^ They'd still be in rebuilding mode.

In my opinion, Amare would give them a brighter future than Noah + Tyrus. So what if their bench is depleted... it's still rebuilding.
Originally Posted by blackredxiiigoat

Although that Chicago trade would greatly diminish their frontline...

4/5's of their starting lineup could be

D Rose
B Gordon

Although they already have 3 of those 4 guys on the squad, adding Amare, to me at least makes that a potentially really dangerous lineup

agreed thats a nice 4
Ya'll are assuming we'd be re-signing Gordon, which after the way our negotiations went earlier, I don't think is gonna happen. So realistically,probably looking at starting lineup of


That sounds intriguing and all, but I think giving up Tyrus, Noah, Gooden, Thabo, and a first rounder is a bit much. Guess we'll see what happens though
I really want to get rid of Noah but I think the bulls are giving up a lot for Stat. Tyrus, Noah, Gooden, Thabo, and a first rounder? thats a lot for stat. Ifanything, i would ask them to take hughes......
Nothing will happen except some garbage trades paxson will pull off like he did last year. He'll chalk that excuse up to "im clearing space for2010" pshht, in all honesty the only people youll be seeing leaving their team is bosh and stat (wherever he may be at the time). Everyone else is likelystaying. The ownership and management of the Bulls organization needs to have a rihanna beat down
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

^ They'd still be in rebuilding mode.

In my opinion, Amare would give them a brighter future than Noah + Tyrus. So what if their bench is depleted... it's still rebuilding.
rebuilding eh? who are you rebuilding around? deng? ben gordon? mostly likely, amare is going to be leaving unless you can get him a ring. andtyrus is young, who knows what he can do. he may not be the offensive player amare is, but at least he isnt a liability on D. and since when do you give updraft picks in a "rebuilding mode"? thats some isiah thomas issh.
You would be rebuilding around a duo of Amare and Derrick Rose, with Luol Deng and possibly Ben Gordon. There's a possibility Amare might leave, but withLarry Hughes up in 2010, he has an incentive to stay there as well.

THAT'S who you'd be rebuilding around. Who are they really rebuilding around without the Amare deal? I don't see anything particularly special inthis Bulls' future, though I'm no GM. I personally didn't say anything about giving up draft picks either... I don't think that'd benecessary if the Bulls part with both Noah and Tyrus

You're rebuilding either way. It comes to if the team decides they'd be better rebuilding around a team that includes Amare or one that includesNoah/Tyrus - and how high the Bulls actually are on Tyrus.

Amare sucks on D but overall, I believe he impacts a team more than Noah and Tyrus ever will.
The Indiana Pacers and Charlotte Bobcats have engaged in serious discussions on a multiplayer trade centered around point guards Jamaal Tinsley and Raymond Felton, multiple sources told Tuesday.

The discussions between the teams have been ongoing for weeks, though the parameters and pieces have continually changed. If the deal comes to fruition, the sources said, it would likely include Tinsley, Jeff Foster and a third player (Brandon Rush, Stephen Graham, Marquis Daniels) going to the Bobcats for Felton, Nazr Mohammed and Sean May.

One source said there was only one team other than the Bobcats interested in Tinsley, who has been told to stay away from the Pacers since the start of training camp while Indiana tries to trade him. Tinsley has two years remaining on his contract after this season for $7.2 million and $7.5 million, making the task of moving him even more difficult for Indiana president Larry Bird. The sources who spoke to indicated the current hangups in the Bobcats-Pacers talks included:

• The Bobcats' insistence on including Mohammed in any deal, with Charlotte wanting to get rid of his remaining two years ($6.4 and $6.9) in return for assuming Tinsley's guarantee.

• How much value Charlotte would get in return for Felton, who becomes a restricted free agent July 1 (and whose asking price, the Bobcats fear, will be more than they are willing to pay.)

Three sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, described the discussions as "active," though none would go so far as to say a Tinsley-Felton deal was likely prior to the Feb. 19 NBA trade deadline.

The sources also said the Bobcats and Pacers had discussed a different version of a Felton-Tinsley deal earlier this season that included Adam Morrison and Shannon Brown, the two players the Bobcats ended up dealing to the Los Angeles Lakers last week for Vladimir Radmanovic.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

You would be rebuilding around a duo of Amare and Derrick Rose, with Luol Deng and possibly Ben Gordon. There's a possibility Amare might leave, but with Larry Hughes up in 2010, he has an incentive to stay there as well.

THAT'S who you'd be rebuilding around. Who are they really rebuilding around without the Amare deal? I don't see anything particularly special in this Bulls' future, though I'm no GM. I personally didn't say anything about giving up draft picks either... I don't think that'd be necessary if the Bulls part with both Noah and Tyrus

You're rebuilding either way. It comes to if the team decides they'd be better rebuilding around a team that includes Amare or one that includes Noah/Tyrus - and how high the Bulls actually are on Tyrus.

