big 3 always play 38-42 mpg. Perry Jones was an exciting addition who might contribute right away, and we'll be getting Maynor back from his ACL injury so that still leaves our depth chart as such and this is 16 players so somebody gets to spend their whole season in Tulsa (one of the centers most likely)
Russell Westbrook / Eric Maynor / Reggie Jackson
James Harden / Thabo Sefolosha / Lazar Hayward / Hollis Thompson
Kevin Durant / Dequan Cook/ Perry Jones
Serge Ibaka/ Nick Collison
Kendrick Perkins / Hasheem Thabeet / Daniel Orton / Cole Aldrich

My mistake for not clarifying..

I'm not saying this upcoming year because it is generally the same team for same contract.. I'm discussing next year when Harden & Ibaka's contracts start
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Well that's always going to be the case anyways. Obviously we're not LA or NYC here. ****** ain't gonna consistently just be magically appearing in our OKC jersey nor do we have a 200 million dollar tv deal to offset over the cap spending. So we'll just get FAs who aren't highly recruited and hopefully get lucky a few times and have someone decently useful like a Derek Fisher (although Brooks played him too much and at the wrong times) fall in our lap. So until KD and them leave, we'll be them plus guys nobody else really wanted who will have to play above their contracts (like Thabo on a 3.6mil deal) when called on.
Well that's always going to be the case anyways. Obviously we're not LA or NYC here. ****** ain't gonna consistently just be magically appearing in our OKC jersey nor do we have a 200 million dollar tv deal to offset over the cap spending. So we'll just get FAs who aren't highly recruited and hopefully get lucky a few times and have someone decently useful like a Derek Fisher (although Brooks played him too much and at the wrong times) fall in our lap. So until KD and them leave, we'll be them plus guys nobody else really wanted who will have to play above their contracts (like Thabo on a 3.6mil deal) when called on.

With free agents and draft picks you can only get lucky so many times.
so without Perkins, how are the Thunder supposed to stop BOTH Gasol and Dwight? :rofl:
Perk was never stopping Dwight and honestly you could gamble that Pau will stop himself; Collison would be enough to bother him. Dwight gonna be Dwight. Let Ibaka try his best. Only dude who had success with guarding him last year consistently was Tyson Chandler. In the past few years only other dude who was praised for guarding him well was Jason Collins. Don't forget OKC had got Perk to deal with Bynum not Dwight.
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