--- Official New England Patriots (6-2) vs. Indianapolis Colts (8-0) Thread --- SNF NBC 8:20 PM EST

I didn't want Indy to go undefeated anyway
Crazy break. Colts need to capitalize off this turnover if they want to have a shot at the game otherwise it might be moot.

A-Y-O what's with the photo above me?
There's the Maroney I know.

T[color= rgb(51, 51, 102)]e[/color][color= rgb(102, 102, 153)]a[/color][color= rgb(153, 153, 204)]m[/color][color= rgb(204, 204, 255)]Y[/color]a[color= rgb(204, 204, 255)]n[/color][color= rgb(153, 153, 204)]k[/color][color= rgb(102, 102, 153)]e[/color][color= rgb(51, 51, 102)]e[/color][color= rgb(0, 0, 68)]s[/color]

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