Official NBA Off-Season Thread. New 2012-2013 Thread Has Been Made. Please Post In There

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BK jersey got leaked for real this time based on Mcfarlane's NBA Sportpicks for the Fall.

To be fair to him, he probably didn't work out because the Cavs told him not to. He came in out of shape because he wasn't working out all throughout the draft process to prevent injury. They expected him to be out of bball shape during the summer league, he supposedly is in much better shape now.

There is no way you can swing that to be an acceptable or nromal thing for anyone to come into summer league out of shape. That is asinine.

If Anthony Davis had of went to summer league instead of play of the olympic team do you think he would have been out of shape? He obviously didn't do many workouts.
Coach Pop Q&A:
Location: Los Angeles
Question: Who are some of your favorite musical artists, and any amazing live shows you've seen come to mind?

GP: The last live show I’ve seen was Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young. And they’re still one of my favorites, you know the old stand-bys. I was a big Motown guy for a long time, being from that part of the country, and that sort of morphed into Jimmy Hendrix, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Led Zepplin, those kind of guys. And being here in Texas you can’t help but hear country music here and there. Everybody takes a different path in life and about three years ago I started listening to a Patsy Cline album and it just blew me away. I just am still amazed by her voice, and the guys and my family say “jeez, are we going to listen to that again?” So that’s the newest one, and another one: Terri Clark. Somebody gave me a CD by her, a country gal, and I love it. It’s really great. So I listen to that, and everything else is sort of foreign. It’s Egyptian, Usef, he’s an Egyptian guy, or Turkish music. That kind of thing. So pretty strange, a lot of different things.

What about any of Stephen Jackson’s?

Jack used to try to give me some of his tapes, but, first of all I couldn’t even understand what was going on, and some of them you could even dance to, but once I started hearing what they were saying and everything I just gave them back.
Joseph Kuhl
Location: Austin, TX
Question: What advice do you have for aspiring basketball coaches (other than get Tim Duncan as your centerpiece)?

GP: Buy a coat and a tie, and get a job.

What about any of Stephen Jackson’s?

Jack used to try to give me some of his tapes, but, first of all I couldn’t even understand what was going on, and some of them you could even dance to, but once I started hearing what they were saying and everything I just gave them back.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jack used to try to give me some of his tapes, but, first of all I couldn’t even understand what was going on, and some of them you could even dance to, but once I started hearing what they were saying and everything I just gave them back.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I agree about the Cavs though... They should've went after O.J. & taken Barnes in the draft. :nerd: That would've been a nice young team, especially with Kyrie's potential.
lol this video is horrible, dude who made it obviously doesn't know to much about basketball, and I agree that the refs sucked but c'mon.
not gunna front the video was obviously bt a die hard OKC fan and mia hater there were a few that i was kind of shocked about though
What about any of Stephen Jackson’s?

Jack used to try to give me some of his tapes, but, first of all I couldn’t even understand what was going on, and some of them you could even dance to, but once I started hearing what they were saying and everything I just gave them back.

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Crazy. If you can believe...the summer before that Kevin was only 6'3. He went from 6'3 to 6'8 overnight it seemed like.

UNC really dropped the ball with Durant. Him and Ty were a done deal.
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