I never thought I’d say this.. but I’m team RG3 on this one..

I vividly remember cowboys vs skins game they started him while he was limping bad…he still cooked us…

That’s malpractice having him out there…

of course a player is going to say “coach I feel good enough to play”…that’s up the trainers and coaches to hold him out for his own good…

I'm not, Jay Gruden wasn't with Washington at that time ... People seem to forget that after the injury RG3 forced them to change the offense because he felt he was a good pocket passer. The Shannahans made him look good his first year because they tailored the offense to his strengths. After that he pretty much got exposed as a below average pocket passer. He has several times after the injury to prove he was good but dude was mid. He was a one year wonder and a diva
I will say that Mike was wrong for having him out there when he was clearly injured but everything after that was on Robert.
And from a selfish perspective, that is again why sirianni and co should be fired

hurts obviously had something going with his knee.. and dude might have been cleared to play, but that don’t mean you gotta keep all those designed running plays in there.. Get more creative with your offense you got dudes, otherwise you ain’t qualified for the job
forced them to change the offense because he felt he was a good pocket passer. The Shannahans made him look good his first year because they tailored the offense to his strengths. After that he pretty much got exposed as a below average pocket passer.

I disagree completely. He was absolutely a good pocket passer. ...even great. He led CFB in completion % his final year iirc. If there was any question, it was due Briles' scheme at Baylor. The coaches at Washington absolutely did him a disservice. They didn't know how to incorporate his great running ability with his ability as a passer, which is still common with coaches today, let alone 10 years ago. We've already seen how Shanny Jr. is very particular about his QB. The apple didn't fall far from the tree on that one. Kirk fit the mold of these ideals and there was obviously dissention with the higher ups about the situation. Terrible organizations do **** like that.
RG3 was dealing with pressure? That man was all about himself. He was the one that had to come back and play. Made it all about himself. Didn’t like Alfred Morris getting too much praise. He was an egomaniac narcissist.

The team could force him to sit but that almost never happens.
Both parties can be blamed…
Both parties are absolutely to blame. But RG3 going after Gruden when he was a shell of himself at that time and Kirk being the better option was, as if it was ALL on Gruden is ridiculous.
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I never thought I’d say this.. but I’m team RG3 on this one..

I vividly remember cowboys vs skins game they started him while he was limping bad…he still cooked us…

That’s malpractice having him out there…

of course a player is going to say “coach I feel good enough to play”…that’s up the trainers and coaches to hold him out for his own good…

That was his rookie season under Shanahan. He played against the Cowboys after the knee injury against Baltimore for the division title.

Gruden benched RG3 after he blamed the whole team for his terrible play in that TB loss. RG3 could do no wrong in 2012 and I’ll always appreciate him for that lone season. But after that dude was a straight clown and diva.
I disagree completely. He was absolutely a good pocket passer. ...even great. He led CFB in completion % his final year iirc. If there was any question, it was due Briles' scheme at Baylor. The coaches at Washington absolutely did him a disservice. They didn't know how to incorporate his great running ability with his ability as a passer, which is still common with coaches today, let alone 10 years ago. We've already seen how Shanny Jr. is very particular about his QB. The apple didn't fall far from the tree on that one. Kirk fit the mold of these ideals and there was obviously dissention with the higher ups about the situation. Terrible organizations do **** like that.
I usually agree with you but you're wrong here. 99% of people in the NFL are great in college but as we know the things that you're good at in college don't always translate to the NFL especially considering defenses are better and faster so you have to process things a lot faster which a lot of guys struggle with. Again The shanny's, Mike & Kyle, tailored the entire offense around his ability to run. It's disingenuous to say they didn't know how to incorporate his running and passing abilities when there literally what they did his rookie year. The problem came the following off season when Robert went public with wanting to be more of a pocket passer, I remember this vividly because the headlines at the time being that there was tension between Robert and Mike and Mike was holding him back. You have to also remember Dan was in love with Robert and Mike was in a lose-lose situation so he eventually caved and decided to go with a more traditional offense similar to what he ran with Elway in Denver but the only problem is that Robert proved to be mediocre at best from the pocket in the NFL. Fast forward a bit and Mike gets fired because Robert was darling at the time and could do no wrong so all the blame went to the coach but the same struggles in the pocket continued with the next regime. Now Gruden himself admitted that he didn't know how to fully utilize RG3 so if you want to accuse a coach of not knowing how to use him then Gruden's the guy but the Shanny's knew how to get the most of his skill set but his arrogance wouldn't allow him to see it. People have a very revisionist history when it comes to Robert and Washington and I hate how Mike is always made to be a scapegoat. Robert was very messy always throwing shots at his coaches in the media and to this day the guy never accepts any responsibility for anything.
Kirk threw for a 4900 yards and 25 TDs in the same Gruden offense that Robert talks down on and struggled in. There's no question that Kirk was the better option.
RG3 was dealing with pressure? That man was all about himself. He was the one that had to come back and play. Made it all about himself. Didn’t like Alfred Morris getting too much praise. He was an egomaniac narcissist.

