I also don't remember that cover...

Anyway, f steph. Dude is a cancer!!! You think that him being a problem for 4 GMs is just a coincidence? I say buy his +%@ out and tell him to get the hellaway from the organization...we won't get better but I bet next semesters tuition that the locker room would be better...dude is just a sourpuss forreal...negative attitude all that...we could do better than that...and with Duhon as STARTING pg I bet more money, Steph is out
Originally Posted by allen3xis

.the biggest negative I can come up with was his relationship with Isiah. Not his play on the court.
The lawsuit and his testimony.

The interviews, the stupid statements. The whole ordeal with him not traveling with the team (Isiah)

Just completely rubbed me the wrong way. And made a joke of a franchise even more so.

That clown needs to leave and never come back.

Agreed. It seemed like all Knick news last year that came up was bad. We already cut ties with one person who was part of all the negative press (Isiah) andnow it's time to get rid of another one.

And pretty much cosign everything allen says. If Marbury decides to ball out in his final year of his contract we lose, because we've seen him put upbig numbers before and it doesn't get anywhere. If he's the same old Marbury it's the same thing as last year.
I read this thread becuase despite I'm a pistons fan I feel bad for the knicks org. And me bein in NJ all I read is bout the knicks. I mean as someonestated before why even let him play the year? He's gonna push becuase its a contrzct year, win the knicks 35 games cuase they in the east and yu guys get$%%*#$ in the draft (again) and let starbury walk (for nuttIn) or just let the young guys play its a rebuildin year(s) and have a better chance at top 3 (cuaseyou need it) and who knows? Let Duhon start, maybe hell turn into a solid PG, if not? U only got 2 years of him and hell be a pretty good backup
duhon is a pretty good move i think. i'm not sure what it will reinforce, if anything, but it's a progressive move.

sticking with marbury wasn't going to get us anywhere, as has been the case the last few seasons.

he got a bit of a raw deal under thomas' reign, but if he was a true superstar he could've been able to surpass a lot of that mess. instead he seemedto sink even deeper into the stuff that had nothing to do with basketball at all.
[h1]Duhon Promised Significant Role?[/h1]
Jul 05, 2008 8:52 PM EST

Chris Duhon, who agreed to sign with the Knicks on Friday, may have been promised significant playing time by the team, according to Newsday.

New York will sign Duhon to a two-year contract worth roughly $12 million, and the deal could signal the end for Stephon Marbury with the team.

"We've been given all assurances that they're not bringing Chris here to sit on the bench," agent Kevin Bradbury said.

i want nate
Originally Posted by air max 87

I read this thread becuase despite I'm a pistons fan I feel bad for the knicks org. And me bein in NJ all I read is bout the knicks. I mean as someone stated before why even let him play the year? He's gonna push becuase its a contrzct year, win the knicks 35 games cuase they in the east and yu guys get $%%*#$ in the draft (again) and let starbury walk (for nuttIn) or just let the young guys play its a rebuildin year(s) and have a better chance at top 3 (cuase you need it) and who knows? Let Duhon start, maybe hell turn into a solid PG, if not? U only got 2 years of him and hell be a pretty good backup


They've never heard of a team called the Nets that play in their state, instead of worrying what another state's team is doing?

Also , spellcheck will do you some good man
petermans, who is that avy!! she looks hot!!

i hate to say i do not want nate to be our starting point guard, but he could play a leandro barbosa type role for us..
I think getting Duhon is part of a plan to get more lottery balls next year...
Can't think of any other reason for him to be on the Knicks...he's a smaller Mardy Collins with a better jumpshot and a bad attitude...

btw, talking about cancers, didn't duhon alienate himself from his teamates, skipping practices and refusing to go into a game bc he claimed he wasn'tplaying anyway?...i sort of remember that...always thought he was garbage, never liked him...
Felton definitely prolly would've been a better choice....can get into the paint, quick and athletic...while that's not much of Duhon's game. Butgetting Felton...we would've had to give up Lee.
Duhon isn't gonna be here as a starting PG of the future no matter what anyone says. He's a safe signing that at worst can be a decent back up point(which he has shown). At this point it's about nickels and dimes and not wins and losses.
word in the offseason thread was that duhon is getting 2 yrs, 6.5

that's what he got paid last year, and what the magic were offering

only reason he's coming to ny is cuz they offering him the starting role
Some of you guys just don't get the big picture. If we trade Marbury, then it will hurt out cap rather than help us. He is just ONE player who is making 21million but he leaves after THIS year. Why trade him for maybe TWO-THREE players whose contracts end in about THREE-FOUR years from now???

We should just let him stay or buy him out.

Buying him out wont hurt out cap, but he's contract still stays in the books and we'd have to wait till the end of the year for his contract to expire.

Buying him out is the only option at this point. Instead of playing him 21 mill we could just give him 18 and call it a career in NY.
Why are you guys complaining about Chris Duhon? He's not the point guard of the future, just for this year and maybe next year. He's a solid roleplayer who knows how to run an offense, and if we draft a young point guard next year, he could groom him into the starting role. Seems liek some of you guysjust find thigns to complain about. I mean, who did you expect us to get to play point with no cap space or barganing chips?
i am confused about knicks players' contracts.. i was wondering is mistake about players' contract??


New York
[/td] [td]2009
David Lee
Nate Robinson

Jamal Crawford
Eddy Curry (ETO)
Jerome James (P)
Stephon Marbury
Quentin Richardson (ETO)
Malik Rose
[/td] [td]2010
Renaldo Balkman
Mardy Collins

Jared Jeffries (ETO)[/td] [/tr][/table]
can someone explains to me what ETO means?
Originally Posted by d3simet

i am confused about knicks players' contracts.. i was wondering is mistake about players' contract??


New York
[/td] [td]2009
David Lee
Nate Robinson

Jamal Crawford
Eddy Curry (ETO)
Jerome James (P)
Stephon Marbury
Quentin Richardson (ETO)
Malik Rose
[/td] [td]2010
Renaldo Balkman
Mardy Collins

Jared Jeffries (ETO)[/td] [/tr][/table]
can someone explains to me what ETO means?

Early termination option. In the case of Curry, Q Rich and Jared Jeffries you could gurantee they will excerise their option and keep the money they willbe due. Thanks Ishaih

oh man.. that sucks!! i am surprised that jamal crawford is an expiring this year.. i thought he has 2 or 3 years left on his contract..
ETO- Early termination Option.

Basically means he either has a team or player option in their contracts.

As in Jared Jefferies case, he has a players player option in his contract. Same goes for Jerome James, Eddy Curry, Jamal Crawford and Quentin Richardson.Expect non of them to pick up their options and leave

Jamal might be the only one who might pick his up though.
Quick question to all my knick fans why would Lebron wanna come to a knicks teams that probably still will suck and have no talent by the time he is a freeagent? the reason i ask because being a long time fan of the team i heard tons of rumors of superstar player who were going to come to the Knicks that neveramounted to jack unless they were already passed their prime, outside of steph who was the last major talent to come to NY. I know Isiah made some moves thathampered our ability to get some of these player but even before Isiah and Layden it was the same deal. I feel our love for the team blinds people perspectiveand the assumption that the ping pong ball will eventually go our way is foolish as this year proves. Page after page people are writing the same thing butthere no plan outside get lebron and who knows if the east will still be the weaker conference by that time, teams around the Knicks are making moves to maketheir teams better. Well I guess I got to be patient and see what Walsh does these next couple of your before i go off the deep end with this team.
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