So if the Jets get Kirk Cousins and go to the AFC Championship or further, who do you go with next season?

Rodgers or Kirk?
Rodgers because he would actually be under contract. Kirk you would essentially ‘rent’ for $10 million for this season.
Whatever the Jets do I hope it is after the Chiefs game. Keep Wilson as the starter for one more week, please.

Damn at the Mike Williams news. He always was good for 8 catches and 120 yards against the Chiefs.
Saleh's words about Wilson mean nothing. Look at the play calls & body language. They don't believe in him.

He can't speak about another QB until the front office brings one in.
Another L or 2 it Might just be worth it to ride out the rest of the season and draft a top QB to pair with that defense
that Mike williams news is such a buzzkill

that WR core was fun to watch when eagles weren't playing

damn injuries man
So if the Jets get Kirk Cousins and go to the AFC Championship or further, who do you go with next season?

Rodgers or Kirk?
Rodgers because you’d have to re-sign Kirk anyways. Such a remote possibility of any of that happening anyways :lol:
Let’s say you get Kirk today. How long does it take for him to understand the playbook and build timing with the WRs?
Jets were Super Bowl or bust with AR12. They either try and stay afloat to see if he can’t make it back sometime this season or they play Wilson and get a better draft pick for next year. (Assuming that AR12 can even make it back.)

Rushing him back in the first place is what's doomed their season though...

I think it’s more saving him from himself than rushing him back. The team is absolutely not rushing him back. All of this is being driven by Joe. No different than any other elite QB in the league.
Let’s say you get Kirk today. How long does it take for him to understand the playbook and build timing with the WRs?
Jets were Super Bowl or bust with AR12. They either try and stay afloat to see if he can’t make it back sometime this season or they play Wilson and get a better draft pick for next year. (Assuming that AR12 can even make it back.)

You trade for Kirk because he should be cheap and only for the year. It will take months to learn the playbook and get a rhythm with his teammates. But they have their answer on Zach, he’s been horrible. Time to move on.
You trade for Kirk because he should be cheap and only for the year. It will take months to learn the playbook and get a rhythm with his teammates. But they have their answer on Zach, he’s been horrible. Time to move on.
Take months?
Season is over then lol
Just stick with Wilson and get the pick 🤷🏽‍♂️
Let’s say you get Kirk today. How long does it take for him to understand the playbook and build timing with the WRs?

Not coming at you personally but I've seen this narrative.

Rams signed Baker Mayfield on Tuesday & he started Thursday night. If learning the playbook is what's holding you back from signing a QB, someone should have been signed the morning after Rodgers' injury so they're up to speed by now.
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