The team could force him to sit but that almost never happens.

all nfl players are dealing with pressure

if you have played sports in your life you’ve dealt with outside pressure to do some shh you probably didn’t or shouldn’t have done

while I’m glad we’ve gotten better, that irrational shh still there
He want y'all to buy to hype again cowboys fans :lol:

Look. I was a HUGE RGIII fan at Baylor

RGIII never protected himself when he scrambled. Dude was a straight line runner with no wiggle.

Out of all the QBs I’ve watched in my life scramble, other than Steve Young. RGIII took the worse hits by a large margin.

Dude use to try and take a hit like he was Earl Campbell. Most of his injuries were self inflicted. Never saw buddy slide.

He was as deadly as Vick and Lamar running the ball. And was a BETTER passer than both easily. He was ready made. But again, dude was a goofy runner and like I said, for some reason he never tried to avoid contact
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Look. I was a HUGE RGIII fan at Baylor

RGIII never protected himself when he scrambled. Dude was a straight line runner with no wiggle.

Out of all the QBs I’ve watched in my life scramble, other than Steve Young. RGIII took the worse hits by a large margin.

Dude use to try and take a hit like he was Earl Campbell. Most of his injuries were self inflicted

but dude had that arm and was accurate

he wasn’t cam or wentz coming in with throwing mechanics issues.. or josh Allen with the accuracy issues.. and you had to make sure your coaches could deal with that aspect of things

the organization had the responsibility to make sure he knew the running was extra and he needed to protect himself as much as possible and be selective about his running opportunities

again, to be selfish.. as soon as hurts evolved as a passer, the offense has to adapt and that’s on the coaches and the organization
Look. I was a HUGE RGIII fan at Baylor

RGIII never protected himself when he scrambled. Dude was a straight line runner with no wiggle.

Out of all the QBs I’ve watched in my life scramble, other than Steve Young. RGIII took the worse hits by a large margin.

Dude use to try and take a hit like he was Earl Campbell. Most of his injuries were self inflicted

Thank you.. even after the injury RG3 was still more mobile than any QB in the league at the time besides Cam, Russ, and Kaep. Dude took the most unnecessary avoidable hits. Look at this play.

Even 82 has to look at Robert like

giphy (20).gif

The defender was 1 yard out of bounds and he still tried to truck him :rofl:
As far as RG3 both can be true, the organization has always been trash and he was beyond reckless. Dude tried to take on Haloti Ngata, a 6'4 330 lbs mutant.That's on RG3. He bought into his own hype too much.

It's unfortunate cuz to this day that's the most electrifying rookie I've seen. He shoulda had a great career. DC love him.
Thank you.. even after the injury RG3 was still more mobile than any QB in the league at the time besides Cam, Russ, and Kaep. Dude took the most unnecessary avoidable hits. Look at this play.

Even 82 has to look at Robert like

giphy (20).gif

The defender was 1 yard out of bounds and he still tried to truck him :rofl:

He ran head first into Jalen Mills and still didn’t get the first down :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bruh could’ve slid at the 10 or 11 but chose to run an extra 4 and got clobbered. Like whyyyyy?!?
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