Amare sucks on D but overall, I believe he impacts a team more than Noah and Tyrus ever will.

QFT. Me and one of the computer tech guys was just talking about this. After what the Bulls pulled with Ben last year I seriously doubt he will want to signwith them. The only solid piece the Bulls have is DRose. Hopefully they get a deal done, but as stated before it won't happen. Everyone thought Paxsonwould make this team better and he's pretty much done nothing. DRose pretty much landed in his lap through no work of his own. Jerry places the blame onthe coaches when it's a collective effort as to why the team is continuing to fail and will unless they land a star and soon. What do I know, I'm justan average joe who wants the team to succeed
The three Texas teams are interested in VC.

I pray to whoever is above that the Rockets don't land him.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

^ They'd still be in rebuilding mode.

In my opinion, Amare would give them a brighter future than Noah + Tyrus. So what if their bench is depleted... it's still rebuilding.
What people forget to remember is that even though the suns are saying they are "trying to slash payroll," what they are really sayingis they are rebuilding! The suns have made it pretty clear that they dont want Stat around any more! Beggers cant be choosers and in this case they arepractically begging teams to take Amare. Lets get serious here Nash isnt signing with them again, shaq is just about at the end of his career, Marion alreadygone, stoudamire on his way out... That team is rebuilding! The bulls should offer them a couple of 1st rounders, Noah, gooden and thabo, if possible evengordon.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Why would the Pacers want Felton when the already have Ford and Jack?
If it means getting rid of Tinsley's contract? That's a damn good deal...

why would the rockets trade for VC? i guess another soft player wont hurt

I'm sayin...
I can't imagine that working in any way, shape, or form unless T-Mac is gone...

Something worth thinking about... The Spurs can use Robert Horry the same way the Mavs used Keith Van Horn last year, so they could very much get somethingdone if something is available for nothing but cap relief... Don't really think they have much in the way of other assets though...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Why would the Pacers want Felton when the already have Ford and Jack?
If it means getting rid of Tinsley's contract? That's a damn good deal...
If I'm trading for Felton, I think I'd want to use him, not let him rot in the rotation. That makes Ford and Jack look bad too.
how are the Suns rebuilding?? if anybody, keep Stat. He's the youngest of their core players. Build around him and J-Rich, that simple. Shaq/Nash need togo. Bring in a new PG that plays D.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Why would the Pacers want Felton when the already have Ford and Jack?
If it means getting rid of Tinsley's contract? That's a damn good deal...
If I'm trading for Felton, I think I'd want to use him, not let him rot in the rotation. That makes Ford and Jack look bad too.
Isn't Felton's contract up after this year? Just make it work for 2 months and see him off... They're better for that trade simplybecause Tinsley is off the books. I don't care what kinda log-jam it causes for the last two months of a season in which they aren't going anywhere...
The Rockets don't play much defense anymore, so my only guess is that since T-Mac is no longer a viable consistent scoring option, they'd be interestedin VC who while is soft, can still score in bunches.

Thing is though VC still has like 4 years left on his contract.

He'd be great in SA though.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Why would the Pacers want Felton when the already have Ford and Jack?
If it means getting rid of Tinsley's contract? That's a damn good deal...
If I'm trading for Felton, I think I'd want to use him, not let him rot in the rotation. That makes Ford and Jack look bad too.
Isn't Felton's contract up after this year? Just make it work for 2 months and see him off... They're better for that trade simply because Tinsley is off the books. I don't care what kinda log-jam it causes for the last two months of a season in which they aren't going anywhere...
He'll be up for a qualifying offer, but yes.. I don't know, I guess I wasn't thinking long-term.

I'm sorry to tell you this Nowitness, but apparently we rejected Kidd for Kaman/Baron.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by LVJordan238

Why would the Pacers want Felton when the already have Ford and Jack?
If it means getting rid of Tinsley's contract? That's a damn good deal...
If I'm trading for Felton, I think I'd want to use him, not let him rot in the rotation. That makes Ford and Jack look bad too.
Isn't Felton's contract up after this year? Just make it work for 2 months and see him off... They're better for that trade simply because Tinsley is off the books. I don't care what kinda log-jam it causes for the last two months of a season in which they aren't going anywhere...
He'll be up for a qualifying offer, but yes.. I don't know, I guess I wasn't thinking long-term.

I'm sorry to tell you this Nowitness, but apparently we rejected Kidd for Kaman/Baron.

I'd have done Baron for Kidd straight up...
Another terrible decision on the way from Larry Brown and Jordan. Raymond Felton is 15x better than Tinsley and is actually not a cap liability.
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