Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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ColdCity: Please message Zyzz and I with league details once the season opens up. Should be fun for a NT 10-12 team league.
ColdCity: Please message Zyzz and I with league details once the season opens up. Should be fun for a NT 10-12 team league.

ColdCity: Please message Zyzz and I with league details once the season opens up. Should be fun for a NT 10-12 team league.

So who's starting the competitive NT Fantasy Basketball League this year? Count me in.


Fantasy hoops? Where they do that at

I'm down to do fantasy basketball this year. Missed out last year

pm me your email info now... ill prbly start my #3 today or tomorrow
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You're in 3 leagues already? Damn

I'll PM you my email info. Down for this.

Any idea for draft time or day? Got a while yet
im just doing one NT league and one with my friends. so someone get one started with the regulars in here now and obviously we dont have to draft til way later. so we can just get it out of the way right now :lol:
Alright, guys. Like ColdCity (Commish) said, everyone send over your e-mails ASAP today. 12 teams max is fine by me if everyone else agrees. This is the first official, competitive NT Fantasy Basketball League I know of for this upcoming season.
Alright, guys. Like ColdCity (Commish) said, everyone send over your e-mails ASAP today. 12 teams max is fine by me if everyone else agrees. This is the first official, competitive NT Fantasy Basketball League I know of for this upcoming season.

yep ill do 12 teams... & champ already pm'ed me his email info... 10 more needed & ill start the actual league & make the draft a day or so before the season actually starts
7 spots left... making the league right now so bolo(be on lookout) for the invite emails

how does monday the 29th at 8pm sound for the draft???

The season starts on tuesday & i kno the draft will be empty if i do it the sunday before
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I always get mad whenever there is an autopick in the draft 
7 spots left... making the league right now so bolo(be on lookout) for the invite emails
how does monday the 29th at 8pm sound for the draft???
The season starts on tuesday & i kno the draft will be empty if i do it the sunday before
As far as I know in advance, that draft time is fine for me.

I could probably even do that Sunday evening if it happens to be better for other managers.
Nt's Finest Fantasy Basketball League

draft is 10/29 @ 8pm

all who pm'ed me you have been sent an invite ... sign up & make your team names

5 spots left......
save some spots for some of the other regulars so they dont miss out :lol:

ive never done ESPN fantasy :lol: thought it would be yahoo but its all good
Zyzz: I usually play Yahoo for Fantasy Sports as well. We could start up another Yahoo league (#2, second) in coming weeks if regulars and others are interested as the NBA season nears.
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